/ / Natural medicine: celandine and its application

Natural medicine: celandine and its application

It's amazing how perfect our nature is:it has everything you need to get rid of the most complex diseases and restore health and strength. Among the weeds that grow on the side of the road, you can find real treasures with healing power. Consider one of the representatives of such medicinal plants - celandine. And its use for medical purposes.

Grass celandine

celandine and its application

Celandine (a wart in a different way) is referred topoppy family. This is a perennial herb with a large central stem. In places of breaking, a thick juice (milk) is released, which, when oxidized in air, takes on an orange color.

Celandine (and its application) have been known sinceearly centuries. For example, in his writings, a representative of Oriental medicine, Avicenna, wrote that it is possible to prepare infusions and decoctions for the treatment of diseases of the liver, stomach, and toothaches from this herb, and the juice of a curative can return sight.

Grass is poisonous due to the presence ofthe composition of substances such as homohelidonin, protopine and other alkaloids, the number of which is over 20. In addition, there are saponins, flavonoids, carotene and organic acids (malic, chelidonic, citric and others), as well as resinous substances and vitamins.

The use of medicinal plants

celandine juice application in oncology

Celandine (and its application) are well known in traditional medicine. This medicinal plant can be used for a variety of ailments.

  • Diseases of the liver and pancreas.In this case, an aqueous infusion (5%) is used, which is made from raw materials prepared in advance (collection is carried out during the flowering period, and the plant should be dried at a temperature of about 60 ° C).
  • Skin infections, dermatitis and other diseases.Here it is recommended to use daily trays with a decoction of herbs prepared at the rate of 10 g of collection per 100 ml of boiling water. At the same time, the temperature of the infusion during the procedures should be about 37 ° C. A similar recipe can be used when dandruff appears, rubbing the decoction into the scalp.
  • Warts, papillomas, polyps and similar diseases. For their removal apply fresh extract of grass juice. It must be diluted with a small amount of glycerin and applied to the affected skin.
  • There are other cases where juice is used.celandine: application in oncology of the skin and internal organs. It is recommended to use the infusion prepared as follows: the container (0.5 l) is filled with the collection and filled with vodka, incubated for about 3 weeks. However, it is better to establish the dosage, in consultation with your doctor. You can also use the following recipe - in a thermos placed a tablespoon of plant collection and fill the container with boiling water. The infusion should be kept for about 1.5 hours, then take 2 large spoons half an hour before meals (3 times a day).
  • Stomach disorders. The treatment is carried out with the use of juice and 1 spoon before each meal, not more than 3 times a day.
    celandine acne treatment
  • Acne and other skin rashes are also good.remove celandine. The use of acne water tincture of herbs marked as the most effective tool. This tool is prepared from the dried collection (1 tbsp. L.) and water (300 ml). The mixture is boiled for about 5 minutes and left for 6 hours. After that, the solution must be filtered, and make lotions daily before bedtime.
  • Diseases of the nasopharynx, maxillary sinuses, frontalshare and inflammation of the oral cavity. Here it is better to use instilling 2 drops of fresh juice with a repeat after a while, after the tingling and other consequences disappear.

It is known that celandine and its application arethe subject of research of medical scientists who conduct experiments with extracts from the plant. If successful, a cure for severe forms of cancer will be presented. Now celandine is used in the production of various drugs.