/ / MRI with contrast: reviews, preparation. How to do a brain MRI with contrast?

MRI with contrast: reviews, preparation. How to do a brain MRI with contrast?

MRI is not an invasive examination,but sometimes it requires the use of contrast agents to enhance the clarity of images. The doctor prescribes this study only in cases where the standard technique is not enough for an objective assessment of the condition of the body. The use of modern diagnostic tools is safe and allows you to better view the smallest details. Sometimes you need to do an MRI with contrast to be confident in the diagnosis and in time to begin the correct treatment.

General information about the procedure

МРТ (магнитно-резонансная томография) – это modern type of diagnosis, which allows to obtain high-quality images of layered sections of tendons, joints and soft tissues of various organs. Contrast enhancement in the study of the brain may be needed to clarify a dubious diagnosis or detection of tumors of the smallest size. The procedure is painless and very informative. MRI of the brain with contrast allows you to quickly and accurately assess the amount of pathological changes of this organ in injuries and many diseases.

contrast with contrast

Аппараты для исследования могут отличаться своей power (it is measured in T). In the diagnosis of brain diseases for high-quality images, it is desirable to carry out the procedure on a tomograph with an index of 1-1.5 T. It does not make sense to use a higher resolution, since this power is quite enough, and less sensitive devices can produce not very detailed images.

Indications for study

Unlike conventional MRI, a study withuse of a contrast agent is carried out only according to indications of the doctor, usually in the medical centers it is not done without the direction with the press. This is due to the fact that special substances will be injected into the patient’s body, enhancing the effect of tissue magnetization. This procedure is carried out only under the control of the anesthesiologist, since the body’s response to contrast may be different.

Indications for MRI of the brain with a contrast agent:

  • suspicion of pituitary adenoma;
  • previously diagnosed tumors of other parts of the brain (to clarify their nature);
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • severe cases of stroke;
  • infectious diseases of the nervous system with severe pathological symptoms;
  • detection of metastases of malignant tumors;
  • mixed results from conventional research without the use of amplification.

mrt with contrast how do

Why use a contrast agent?

В некоторых ситуациях необходимо более четкое mapping of brain structures. Usually, MRI with contrast is prescribed for a suspected malignant (or benign) brain tumor, as well as for the established fact of its presence to determine the size, boundaries and structures.

The patient is injected into the body based ongadolinium salts. It is a metal that accumulates in places with increased blood flow (usually this is characteristic of tumors due to their rapid growth). These areas are clearly visible in the pictures, so it is almost impossible to skip them. Preparations based on this substance are of low toxicity and rarely cause side effects.

brain brain with contrast

Many serious medical studies canharm to human health if he is not properly prepared for the procedure. One of them is MRI with contrast. Preparation of the patient and detailed instructions on his actions before the procedure and during the examination allows to avoid it.

How to prepare for an MRI?

Before an MRI with contrast, the patient needsrefrain from eating and drinking for 2 hours before the procedure. This is due to the introduction of drugs into the body (with the usual diagnosis, you can eat and drink). Before the examination, a person needs to remove all metal products (rings, earrings, clothes with clasps). For the procedure, the patient is usually provided with spacious disposable clothing that does not contain interfering materials during the scan. In the room where the tomograph is located, you can not bring a mobile phone and other electronics, payment cards, keys, etc.

An important moment - psychological preparationto the diagnostic procedure. Considering that during the study you need to be 20-30 minutes in almost a closed space, without moving or speaking, the right attitude is important. MRI of the brain with contrast apparatus makes noise and different sounds. Therefore, to protect the ears a person puts on special headphones.

MRI with contrast: how to do the procedure?

Initially, the patient is given a routine.magnetic resonance imaging without the use of a contrast agent. This is necessary in order to further compare the results and to have a more complete clinical picture as a result. Then the patient leaves the device, and drugs for contrast enhancement are administered intravenously under the supervision of a resuscitator.

Although modern similar drugsdo not contain iodine and are practically non-toxic, a person should carefully listen to the sensations in his body after their introduction. If everything is in order (no dizziness, nausea, pain in the abdomen and head, sensations of heat), then the patient again undergoes an MRI. During the research on the intravenous catheter, fresh doses of the drug are gradually supplied in parallel with the scanning process.

brain fx with contrast

Does MRI cause pain or discomfort?

МРТ не причиняет человеку боли или других uncomfortable phenomena during the study. In the body, light heat or tingling can sometimes be felt, although most often people do not physically feel anything at all. Contrast administration is well tolerated in most cases. However, sometimes there are cases of individual hypersensitivity or allergies.

Основной дискомфорт, связанный с МРТ, – это psychological stress in some people due to tight spaces. There is enough air in the device, and the design is made so that part of the patient's body is outside. To calm down, the patient needs to understand that during the study, the doctor is watching him, the whole process is completely under control. In the arm of all patients, they put a special pear, connected by a wire with a sound sensor, which can be compressed with very strong excitement. This will give the doctor a signal to stop the process and give the patient time to calm down.

contrast with the preparation


Противопоказания к МРТ с контрастом бывают relative and absolute. The final decision on the possibility of the procedure is always taken by the doctor. A study with a contrast agent is completely excluded in such conditions:

  • the presence of pacemakers;
  • implanted into the human body elements of metals that are magnetized;
  • severe renal impairment;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • a recent liver transplant;
  • allergic to components of the contrast agent.

mri with contrast reviews

Relative contraindications includeclaustrophobia and body weight more than 120 kg (in most devices this is the maximum limit of permissible weight). If there are tattoos on the patient's body, it is necessary to check with the master who performed it, whether metals are part of the dye used in the procedure.

MRI with contrast: patient reviews

Reviews of people on MRI are mostly neutral orpositive. Special sensations, most patients during the examination does not feel. Sometimes people find it difficult to lie, almost without moving, for about half an hour in an enclosed space. Almost all patients noted high efficiency of brain MRI with contrast, because the medical conclusion fully describes all the necessary structures. For diagnosis in neurosurgery it is the leading method, which is also painless and quick in time.

make contrast with contrast

Judging by patient reviews, allergies orcontrast intolerance is very rare. The unpleasant effect of the medication is sometimes manifested only by slight dizziness, which quickly passes. Thanks to MRI with contrast, many sick people managed to learn about tumors in the early stages, which allowed them to be removed in time or to begin a conservative treatment.