/ / Scratching teeth in a dream: reasons

Scratching teeth in a dream: causes

Bruxism, the phenomenon of Carolini, odonerizm - namelyunder such scientific terms lies the pathology, which many people often face. The unconscious squeaking of teeth often appears sporadically and lasts for a short period of time, without causing significant harm to the health. When bruxism acquires a permanent character, which gives a lot of problems, you need to think about its treatment.

creaking with teeth

In the article, we will also consider the main causes of creaking with teeth.

The border between simple dental scraping and bruxism

To distinguish between the disease and an unpleasant syndrome, you need to make a lot of work.

Самым распространенным способом клинической Diagnosis of pathology becomes electromyography or EMG, that is registration of electrical activity of oral muscles by means of special sensors. But before you go to the examination, you need to pay attention to those signals that the body sends.

A specific feature of bruxism is the creaking of teethand in the daytime, and at night, and completely unconscious. And if in the daytime the problem can be seen easily, then at night these sounds are heard mostly close and native.


What symptoms can become evidence of a squeak of teeth in a dream.

  • Transformation of the size and shape of the crown area of ​​the teeth: they appear uneven, characteristic and shortening, which is caused by stasction.
  • Migraines, tinnitus, neck pain and jaw clicks are not obvious symptoms of adults' dental creak in a dream.
  • Appearance on the mucosa of the inner surface of the cheeks of painful sores due to frequent biting.
  • In the mornings - a sense of shabbyness.
    scratching his teeth in a dream

Danger of a tooth rasp in a dream

Scrape teeth in a dream in adults, when a person does notis able to get rid of it for a long time, can cause many problems. First, the enamel is erased, which leads to the appearance of excessive sensitivity and the formation of caries.

If the case is too heavy, then the dental scrape inday and night time can last for many years. People who are prone to bruxism can grind their teeth almost to the root. The period of service of all orthopedic structures decreases in this case several times. At the same time, abnormal tooth mobility, gingival recession, clicks during swallowing appear. Scratching teeth in a dream in people is also caused by excessive tension of the tissues near the jaw, joints and muscles, respectively, they can not avoid pain. All this becomes the cause of apnea at night - a fairly serious syndrome.

Supplement of all listed pathologies withregular dental creaking is the possibility of harm to human mental health. Bruxism is a symptom of a patient's inability to cope with stressful situations, relax and relax. That is why the disease very quickly tires the person and can even lead to depressive disorders.

Because of what does an adult gnash his teeth in a dream?

Often squeaking teeth can become an ordinary habit, for example, due to the constant chewing of the tip of the pencil.

creaking teeth in a dream cause in adults

The cause of bruxism is predominantlystress. On a stressful situation, a person gives a natural reaction - strongly clenching the jaws. Clenching teeth, a person thus reacts to a strong overexcitation of his body, caused by stressful situations, which are associated with high brain activity, alcohol consumption, amphetamine, caffeine, nicotine and other substances. But a constant and uncontrolled squeaking of teeth testifies to the impossibility of fighting against nervous tension.

Gnashing of teeth in the daytime and at night is also a consequence of numerous dentoalveolar pathologies: lack of teeth, malocclusion or the presence of a supercomplex.

The addiction to bruxism is present in people with Parkinson's and Huntington's diseases.

Another reason for the creaking of teeth in a dream can hide in one of the types of insomnia, which is characterized by superficial sensible sleep and too frequent awakenings of a person.

Grinding of teeth and worms

Until now, the popularity of the myth ofinterrelation between gnashing of teeth and presence of worms in the body. Especially in the case when talking about creaking teeth in children. The false impression is based on the fact that in the presence of parasites in the intestine the child makes chewing movements of an involuntary nature, caused by excessive separation of saliva. But such signs have nothing to do with bruxism. In reality, the causes of creaking with teeth in a dream in children and adults, as well as gnashing during wakefulness, are not connected in any way with the presence of worms in the body.

