/ / "Kolo-Vada": reviews of doctors, instructions, indications for use

"Kolo-Vada": reviews of doctors, instructions, indications for use

Judging by the reviews, “Kolo-Vada” is a healingdrug with a mixed reputation. Created not so long ago by the Coral Club company, he already managed not only to win the people's trust, but also to receive a lot of criticism in his address. This relatively new dietary supplement is designed to clean the body, removing slag and toxins from it. Positive and negative reviews about Kolo-Vada attract the attention of every person who is not indifferent to his or her health. But still, before buying a product that has a dubious reputation (as well as other products of the Coral Club line), you should seriously think about the rationality of money spending, which may not be able to lead to the desired result.

kolo vada plus reviews

What is this tool, what is its feature

Если брать за основу утверждения сотрудников Coral Club, the Kolo-Vada Plus program is a unique tool for delicate cleansing of the body at home. With the help of the drug, you can not only get rid of toxins, harmful toxic substances, but also strengthen the immune system, increase the body's resistance to various diseases and improve their well-being.

In the instructions for "Kolo-Vade Plus" (reviews of peoplehaving tried the remedy on themselves, this is confirmed) its vegetative composition is described in detail. The manufacturer pays special attention to the absence of synthetic additives among the drug components.

kolo vada doctor reviews

What to expect from dietary supplements

The program "Kolo-Vada Plus" has a complex complex effect on the body:

  • clears intestines of slags, fecal stones;
  • restores the work of the enzyme system;
  • helps, without the slightest discomfort, to adapt to the scheme of a healthy balanced diet.

But that's not all.Sales representatives of the company say that the herbal remedy is not intended for direct weight loss, but at the same time weight loss occurs by itself. According to their reviews, "Kolo-Vada" eliminates those extra pounds by cleansing the intestines and following an uncomplicated diet.

Sounds smooth and encouraging. But if you look in more detail, referring again to the instructions of the drug, there is nothing supernatural about it. BAA contains:

  • medicinal herbs with a laxative property;
  • prebiotics;
  • vitamins and minerals.

Who is suitable for the drug

Thus, Kolo-Vada produces partialdetoxification of the body, leading to normal metabolic processes and restoring the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract. The instructions to the tool marked numerous indications for its use. The manufacturer recommends using "Colo-Vadu Plus" for such diseases and problems as:

  • allergy;
  • food poisoning;
  • dermatitis and neurodermatitis;
  • diseases of the abdominal cavity, accompanied by inflammation;
  • colitis and ulcers;
  • cancers of the gastrointestinal tract.

In their reviews of “Colo-Wade Plus” someBuyers noted that the drug's promise to prevent natural aging processes prompted them to purchase dietary supplements. These marketing tricks are conducted mainly by the fair sex. By the way, many of them left reviews, describing their disappointment in buying the drug.

kolo vada reviews

How to take

The manufacturer notes that it is possible to achieve the stated result only if you strictly follow the instructions that tell about the three stages of drug treatment:

  1. First stage. Its duration is one week. During this time, taking dietary supplements will allow you to cleanse the body and prepare it for further activities.
  2. Second phase. This period lasts only four days. During this time, according to the official version of the manufacturer, the activity of the enzymatic system is being improved.
  3. The third stage. There is a formation of the habit of eating properly, eating only healthy food.

Opinion of specialists

Put an end to and dispel doubts aboutthe ineffectiveness of this drug will help reviews of doctors. “Kolo-Vada” is a compound with unproven efficacy, which has not undergone any clinical trials, and therefore the effect of this drug on the human body has not been fully studied. Most experts recommend to refrain from buying and using this bioactive supplement.

kolo vada plus instruction reviews

Doctors in their reviews about “Kolo-Vada” repeatedlythey turn to official medicine: no toxins and slags are able to accumulate in the human body. So, the Coral Club company offers treatment for a non-existent disease, enriching itself on the trust of naive patients.