/ / Sanatorium Sechenova, Yessentuki: reviews, photos

Sanatorium of Sechenov, Essentuki: reviews, photos

So, today we will be interested in the sanatoriumSechenov, Essentuki. This institution is a place where anyone can relax. But what features distinguish it? Is it possible to go here for a good rest and treatment? What services does this establishment offer? About all this tell numerous reviews of visitors. Just keep in mind - studying them, you can see both negative opinions and positive words addressed to the sanatorium. And often they contradict each other. This is normal. Try to evaluate all the possibilities of the organization and determine how this resort meets your requirements.

sanatorium sechenova essentuki


Sanatorium Sechenova (Essentuki) is the place whereanyone can relax and get medical care. Or rather, undergo a complete examination of the body and be cured of any ailments. The most common health resort, which so many in Russia.

But the Sechenov has been working for a long time.And he offers rest for the whole family. Few will remain indifferent after visiting this organization. It is indicated that here you can get quality care in a variety of medical areas. And while a good rest. Do not be bored! What features should pay attention in the first place?


The first step is to figure out exactly wherearrive for a holiday. Maybe you can find a similar resort closer. The area in which the sanatorium is located. Sechenov - Essentuki. But this is an incomplete address. By the way, some visitors are alarmed by the presence of several addresses of the organization. Legal and actual location differ from each other. You should not be afraid, there is no deception here.

sanatorium named Sechenov Essentuki

The legal address of the sanatorium - Russia, cityMoscow, Novy Arbat Street, 32. It is here that you need to write letters and recommendations to the management of the organization. But most of all interested in the immediate resting place. Where is it located?

In fact, the resort of Sechenov is alreadyit was said in Yessentuki. Here it is necessary to arrive on Lenin Street and find the house 25. This is the full actual address of the organization. Easy and simple. The presence of several distinct addresses of some alarming, but this is not a reason for panic. Sanatorium Sechenova (Essentuki) - a place that has been functioning for a long time. It inspires confidence among the population.


An important point is the connection with anyresort or hotel. After all, the support of communication always helps to attract customers - they will learn all the information about the rest, and then make a reservation. Sanatorium named Sechenov offers several options for maintaining a dialogue with customers.

sanatorium sechenova essentuki reviews

The first option is the official site.Here you can use the feedback form to book a room, as well as contact the administration and management of the organization. Not a good way to get information. Visitors indicate that the "feedback form" does not respond very quickly. For booking a room is the most acceptable option, but here it is desirable to communicate with the administration in a different way.

For example, via email. If you are interested in the Sechenov sanatorium (Essentuki), you can write to [email protected] to clarify all your questions.

The most popular and good method is telephone.call It is not as difficult to get through to the Sechenov sanatorium as it seems. To do this, simply dial the combination +7 (87934) 6 31 88 or (87934) 6 44 78. The operator will answer all your questions, if you wish, will make a reservation in your name. Perhaps, it is for the fast telephone connection that the sanatorium of Sechenov (Essentuki) receives mainly positive feedback.

Sanatorium named after Sechenov, Yessentuki

The services

An important role for this organization is played by such processes as the procedures performed. What kind of treatment can come to this sanatorium? It allows you to get help in the following areas:

  • musculoskeletal system;
  • surgery;
  • neurology;
  • psychology;
  • otolaryngology;
  • respiratory system;
  • gynecology;
  • proctology;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • digestive disorders and metabolism;
  • insomnia;
  • depressed.

Как видите, здесь можно получить огромное a variety of services. And it pleases many visitors. All medical examinations are carried out qualitatively, medical procedures also do not leave indifferent. After all, during them the local waters of Essentuki are used.


What to do after medical procedures?This question is asked by many vacationers. Sanatorium named Sechenov (Essentuki) pleases its customers with a variety of leisure activities. It provides a huge variety of activities.

On the territory of the sanatorium you can findcinema, which shows both domestic classics and new films. There is also a cozy library here - you can retire and enjoy some works at any time. Visitors also leave positive reviews for the fact that fans of outdoor activities, too, have not forgotten. In the sanatorium Sechenov there is a sports complex in which exercise therapy is carried out. You can also find billiards, tennis courts and even chess in the organization! Of course, the simulators were not forgotten either.

resort name Sechenov Essentuki reviews

But this is not all possible!Love to take care of yourself? Women, resting in the sanatorium of Sechenov, indicate that there is a real beauty salon along with a hairdresser! All kinds of services that can only meet. It pleases - even girls will have something to do.

For children there are special games.playgrounds. Plus cultural leisure here also takes place - various concerts, quizzes and even excursions are organized. Sanatorium named after Sechenov (Yessentuki) gets positive reviews for organizing leisure activities - you can find something for everyone.


What can we say about the situation in ourtoday's institution? Only the fact that the resort Sechenov (Essentuki) a few years ago did not receive the best reviews in this area. It was indicated that the repair in this organization has not been for a long time. But just recently the situation was corrected.

Теперь обстановка в номерах и медицинских cabinets pleases. The furniture has been updated, redecoration has been done, there is everything necessary for living and treatment. Some equipment, however, is old, but this is not such a big problem.

The situation in the sanatorium resembles the Soviettime. There is no modern chic, but it does not repel, but rather attracts visitors. You can feel calm and comfortable in the proposed setting.


It is important to know how much a vacation will cost.Sanatorium Sechenov. Should I pay attention to him? Or is it better to find a less expensive establishment? Visitors indicate that the resort Sechenova - not the cheapest place. Rest (ticket for 21 days) will cost you about 55-60 thousand rubles. Much depends on exactly when you plan to rest. But on average, this amount goes.

Essentuki Resort Sechenov photo

It is for the cost of rest that the sanatorium is oftenSechenov earns negative reviews. It is indicated that the treatment here could be cheaper. However, this is not a reason to refuse the services of the organization - they will provide you at the highest level.


Питание в санатории тоже играет свою роль.In our case, there are no special complaints on this score. The thing is that in the sanatorium Sechenova provides 15 different diets. They are prescribed by a dietitian. The dishes are all healthy and tasty. There is no great variety, as in a restaurant, but the food offered is not limited to simple cereals every day.

Feed in the sanatorium you will be 3 times.This service is already included in the price. You can be sure that the proposed dishes will not cause any harm to your health! Want to have a good rest? At your service - Yessentuki, the resort of Sechenov (photos are presented). You will not regret going here!