/ / Kleine's syndrome - Levina: causes, symptoms and treatment

Klein-Levin Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Kleine's syndrome - Levin is periodicallyemerging disorder characterized by impaired sleep and wakefulness periods. Its duration can vary from one day to 2-3 weeks. The patient wakes up only for a few hours, while he behaves inadequately and suffers from bouts of gluttony. This is a rather rare pathology, but with its unusual symptoms it attracts the attention of many scientists.

general information

The first mentions of an unusual syndrome are dated.1925 The psychiatrist from Germany, Willy Klein, described in detail several cases of “hibernation” among his patients. Later, in 1936, American researcher Max Levin supplemented his colleague’s information with five new observations of wakefulness and eating disorders. Soon, pathology got its name by the names of two scientists.

Kleine's syndrome - Levin, despite therare, highlighted as a separate disease among other sleep disorders. To a greater degree are exposed to males 15-25 years old. Only a few clinical cases have been described in girls of puberty. According to scientists, they are all due to fluctuations in the level of progesterone in the body.

Leucine syndrome

Main reasons

How does Kleine-Levin syndrome develop?The etiology of the disease until recently remained unknown. Thanks to the development of science, or rather the emergence of positron emission tomography, some of the scientists' assumptions have been confirmed.

Among the main causes of the diseaseexperts identify dysfunction of the reticular formation of the brain and hypothalamus. Another predisposing factor is the hormonal alteration of the body, which is confirmed by the identification of pathology among adolescents of both sexes. A certain role is played by viral diseases, craniocerebral injuries, an unreasonable increase in body temperature. In many patients hereditary relationship is traced. Immediate relatives may suffer from the manifestations of such a rare syndrome.

It is impossible to say which of the followingfactors play a major role in the development of the disease. Most scientists agree that the pathogenesis of the disease is a genetic defect in the regulation of the function of the hypothalamus, which is activated under the influence of hormonal disorders in puberty.

Leukin syndrome etiology

General clinical picture

Kleine's syndrome - Levin is characterizedbouts of prolonged sleep (about 20 hours). Their current interrupts only the satisfaction of natural needs. It is impossible to wake the patient at this time. Such attacks can last from several days to two weeks. The medical literature describes a case where the maximum period of "hibernation" was 42 days.

With every attack, sleep is not complete.The person does not rest, but after each awakening due to lack of strength he falls asleep again. When the episode ends, the patient feels a strong sense of hunger. He begins to eat everything that comes his way. After satisfying the feeling of hunger, the patient goes back to sleep.

What other symptoms does Klein-Levin syndrome have?Short periods of wakefulness are sometimes accompanied by excessive aggressiveness and irritability, hallucinations. When the exacerbation ends, the patient gradually returns to the usual pace of life. He may not remember the last few days or weeks, believing that he had slept only one night. Outside seizures, the person looks completely healthy. However, against the background of an uncontrollable appetite, his body weight may increase.

Levin syndrome symptoms


A clear scheme of treatment for this disease is notThere are two reasons. Firstly, the exact cause of its development has not been identified. Secondly, pathology tends to spontaneous regression. Therefore, many doctors do not see the need for drug therapy.

"Hibernation" for several weeks,An uncontrollable feeling of hunger - these are symptoms that directly characterize Kleine-Levin syndrome. Treatment is prescribed if such disorders cause discomfort to the patient’s relatives. What drugs are prescribed to patients? As a rule, these are neuroleptics, tranquilizers and antidepressants. These funds are prescribed individually, taking into account the nature of the disease. Dosed their use helps to reduce the number of attacks, contributes to prolonged remission. Medications should be used only as a symptomatic therapy. They help not only the patient himself, but his relatives to survive the period of pain.

Leucine syndrome


Kleine's syndrome - Levin, appearing unexpectedly,gradually reduces its manifestations. What does this mean? Over time, the attacks are not so long, and the intervals between them increase. As a result, the disease is spontaneously eliminated, leaving no visible health problems.

Leukin syndrome signs

Let's sum up the results

Now you know what Kleine syndrome has -Levina signs. The causes of this disease have not been studied until the end. Effective treatments are also not developed. Patients who have experienced bouts of prolonged sleep and excessive appetite need to simply go through them. Pathology always ends with complete recovery. Currently, scientists are actively working on the issue of creating a radical treatment of the syndrome.