Cardiovascular dystonia is a complex of symptoms on the part of the vessels, the heart and other systems, when the autonomic system is not working properly.
The manifestations of this syndrome are diverse.There is no single opinion among doctors regarding the symptoms of the disease. Otherwise, cardiovascular dystonia is called vegetative neurosis, psycho-vegetative syndrome, neurocirculatory dystonia.
Nervous system functions
- maintaining and maintaining consistency in the bodyinternal environment (temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, sweating, respiratory rate, metabolic rate in the body);
- mobilization of body systems to adapt to the changing conditions of the external environment (mental and physical work, stress, climate change and weather).
Very often, therapists and the patients themselves are skeptical of this disease, but without competent and timely treatment, the quality of a person’s life deteriorates significantly over time.
Causes of the disease
Найти причину дистонии в действительности не так too hard. Several studies are usually performed: vascular diagnosis and cardiogram. Depending on the results, appropriate treatment is prescribed.
Additional studies, such as electrocardiography with a load on a bicycle ergometer, ultrasound of the heart, cardiointervalography. These methods allow you to exclude heart disease.
It is often found that dystonia ismanifestation of another disease. These can be depression and neurosis, diseases of the cervical vertebrae, brain injuries, diseases of the endocrine glands, allergies, gastrointestinal diseases, infection, overwork.
Symptoms of dystonia
Сердечно-сосудистая дистония проявляется скачками blood pressure, headaches, dizziness, palpitations and cardiac interruptions, fainting, sensations of a heat wave or chills, increased sweating, meteorological dependence. Patients feel weakness, fatigue, lethargy. Their hands and feet are usually cold. Body temperature ranges from 35 to 37 degrees. Often there are pain in the abdomen and digestive disorders, pain in different parts of the body with a deep sigh.
Cardiovascular dystonia requires an integrated approach to the entire body during treatment.
Dystonia treatment
Mostly used physiotherapy methods for treatment. This - therapeutic exercises and hydromassage.
First of all, you should try to avoid stressful situations and emotional breakdowns. Try to relax on time and fully.
Thus, cardiovascular dystonia is treated by regulation of the mental state, and not by medication.