/ / How to treat oily seborrhea? The main causes and symptoms of the disease

How to treat oily seborrhea? The main causes and symptoms of the disease

Unfortunately, skin problems can hardly beto call it a rarity, since men and women of different ages come across them. Therefore, many are interested in information on how to determine seborrhea oily and what methods of its treatment exist today. After all, in fact, shiny skin brings to the life of its owner a lot of trouble.

Oily seborrhea and its main causes

oily seborrhea

It is known that this disease is associated with impaired normal secretion of the sebaceous glands, with the result that they release much more sebum. But what is the reason for this condition?

  • For a start it is worth noting that hereditary predisposition takes place here.
  • Very often, oily seborrhea causes hormonal disorders. That is why adolescents who are in the process of significant changes in the body most often suffer from this problem.
  • The reasons can also be attributed to the disruption of the normal functioning of the digestive tract, which affects the condition of the skin.
  • Sometimes, oily seborrhea can develop on the background of improper care.

It is worth noting that seborrhea is often complicated by various infectious diseases, since abundance of sebum is an excellent source of nutrition for pathogenic microorganisms.

Кроме того, жирная кожа головы приводит к rapid contamination of the hair, resulting in patients have to wash them much more often than necessary. In turn, frequent hygiene procedures only lead to increased activity of the sebaceous glands and thin the epidermis, which makes it more prone to fungal and bacterial diseases.

How to determine fat seborrhea? Main symptoms

seborrhea than treat

In most cases, the disease manifests itself in thoseareas of the skin where the most sebaceous glands are localized. This is the back, face, scalp and chest. It is worth noting that seborrhea is associated not only with an increase in the amount of sebum, but also with changes in its composition, which often leads to inflammation and other complications.

First, the skin appears characteristic fatshine - when viewed, you can notice the presence of enlarged pores. If we talk about seborrhea of ​​the head, then the hair begins to get fat much faster. Therefore, people with such a problem have to wash them almost every day.

Acne, redness, inflammation - thesecomplications are often accompanied by oily seborrhea. After all, sick skin is more prone to the development of various infectious diseases. There are also some systemic signs of the disease, in particular, excessive sweating and irritability, digestive problems.

Fat seborrhea: what to treat?

treatment of oily seborrhea of ​​the head

With a similar problem, you should immediately contactdoctor, because here first of all you need to determine the cause of the disease and eliminate it. For example, hormonal therapy is recommended for hormonal failures, and in the presence of a bacterial infection antibiotics are used.

In addition, proper diet is very important.Patients are prescribed vitamin complexes, as well as brewer's yeast, which improves skin condition. Treatment of oily seborrhea of ​​the head must necessarily include the proper care with the use of special medicinal cosmetics.