Ancient Chinese massage has not lost its gouacherelevance to this day. Moreover, in China it is included in the system of a healthy lifestyle as an element promoting active longevity. Medical centers in different countries, having thoroughly studied Chinese massage of gouache, willingly master it as a therapeutic and prophylactic procedure.
Название массажа происходит от двух слов:“Gua” - scrape in one direction, “sha” - bad. The whole process is performed using an oval or horn-shaped scraper. Scrapers made of jade and buffalo horns are suitable for the face. For the body, besides them, use scrapers made of tortoiseshell, copper coins, porcelain spoons and combs of silver.
Massage technique provides three typesImpacts: fast with strong pressure, slow with weak pressure and slow with strong pressure. A special blend of safflower and sesame oils is applied to the skin. This mixture has high moisturizing and anti-toxic properties. In addition, it leaves no greasy and sticky marks on the body.
Massage gouache is characterized by peculiarmanifestations on the skin. At first, the massaged areas redden strongly and it is possible that a burning sensation will occur. Then, in those places where the pathological process is localized, dark spots, almost black, appear. That is how the process “waste”, containing a significant amount of lactic acid, is collected. When running processes in places of hemorrhage can appear pain, which disappears immediately after the cessation of exposure. During the massage it is necessary to get rid of toxins in time. To this end, the massed areas of the body are cleaned and rubbed.
The procedure takes about 20 minutes. Each subsequent session should be carried out immediately after the resorption of hematomas from the previous massage, i.e. 1-2 times a week.
Gouache massage is a powerful physical effect.on the body. It is not surprising that immediately after it the patient experiences severe fatigue, the need for rest and thirst. On this day, it is recommended to drink 1.5-2 liters of warm water. This will contribute not only to the restoration of the water balance of the body, but also to the rapid elimination of toxins.
Лечебный процесс, чаще всего, происходит через exacerbation of the disease. In Chinese medicine, this is considered a good indicator of healing. By the end of the course, the patient's condition improves and a lasting therapeutic effect sets in, which, preferably, is supported by an annual massage. The recommended number of treatment sessions is 10-20.
Massage of gouache has a strong therapeutic effect due to the removal of stagnation and inflammatory processes, increasing blood flow and lymph flow, improving the drainage functions of organs.
Специалисты рекомендуют его при остеохондрозе, cholecystitis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system and small pelvis. Neurologists have noted in patients who have undergone a course of massage, relieving anxiety symptoms, improving sleep and appetite.
The perfect combination of ease of implementation and efficiency is promoted by gouache massage. Reviews of patients cured from acute and chronic diseases, speak about the power of the ancient Chinese procedure.
Contraindications are: infectious and allergic skin diseases, skin injuries, pregnancy, high blood pressure at the time of the procedure, reduced kidney function.