Therapy of bruxism

How the scrip is treated with teeth in a dreamadults? What to do in this case? First of all, such a pathology is a problem, all the symptoms of which can be minimized by conscious effort. Thus, if a person notices a habit of dental scraping, one must:

causes of creaking with teeth
  • Minimize all stressors.
  • To learn relaxing techniques and auto-training - listen to sleep music for relaxation and take a periodic aromatic bath.
  • Before falling asleep, it is recommended to load your chewing muscles - properly chew carrots, an apple or something like that.
  • Before going to bed, you can apply a warm compress to the cheeks, which will help to relax.
  • If possible, learn to control yourself during the day - relax the muscles as soon as the first stress signals appear.
  • At the beginning of development of defects of an occlusion it is necessary to go at once to stomatology.
  • To solve psychological problems, it is advisable to seek psychological counseling. Of course, before this, it is necessary to identify the causes of creaking with teeth in a dream in adults and children.

Assistant Professor of Dentistry at Mount Sinai School of MedicineNew York University, E.S. Kaplan advises to solve the problem of keeping the teeth and mouth during the day in a rest position, closing the lips together and keeping the teeth apart. In this case, they should touch only during chewing food.

Elimination of dental problems

Для того чтобы не скрипеть во сне зубами, нужно eliminate all problems of the dental sector. The most effective at present are the therapy of bruxism through the use of bioplastic night cap. To this end, they put on their teeth, which protects against abrasion and bruxism. With bruxism the cap is made on an individual impression, the material is transparent. Designs are both single-jaw and double-jawed. Kapa is almost invisible during wearing. With a fit of tooth grinding she takes all the pressure on herself. But kapa does not allow to get rid of pathology, only minimizes harmful consequences.

squeaky teeth in adults

Thanks to the nightcap used by adults, you can:

  • get rid of dental creaking at night;
  • protect the teeth from their abrasion;
  • protect teeth from displacement;
  • prevent fractures of various orthopedic structures;
  • reduce the stress exerted on the maxillofacial system.

Elimination of muscle hypertonia

If the symptomatology of dental screeching at nightit is possible to go to the maxillofacial surgeon to eliminate muscle hypertonia. In some cases, if you need to get rid of bruxism, you must first install a muscle relaxant cap, that is, a special tire that relaxes the muscles for up to two weeks. A number of patients are assisted by mechanical devices that are used to treat snoring.

With the progression of the disease in the mostserious cases are prescribed injections of drugs, relaxing chewing muscles (especially popular are botox injections). Additional medication for gnashing teeth at night is calcium, magnesium, B vitamins.

Despite the fact that at the very beginning of bruxismit seems safe, it necessarily requires the earliest possible therapy, since in the future it can inflict serious damage on the body, which requires serious investments of financial resources. Thus, we examined the causes of creaking with teeth in a dream in adults.

creaking teeth in a dream in adults

How can you cure bruxism with the help of folk remedies?

The most common cause of the appearance of pathologyare the tension of the nervous system and the stresses that the body is not able to cope with. The number one task in the treatment of bruxism with the help of folk remedies is relaxation. For this, herbal decoctions may be suitable, for example, on valerian, chamomile, massages and relaxing baths, reading of easy pleasant literature, walking before going to bed in the fresh air. Jaws can be relaxed with a warm towel, which is applied to the cheeks. But you can not neglect the help of professionals. As a rule, dental clinics have everything you need to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Specialists will prescribe a comprehensive treatment that will allow you to get rid of the creaking of your teeth.

creaking teeth in children

Prevention of this pathology

To achieve relaxation, you need to reducethe amount of simple carbohydrates in your diet. In the menu, you should add nuts, vegetables and fruits. It is also recommended to engage in light physical exercises that will relieve the patient's body of fatigue and will allow to receive endorphins - hormones of joy.

Tooth scraping, or bruxism, is not easyA habit that irritates a person, but also an indicator that indicates problems with health. Turning in time for dental care, you can not only save your smile from an aesthetic point of view, but also improve your overall well-being.

The article presented the main causes of teeth squeal in adults and children.