/ / Estrogens in tablets: benefits, indications and contraindications

Estrogens in tablets: benefits, indications and contraindications

Female sex hormones with steroidorigin, are estrogens. They have a significant impact on the development of the body. Under the action of estrogen occurs the formation of the female genital organs, the figures of the female type. These hormones are responsible for preparing the uterine cavity for implantation of the ovum. Under their influence the development of the endometrium and vessels in the uterus occurs.

Помимо гормонов, вырабатываемых в процессе human life, there are estrogens of plant origin. Since they have a great influence on many processes in a woman’s body, estrogens are widely used in medicine for the treatment and correction of many conditions. The most popular estrogen tablets. They compare favorably with other dosage forms ease of use.

When Estrogens may be administered in tablets

  • Профилактика осложнений в период менопаузы.A woman's body loses the ability to independently produce the right amount of hormones. Then come to the aid of estrogen tablets, maintaining the hormones of women at the proper level.
  • Treating some forms of breast cancer. Hormone therapy is currently widely developed and is being used.
  • Contraception. Estrogens in tablets provide a fairly high efficiency with the simplicity of their use. This is one of the most popular contraceptive methods at present.

Estrogens in tablets have their own characteristic.application. Tablets contain a different amount of hormone, so they are taken strictly according to numbering. As a result, a hormonal level is formed that corresponds to the physiological content of the active substance in the body.

In the period when in the female body is nothormones are produced normally, pills are not taken. Some firms produce drugs that are used continuously. Then even in those days when hormones are not needed, the woman continues to take pills. They just do not contain estrogen. Manufacturers go to such tricks to ensure that the patient developed a regimen, and she did not forget to return to taking the drug after the break.

The benefits of estrogen tablets

Estrogens are hormones that support a woman’s health, giving her strength, health and beauty.

  • They rejuvenate the body - maintain an optimal level of metabolism, collagen synthesis. When this occurs, the stimulation of the nervous system.
  • They prevent the development of atherosclerosis by inhibiting the formation of low-density lipoproteins. At the same time, the formation of high-density lipoproteins increases.
  • Reduce the risk of coronary artery disease. If before menopause women are 20 times less likely than men to suffer from myocardial infarction, then after its occurrence this statistic is leveled.
  • They prevent the development of various manifestations of menopause.
  • Help a woman to return to normal sex life, to eliminate violations of the vagina and urinary organs after the onset of menopause.

Estrogens in pills - contraindications

Medicines of this group have practically nocontraindications. However, they should not be used in the presence of hormone-dependent tumors of the mammary glands and uterus. It should also be used with caution drugs containing estrogen, women with thromboembolic states in history.

Examples of drugs containing estrogen:

  • "Premarin";
  • "Proginova";
  • "Ovestin";
  • "Estrofem";
  • "Rigevidon";
  • "Regulon";
  • "Miniziston".

These drugs may contain other hormones.

It should be remembered that the estrogens in pills should be taken only after consulting with a specialist, because the incorrect use of hormones is fraught with serious consequences.