/ / When you get up, it gets dark in the eyes. What does it say?

When you get up, it gets dark in the eyes. What does it say?

When you get up, darkens in the eyes?It turns out that this is one of the main symptoms of arterial hypotension. This term in medicine denotes a condition in which a person constantly lowers blood pressure. Until recently, if you complained to a doctor that you are getting dark in your eyes while getting up, he would diagnose you with vegetative-vascular dystonia. Currently, this diagnosis is considered obsolete.

when you get up gets dark in your eyes

So, on what manifestations can you diagnosearterial hypotomy. The main sign - when you get up, darkens in the eyes - we have already determined. In addition, the disease is characterized by severe dizziness and constant weakness, sensation of a veil before the eyes. The patient may complain of confusion, memory impairment. The person becomes distracted, his work capacity decreases, attention is dispelled. After every physical exertion, even the smallest, dyspnoea begins. In particularly neglected cases, the patient may even periodically faint.

sharply darkens in the eyes
Forms of the disease

It is customary to isolate primary and secondary hypotension.Primary (it is also essential and idiopathic) is considered an independent disease. In fact, this is one of the varieties of neurosis, affecting the vasomotor centers of the brain. The causes of this disease are severe stress, as well as constant mental stress and emotional trauma. The secondary form, as a rule, develops against the background of other diseases. In this regard, one can call tuberculosis, hepatitis, anemia. Lack of vitamins, regular fasting and excessive physical activity can also provoke the appearance of hypotension.

Possible reasons

What other reasons can be caused bythe fact that when you get up, it darkens in your eyes? The blame for everything can be a change of climate or a sharp change in the weather. Pressure can be lowered and under the influence of an electromagnetic field or radiation. We advise you to pay attention to your vascular tone. Think: perhaps, lately you are taking too many diuretic drugs? By the way, drug-induced vasodilation is not a rare phenomenon. If you suddenly get dark in the eyes, the reason may be drugs that reduce autonomic functions, as well as antidepressants.

darkens in the eyes when you get up

So, if you get up, it gets dark in your eyes, betterjust in case, to appear to the cardiologist. However, you can regularly measure pressure yourself. If you really have hypotension, do not panic: this disease is treatable. In order to bring health back to normal, you will need complex therapy. Try to observe the regime of the day, rest more, do not get carried away with physical exertion (for example, exhausting daily workouts in the gym replace jogs and swimming). Although light exercises do not interfere. The main thing is to normalize the load. Physiotherapy is also an excellent effect.