/ / Spice or smoking blends - what is it?

Spice or smoking blends - what is it?

If you take the leaves of any plant, dry them, andthen soak JWH-018 or another similar tool, we get a spice - a synthetic smoking agent, or kanabiyod. Spice has many formulas. He has many heads, like a dragon. Cut off one head, grows new.

smoking mixtures what is it

So spice, only reveal one formula, proveits harm will be banned, as manufacturers immediately begin production of a new one, the destructiveness of which has yet to be proved. Therefore, they are not afraid of the law, they do not hide. They will invent a new name, such as “a unique smoking mixture” or “aromatic weed”, and sell it openly on the street, using the Internet. And yet, smoking mixtures - what is it? Just a dried innocent rosette, how arrogantly do the distributors of this poison, absolutely not harming the body, not undermining the psyche? This is not hemp or hashish. Do not be fooled, believe these words. Smoking mixture - a chemical, therefore, the harm from it is a hundred times more.


Единое мнение медиков:Spice is detrimental to the human body. With the constant use of smoking mixes, a person falls into a clear relationship. How to quit smoking mixtures? Those who want to get rid of bad habits find themselves in a deep depression. You can get out of it with the help of a specialist narcologist. The body is detoxified: i.e. intravenous droppers are used as in severe poisoning, drugs that stabilize the work of the liver, kidneys, nervous system. However, in parallel, it is necessary to remove the breakage, nausea, tremors, the doctor prescribes a means of putting pressure and mood in order, soothing a headache. Undoubtedly, this procedure is quite lengthy and not cheap.

how to quit smoking mixtures

It's hard to cleanse the body of the effects thatgave smoking mixtures. That this is not an easy task, it will become clear from the following facts: after discontinuing the use of this remedy, it is still in the urine for a month, in the blood for two months, and in the nails and hair remains for years. The timing of body cleansing depends on the quality and composition of the mix, the method of its manufacture. Since these values ​​are unknown, timing judgments are only theoretical. Currently, there are simply no medications to help remove spice from the body. In case of overdose and the need for emergency cleansing of the spice, blood transfusion is used.

Unknown Enemy

Through many studies in the composition of smoking mixtures, a very dangerous component JWH-018 has been identified.

smoking mixtures how to quit
It causes cancer.But to determine the exact degree of damage to the body is not yet possible. Because online stores quietly advertise smoking mixtures, that this is just a new magical incense, they say. No one will tell you about the perniciousness of such a poison as smoking mixtures. How to quit, is it possible to give up the addiction yourself? Practice shows that this is real, but it will take tremendous efforts that can significantly change a person’s entire life. Take care of your health, do not let yourself be deceived! Clearly, the enemy of health - smoking mixtures. What it is, you now know.