/ / Cheapest cigarettes in Moscow: a review of prices. Cheap electronic cigarettes

The cheapest cigarettes in Moscow: a review of prices. Cheap electronic cigarettes

In 2015, prices for any product in Russiasignificantly increased. In particular, this applies to tobacco products. Because of the crisis and the unfavorable situation in the country, Russians are switching to cheaper cigarettes. Many even try to quit smoking, but not all get it.

Is there any difference which cigarettes to smoke?

Strangely enough, but for health at allit is important that you will smoke cheap cigarettes or expensive. Moreover, tobacco products with different flavors are much more expensive, and these additives have a harmful effect on the human body. They contain a very real poison, which can lead to the formation of a variety of consequences. Therefore, it is better to use cigarettes for smoking, even the cheapest cigarettes.

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Features of cheap cigarettes

It is interesting that there are many brands of cheap cigarettes.And because of this they are in high demand from a Russian smoker. Also worth noting that good imported cigarettes are several times more expensive than domestic tobacco products. As a rule, on the packs of cigarettes they write different inscriptions: "Smoking kills", "Cigarettes are poison", etc. But this does not stop smokers at all. It is also worth adding that the cheapest cigarettes are usually fakes. Many smokers say they are too caustic.

Brand of cheap cigarettes

On the territory of the Russian Federation in the manufacture of cigaretteslow-grade varieties of tobacco are used, which leads to the fact that they have not very good quality. Consider what kind of cheap cigarettes are sold in Russia. By the way, they can be divided into several groups:

  • The first consists of grassy products of lowquality. These include the red Moret. After smoking such cigarettes, an unpleasant aftertaste remains in the mouth. Although many smokers claim that this is a worthy brand.
  • The second group includes sugary cigaretteswith a sweetish taste. For example, this is the "Parliament". In principle, a pack of such cigarettes is much more expensive than others. Many smokers criticize them because of their too sweet taste. Even greater sugary taste is possessed by products of the brand "Captain Black". From them many have a feeling of nausea.
  • The third group includes products that are inexpensive, but their quality is more or less normal. This is "LM" and the red "Marlboro".
    cheap cigarettes in moscow

Imported goods

Many smokers prefer to smoke importedproducts. Moreover, these are not those that are imported from the European Union. The choice of the consumer is cheap cigarettes, brought from Moldova. The most popular brand is Doina. Cigarettes differ with sufficient sophistication. In addition, they have an interesting appearance. The taste characteristics of the "Doina" also deserve attention. Many consumers note this. But a pack of such cigarettes is very cheap: about 30 rubles.

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Electronic cigarettes as an alternative

Many smokers dream of getting rid of thisbad habit. But this is not so easy as it seems at first glance. There are many ways to try to achieve your goal: you can eat all day long with cravings for tobacco sweets, use special plasters. But it is unlikely that this will lead to positive results. It is better to buy cheap electronic cigarettes, through which you can gradually wean your body from ordinary cigarettes. To buy such a device is easy in many stores. As a rule, it is inexpensive. But many are interested in the question of how harmful such devices are?

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Statistics and opinions

At the moment, there is already evidence ofthe fact that electronic cigarettes are much safer than conventional tobacco products. They do not burn, they do not emit tar, because of which the lungs suffer. Of course, it is also not recommended to use them constantly. After all, there is as yet no data on the harm that passive smoking of electronic cigarettes exerts. However, with the help of such a device it is possible to effectively combat the bad habit. Also, experts say that expensive or cheap electronic cigarettes do not cause dependence. So, their use will not cause a craving for the usual. All people should know that the use of nicotine can lead to a malformed brain. And some liquids used in electronic cigarettes can contain it. Therefore, if a person smokes, and struggles with all his strength, wishing to quit this habit, it is better to buy cheap cigarettes in Moscow without the content of nicotine. Even the liquid used in electronic products should not contain it.

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If you have never smoked, it is not even worth itstart using electronic cigarettes. Even if you already feel craving for nicotine, then it's better to fight this bad habit, using special patches and chewing gums, created specifically for this. After all, the benefits of electronic cigarettes can not be.

With or without nicotine

If you quit smoking, get rid of nicotinedependence, then smoking electronic cigarettes filled with nicotine fluid, in any case impossible. This can lead to a return to old habits. Usually, the package indicates how much nicotine is contained in the liquid. By the way, cigarettes with a lower nicotine content are not only less harmful, but also are much cheaper. Smoking e-cigarette resembles the usual, but it is less harmful. Therefore, many prefer it to her, forgetting about nicotine gums and plasters. Absence of nicotine is supplemented by the addition of menthol or alcohol. Therefore, do not look for a cigarette, which includes nicotine. Only with the help of these cigarettes can you really quit smoking. After all, if the electronic cigarette contains nicotine, then it almost does not differ from ordinary tobacco products.


Many smokers are looking for cheap cigarettes in Moscow,forgetting that they can cause irreparable harm to the body. Of course, expensive tobacco products are also harmful, but their manufacturer firm is at least verified, so if there are any complications due to cigarettes, it will be possible to apply to the court. Almost all cheap cigarettes have already been listed above, the price of which varies between 30 and 50 rubles. They become the choice of most consumers, because because of the crisis people can not afford more expensive products, inexpensive and electronic ones. Consider the cheapest cigarettes, the price of which will not hit the average Russian citizen's pocket:

  • The Luxlite device, which costs only 185rubles. In the box sold as many as 5 products. And this is about 900 puffs. With the help of such devices, you can completely replace conventional cigarettes. One packet lasts about a week;
  • E-Health Cigarette Green looks like an ordinary cigarette. It costs up to 900 rubles. It has 6 replaceable cartridges. Has a battery charger;
  • ETab USB costs about 500 rubles, has only one rechargeable cartridge. But the device is charged via USB.
    cheapest price cigarettes

Thus, electronic cigarettes are morea cost-effective and cheap alternative to conventional tobacco products. However, you need to correctly approach her choice. After all, if it includes the same nicotine, then it can also cause harm to health. But the device is inexpensive, so everyone has the opportunity to afford it.