Thrush is one of the most commondiseases in women. The causative agent is Candida fungus. There is an opinion that it is transmitted only through sexual contact. But this is not true. The cause of the disease may be weak immunity, stress, malnutrition, use of antibiotics and much more.
Symptoms of thrush
Thrush after taking antibiotics has the same symptoms as other causes of this disease. Namely:
- curdous discharge in the form of clots;
- itching of the genitals;
- on the areas affected by the fungus, cracks may appear;
- pain and scratching of damaged skin.
Antibiotics as the cause of thrush
Thrush after antibiotics - one of the mostcommon variants of the disease. But a small dose of drugs can not provoke candidiasis. It arises from the misuse of antibiotics or their overdose. This disrupts the internal processes in the body.

Self-treatment of candidiasis (thrush)
After taking medication oftencomplications are observed. Symptoms of the disease may indicate that there was a thrush after antibiotics. Treatment in this case must be coordinated with a gynecologist or urologist, since candidiasis has similar signs with some other diseases. And if the diagnosis is incorrect, then self-treatment will only hurt. For example, women instead of thrush can be diagnosed with "vulvitis," "vaginitis," and so on.
Treatment of thrush caused by antibiotics
Quite often there is a thrush after reception of antibiotics. Treatment should be carried out simultaneously in several directions:
- Restoration of the affected bowel and itsmicroflora. To do this, you need to consume more foods containing probiotic bacteria: yoghurt, kefir, acidophilus milk, cheese and non-yeast bread. In addition, you should exclude salty, spicy and sweet food, as well as yeast dough.
- Support of microflora. In food you need to eat asparagus, oatmeal, bananas, legumes and honey.
- Treatment of fungal areas withdouching and rinsing. For genitals it is recommended to use special trays with solutions of chamomile, soda, household and tar soap, glycerin, potassium permanganate or iodine.
- Use of local antifungal agents.
- Strengthening of immunity with the help of mineral and vitamin complexes.
- Reception of medicinal antifungal drugs.
Can I treat thrush at home?
Often, as a result of a protracted illness,thrush after antibiotics. Treatment is usually done at home. But the doctor should prescribe the diagnosis, as well as prescribe the treatment. For today in any drugstore many preparations for elimination of symptoms of a candidiasis are on sale. Some are released even without a prescription. For local treatment, you can buy funds containing miconazole, natamycin, nystatin and other active substances. These include:
- Clotrimazole.
- "Antifungal".
- "Kanesten".
- "Ginezol".
- "Pimafucin".
- «Polizhinaks».
- "Livarol."
- "Nizoral."
- "Oronazol" and others.
All these drugs can stop the reproduction of Candida fungi.

Medications for oral administration
If the symptoms of thrush are strongly pronounced andthe disease progresses, then medications are prescribed for internal use. They are very quickly absorbed into the blood, which delivers them to the infected areas. The most effective drugs, which are based on fluconazole:
- Medoflucon.
- Forkan.
- Diflucan.
- "Mikkost" and others.
There is also an alternative option - this is medicine,which are based on itraconazole. For example, Orungal. If the emerging thrush after antibiotics has an easy form, then enough 150 grams of the drug. The medicine is taken only once. With a more severe form of candidiasis, the doctor sometimes prescribes a course of treatment lasting up to a week.
What to do if there was a thrush after takingantibiotics? Treatment should be done not only regarding candidiasis. With thrush, the intestine also suffers. His activity is also violated after taking antibiotics. Therefore, you need to take medication to eliminate dysbiosis. Analyzes for its presence can not be done. It is enough to take medications "Bifidumbacterin", "Lactumbacterin" or "Hilak Forte". They contain lactose, fatty, lactic and amino acids such medicines as "Bifidok", "Bifilife", etc.

How to treat thrush at home
It must be remembered that any disease is treatedshould a doctor. Self-administration may be hazardous to health. Thrush after antibiotics is not a rare phenomenon. If you are sure that this is not another disease, you can buy at the pharmacy funds that do not require recipes. Effective in the treatment of candidiasis, such drugs as "Clotrimazole", "Pimafucin", "Livarol" and "Polizhinaks." Means can be purchased in the form of creams or candles.
If thrush after antibiotics progresses,then to the listed drugs you need to add pills that have an antifungal effect. At the same time, it is recommended to consume more fermented milk products. Chronic candidiasis or its severe form of leaking should be treated strictly under the supervision of a doctor.
How to treat thrush in children?
Thrush in a child after antibiotics occursin the genital area. The disease is accompanied by a violation of the gastrointestinal tract. The treatment is aimed at destroying the Candida fungus and restoring the natural microflora. In general, when treating thrush, doctors prescribe for children such drugs as Lineks, Bifidumbacterin and Bifiform.

For local therapy, Candide is used,"Nystatin" and "Pimafucin", as well as 2% solutions of tannin and soda. Be sure to follow the diet. Sweet, sharp and salty foods are excluded from the child's diet. The pediatrician usually makes an individual diet for each patient. Medicines are prescribed on the basis of severe symptoms of thrush and the age of the child. The duration of medication is determined by the doctor.