/ / Eye conjunctivitis ointment for children and adults

Eye ointment for conjunctivitis for children and adults

Each form of conjunctivitis is required correctly.diagnostics and well-chosen treatment regimen. To get rid of the disease, you need to carry out symptomatic treatment in parallel with the elimination of the underlying cause of the disease.

What will be the treatment?

Eye ointment is most commonly prescribed for treatment.conjunctivitis, due to which you can get rid of the main manifestations of the disease. Selected drugs should be of high quality and effective, thanks to them, getting rid of conjunctivitis will be quick and successful.

conjunctivitis antibiotic eye cream

Types of the disease

The most frequent manifestations of conjunctivitis include:frequent tearing, redness in the eyes, itching, burning, soreness, separation of purulent secretions. Depending on the reasons that caused the disease, we can distinguish the following types:

1. Disease of bacterial origin.

2. Allergic reaction to irritants.

3. Viral conjunctivitis.

4. Contact conjunctivitis.

The choice of ointment

To get rid of bacterial ailmentgenesis, it is recommended eye ointment from conjunctivitis, the main active ingredient of which is furatsilin. Thanks to this drug, bacteria can be removed from the body, infectious agents. Suitable for treatment at any age. Instead of furatsilinovoy you can apply "Tobreks" or "Tobradex", erythromycin or tetracycline ointment. They all have a similar mechanism of action.

Tetracycline ophthalmic ointment for conjunctivitis is prescribed by doctors very often.

If conjunctivitis is diagnosed viralorigin, most often prescribed for the treatment of drops "Albucid". Such a tool is necessary to drip the conjunctival sac of both eyes. Then, half an hour after the manipulations, it is necessary to carefully treat the organs with Korneregel. This treatment algorithm is most effective for eliminating the viral form of the disease.

Если заболевание развилось под влиянием allergen, most often appointed eye ointment from conjunctivitis "Tobradex" ("Tobreks"). But it is necessary to take into account contraindications (period of carrying a child). For the treatment of allergic forms, Corineff ointment is also recommended, especially if the inflammatory process is acute and its symptoms are intensely expressed.

Features of the use of ointments

"Korneregel" has a transparent color, thickconsistency. It contains active elements - pantothenic substances, which affect only the damaged surfaces, without affecting the deep layers of tissues. As a result, the drug does not penetrate the mucous, but for a long time is in the lesion. Thanks to the drug, you can quickly get rid of the symptoms of the disease.

 conjunctivitis antibiotic eye cream

Эритромициновая глазная мазь от конъюнктивита – it is a thick homogeneous white substance. This is a bacteriostatic antibacterial drug. It is used as an antimicrobial agent to get rid of various forms of diseases of the organs of vision, given the various types of conjunctivitis. A key positive aspect of this tool is that it is allowed for use even in infants. It has an antibacterial effect. The objective of the drug is to inhibit the development and reproduction of the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

tetracycline eye ointment for conjunctivitis
Tetracycline ophthalmic ointment for children withconjunctivitis is not the best remedy, especially if the child is younger than eight years old. This is a dense mass of a uniform thick consistency of white color. When processing the thin layer is applied to the lesions. This is an effective remedy for the treatment of various ophthalmic problems. It is used to get rid of conjunctivitis of bacterial genesis. The composition contains antibacterial active elements. Tetracycline itself is an antibiotic. With systematic topical application it is practically not absorbed into the tissues and mucous membranes, therefore it is relatively safe. However, sometimes it causes allergic reactions - redness, swelling.

The medicine "Tobreks" is an eye ointment.When conjunctivitis in adults is used quite often. Contains antibacterial elements. The spectrum of action of the drug is wide, it determines its effectiveness for the elimination of many diseases, including conjunctivitis of bacterial origin. Since this drug is safe, if necessary, it is prescribed even for the treatment of one-year-old children.

tetracycline ophthalmic ointment for conjunctivitis

Less popular means

Another antibiotic eye ointment fromconjunctivitis - "Kolbition". This is a combined drug that has an antibacterial effect. The structure includes such active elements as tetracycline, chloramphenicol and others. With the help of such active substances, this drug effectively eliminates conjunctivitis of various origins, including combating the symptoms of advanced forms of the disease. The main contraindications to the use of the drug is the child age (under eight years) and the period of carrying the child.

Ointment "Eubetal".This is a combination drug that contains active antibacterial substances that have a wide range of effects on pathogens of various diseases of the organs of vision. It has anti-allergic, anti-bacterial effect, eliminates inflammatory and infectious processes.

No matter what medicine is chosenfor therapy, it must be remembered that all doses and regimens should be prescribed only by a doctor, since there may be contraindications. In addition, it is necessary to establish the diagnosis accurately, which can only be done by a qualified specialist.

conjunctivitis eye ointment in adults

Basic recommendations on the choice of drugs

For the treatment of children most often prescribed ointment"Floksal". Its form of release can also be drops. This drug is effective in the treatment of various inflammatory processes that develop on the mucous membranes of the organs of vision. But when prescribing this drug, children are recommended to strictly follow all medical recommendations and instructions to it, since dosages for different age groups may vary. The general condition and symptoms are also taken into account.

For the treatment of adults, tetracycline ophthalmic ointment for conjunctivitis is most often prescribed. Reviews confirm this. All drugs are selected based on the symptoms and degree of neglect of the disease.

Features of use

Important for fast and successfulRecovery is the proper application of ointments. Apply the medicine for the lower eyelid, carefully. If the mucosa is irritated, the eyes are washed and the preparation is applied again.

conjunctivitis eye ointment

If the treatment is correct, all are respected.medical prescriptions, you can eliminate the disease in a short time. But it is important to consult an ophthalmologist, since only a doctor can make a diagnosis, determine the nature of the origin of the disease and prescribe the correct scheme of therapeutic measures for both the child and the adult. It is not recommended to self-medicate in order not to aggravate the course of the disease.