Migraine is a fairly frequent "companion"any modern person. It can be caused by a variety of reasons, on which its duration, intensity and localization will depend. As a rule, most people take Citramone from a headache. But this drug only dulls the pain, but does not treat the cause of migraine.

What to drink with a headache
If you are rarely tormented by migraines, then enoughto have at home tsitramon or balm, smeared with whiskey, you quickly get rid of unpleasant sensations. Of course, tsitramon from headache is used much more often balsams, which act more slowly.
It should be noted that the headache isa symptom of a variety of diseases, so if you are regularly tormented by a migraine, be sure to take a survey. On this basis, remember that headaches should not be ignored, but you need to find their cause as soon as possible.
Causes of migraines
Headaches can be classified as follows:
Pain due to arterial hypertension.
- Migraine is psychogenic (due to stress).
- Migraine caused by:

a) side effects of drugs;
b) intoxication of bacterial and viral infections;
c) diseases of the cervical and cranial parts;
d) metabolic disorders;
e) the action of chemicals.
What will help with headaches
As already mentioned above, the cause of migraine canbe anything, so if you do not know why it started, it's advisable to take something. It is best helped by citramone from a headache, it starts to act after 20-30 minutes. But for the future, if you have frequent migraines, you need to make a diagnosis, which will make the cause of these tortures clear.
When examining a patient to whom citramone fromthe headache does not help, his age is also taken into account, since the elderly person should then check the arterial and intraocular pressure. But when examining people of working age pay attention to stress, psychogenic history and the presence of stress. Patients of any age make a general blood test and check the condition of the spine.
Citramon from headaches, as was saidabove, does not heal, but only muffles them. The very reason for the appearance of migraine remains. And this means that there is no need to hope that soon the pain will pass, but go to the examination to reveal the reason for its appearance.

To date, there are several methods of treating migraine:
- Manual therapy.
- Homeopathic preparations.
- Massotherapy.
- Healing baths.
- Physical exercises.
- Pharmacocorrection.
- Hirudotherapy.
- Osteopathy and physiotherapy.
Remember that the treatment of migraine must becomplex and appointed physician strictly individually, taking into account the sex, age of the patient and available pathologies. Revealing the cause and effective treatment allow you to get rid of painful headaches, improving the quality of life of the patient, and also preventing complications.