/ / treatment of osteoporosis with folk remedies - a harmonious addition to the traditional methods of medicine

treatment of osteoporosis with folk remedies - a harmonious addition to the traditional methods of medicine

Остеопорозом называют хронический патологический process, one of the main manifestations of which is a decrease in the level of calcium in the bones, which leads to their increased brittleness. Often a person does not suspect that he is sick with osteoporosis, while with a seemingly insignificant load, there is no fracture. The peculiarity of such fractures, in addition to their severity and suddenness, is a very poor fusion, which leads to a prolonged disability and disability of the patient. Osteoporosis is affected, mainly, the elderly, but the symptoms of the disease can occur in relatively young people of a fully working age. This is due to the fact that some diseases, although not directly, but indirectly reduce the level of calcium in the blood, which leads to its resorption (leaching) of bone tissue. This, above all, various inflammatory processes - chronic bronchitis, frequent acute respiratory-viral diseases, when calcium ions go to the inflammatory focus. Even ordinary chronic gastritis, sluggishly flowing for many years and not particularly disturbing to a person, and therefore often untreated, is a serious obstacle to calcium absorption and eventually leads to a disease with osteoporosis.

Until recently, the main methoddetermination of the level of calcium in the blood was a method of biochemical examination of blood taken from the vein, but not every person passed it with the proper periodicity. To date, there is a modern research method that allows you to determine the level of calcium in the blood serum - this is the so-called osteodensitometry, when the bone (most often the hand) is simply radiated by a special apparatus (osteodensitometer) and the result is given immediately. Preventive medicine, which has recently received more attention, recommends that such a study be conducted at least once every six months. If the permeability of the bone is increased, then you should immediately start taking special calcium preparations, which are prescribed by the doctor.

Together with traditional medicine, you canuse and treatment of osteoporosis folk remedies. There are quite a few folk recipes for treating osteoporosis. For example, here's what: shells of hard-boiled eggs are finely shoved in a mortar to a powder and poured into 5% solution of citric acid. To prepare it for 100 ml. boiled warm water take 5 grams of dry powder "lemon". For every 100ml we take 15 grams of shell powder. We insist during the day and you can take 1 table. 3- x multiple throughout the day before meals in 20 minutes. Treatment of osteoporosis with folk remedies can also be carried out with the help of herbal infusions. To do this, we prepare a mixture of equal parts of the flowers of red clover, sage medicinal grass, licorice root naked, shandra fragrant grass and alfalfa sowing grass. 1 tablespoon of the dry mixture is poured into four hundred milliliters of boiling water, we insist 30 minutes and strain. The ready-made broth should be consumed in volume 1 cup in the morning on an empty stomach during the first month. Treatment of osteoporosis with folk remedies can also be performed with the use of natural stimulants of metabolism, which include, for example, mummies. To do this, a small ball (about the size of a match head) fresh mummy is dissolved in 50 ml of boiled water and taken in the morning and evening before a meal in 20 minutes.

Practice shows that when appliedmedications that increase blood calcium and popular treatment, osteoporosis retreats much faster. In any case, it is necessary not to wait for such an insidious disease, as osteoporosis manifests itself in full force, but to carry out the necessary research in advance and begin the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis with folk remedies and using medications as early as possible.