/ / "Relief-Advance" (candles): instructions for use

"Relief-Advance" (candles): instructions for use

During pregnancy, my body began to leaditself differently, which is quite natural: the work of all organs was reconstructed for the normal development of the fetus. By and large, I had questions and complaints only in one respect - constipations began to appear. And after the birth I had to meet with another well, very unpleasant "sore" called hemorrhoids.

Even I do not want to remember this, becausethis is not only unpleasant, but also very painful phenomenon. The first time was difficult, because from the diet many products were excluded, so as not to cause allergies and pain in the baby. Well, his own body from a lack of motor activity and a reduced diet refused to work in full measure.

The doctor recommended that I usethe drug "Relief-Advance" (candles). The instruction attached to the drug contained a lot of useful information and gave us hope that the pain would soon disappear.

Perhaps some young mothers also sufferfrom such an unpleasant illness (fortunately, after the restoration of normal nutrition and the introduction of physical activity, the disease disappears), but they do not have the opportunity to visit a doctor. And this article will help them choose a remedy that will remove painful symptoms.

The preparation "Relief-Advance" (the instruction is locatedinside each package) is available in two versions. It can be rectal suppositories, and maybe an ointment. Instructions to the drug in the form of candles and ointments are almost identical, except that the item "method of application".

The drug "Relief-Advance" (candles). Instructions for use: evidence

The drug can be prescribed for the treatment of external or internal hemorrhoids; with cracks in the anus; with anal itching; as an anesthetic after proctologic operations.

The components that make up the preparation areanti-inflammatory, wound-healing, immunomodulating action (shark liver oil); local anesthetic action (benzocaine); additional emollient (cocoa butter).

The remedy "Relief-Advance" (candles). Instructions for use: dosage and method of use

The drug should be used after performing hygienic procedures. Rectal suppositories "Relief-Advance" are injected into the rectum in the morning, in the evening (before bedtime) and after each act of defecation.

The drug is prescribed for children over 12 years and adults in the amount of 2 to 4 suppositories daily.

To apply the drug in the form of an ointment, it is necessary to removeprotective cap from the applicator, the applicator itself is attached to the tube and squeezed out a little ointment to lubricate the applicator. To enter a cream in a problem zone. Then carefully wash the applicator and close it with a protective cap. The procedure is carried out in the morning, before bed and after each bowel movement.

The drug "Relief-Advance" (candles). Instructions for use: contraindications and precautions

The drug is not recommended for high sensitivity to components included in its composition; with granulocytopenia and thromboembolism.

Children up to twelve years of age, the drug is prescribed in case of acute necessity.

When there is a lot of bleeding from the rectum, consultation of the proctologist is needed. The visit to the doctor should not be postponed and in the event that the pain does not go away after a lapse of seven days.

The drug "Relief-Advance" during pregnancy and lactation

Use of the drug duringand during the period of breastfeeding should be carried out with caution. If the risk of harming the child or the fetus is greater than the intended benefit for the mother, then it is worth noting the use of the drug.

In other words, do not risk the health of the child without unnecessary need, perhaps the doctor will suggest other ways that will remove pain in the anus.