/ / Pursuits of the Prosecutor's Office: insignia

Pursuit of the Prosecutor's Office: insignia

The Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation has its own emblem andflag. Her employees have strictly defined uniforms, insignia and awards. For each class rank, the prosecutor's shoulder straps are provided. We will consider them in detail, as well as information that will help to expand the topic in detail.

What is called the prosecutor's office

The Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation is a single centralizeda federal system that, on behalf of the state, oversees both the implementation of the Constitution's provisions and the adherence to all laws enacted on the territory of Russia. Powers and activities of this structure are regulated by the Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation". It is independent of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of power and does not belong to any of them.

shoulder-straps of the prosecutor's office

Since by law this infrastructure isstate militarized, and the activities of its employees - the federal civil, military or law enforcement service, then, among other things, this organization involves wearing the epaulettes of the prosecutor's office.

Structure of the Russian Prosecutor's Office

As already mentioned, the Russian prosecutor's office isa centralized system with step-by-step subordination - the lower-level prosecutors are subordinate to the higher-level prosecutors, and the General Prosecutor predominates in this structure. In order to understand the titles and epaulettes of the Russian Prosecutor's Office, we will consider its constituent elements:

  • the Prosecutor General's Office;
  • Academy under the Prosecutor General's Office;
  • the prosecutor's office of each of the subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • prosecutors of territorial level - cities, districts, etc .;
  • military prosecutor's office;
  • specialized departments of the prosecutor's office - regime facilities, environmental, transport, criminal penalties, etc .;
  • scientific and educational institutions of the prosecution system;
  • printed editions that serve the prosecutor's office.


Now let's move directly to the official categories of employees of this system.

Positions in the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation

Purses in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" are carried by the following officials:

  • In the Prosecutor General's Office:
    • The Prosecutor General (Ya. Chayka);
    • First Deputy Prosecutor General;
    • "deputies" of the Prosecutor General;
    • Senior Assistant Attorney General (this includes also advisers, heads of departments);
    • Assistants to the Prosecutor General (Deputy Head of Directorate, Heads of Departments as part of directorates, assistants to special assignments);
    • Senior prosecutors and prosecutors in the main offices, offices and offices.
  • In a number of prosecutor's offices as subjects of the country, and objects equal to them:
    • prosecutors:
    • first deputy prosecutors;
    • deputy. prosecutors;
    • assistant prosecutors and heads of departments;
    • Assistants to prosecutors ("deputies" of chiefs of departments, heads of departments in the structure of departments);
    • Art. prosecutors, prosecutors in various departments and offices.
  • In the prosecutor's offices of the city, district level and equal in scope to specialized departments:
    • prosecutors;
    • first deputies;
    • alternates;
    • chiefs of departments;
    • senior assistants;
    • assistants.

shoulder straps of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation

Class officials in the prosecutor's office

Классным чином называется служебный разряд, which is assigned to the employee of this system in accordance with art. 41 ФЗ №2202-1. It is appointed in accordance with the position held and the length of employment. Class ranks indicate career and professional growth of the employee. The employees of the prosecutor's office can also be assigned the ranks of the law enforcement structure.

The stars on the epaulettes in the prosecutor's office correspond to the classroom rank occupied. There are ten in total and they are divided into several categories:

  • Junior executive categories: lawyers 3, 2, 1 class.
  • Middle command categories: junior advisers, advisers, senior advisors.
  • Higher leadership categories: state counselors of justice of 3, 2, 1 classes, acting state advisers of justice.

The most important class rank (lawyer 3class) and the shoulder straps of the prosecutor's office are assigned to an employee who has a higher education of a legal orientation and who has passed the certification. Since 2014, persons without special professional education can not receive a prosecutor's service rank.

If an employee is working in the militarythe prosecutor's office, he is not assigned prosecutorial, and the military rank and the corresponding shoulder straps. FZ "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation" (Article 45) allows all prosecutors to constantly carry a revolver, a pistol and other types of military small arms. It can be used in the manner permitted by the law of the state.

Pursuits in the Prosecutor's Office of Russia: a general description

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 352 (with changes in 2011) indicates the following necessary characteristics for prosecutorial signs of distinction - shoulder shoulder straps:

  • The form: полумягкая деталь в виде вытянутого Hexagon, one end of which is correctly rectangular, and the other with its shape resembles a trapezoid (for junior and middle categories) or a cut off corner (for senior commanders).
  • Dimensions: length - 10-12 cm. The width depends on the class of the owner - 4.5 cm for the top and 4 cm for the middle and junior.
  • Features: edges of all kinds of epaulettes are usually edged with dark green cloth. The width of this insert is 2.5 mm.

Shoulders must be worn on a shirt, jacket, raincoat or coat.

shoulder straps prosecutor's office distance

Now consider the insignia - the shoulder straps of the prosecutor's office in more detail by categories of their holders.

Runs of the younger command category

The material for the shoulder straps is a blue trail with cloth overcoat. On the field of the insignia, one can see one dark green gleam. Features for each class rank:

  • Third class lawyer: at a distance of 3 cm from the bottom edge there are two paired gilded stars (the diameter of the element is 1.3 cm). The distance in the row between the central points of the stars is 2.5 cm.
  • Lawyer 2 classes: 3 cm from the bottom edge of the sign can be seentwo gold stars (1.3 cm in diameter). Opposite them at the lumen is another star of the same size, 4.5 cm distant from the same lower boundary of the shoulder strap.
  • Lawyer 1 class: the shoulder straps of this official decorate already 4 gold-plated asterisks (with the same diameter - 1.3 cm); two - 3 cm from the bottom edge and two - at the lumen. The gap between the centers of the elements is 2.5 cm.

shoulder straps in the prosecutor's office of Russia

Runs of the middle command category

Signs of distinction are made from the samematerial - blue dyers, only in this case they are already equipped with two dark green gaps. These posts of the prosecutor's office distance between the centers of the stars do not differ from the previous ones. Their features are as follows:

  • Junior Counselor: between the gaps fixed one gilded five-pointed star than the diameter - 2 cm. It is located 4.5 cm from the lower boundary of the shoulder strap.
  • Advisor: shoulder straps adorn two two-centimeter stars. From the bottom edge to the first five-pointed element - 2 cm, from the first to the second element - 2.5 cm.
  • Senior Advisor: this employee has three stars on shoulder straps (each diameter is 2 cm). Two elements are located at the lumen, and one - between them.

ranks in the prosecutor's office of russia

Purses of the highest command category

Ознакомившись с фото погон прокуратуры, вы без labor mark the insignia of the highest composition - they will be made of special dovetails of special weave, and also lack lumens and have not a trapezoidal but a beveled lower edge. Here are their differences from each other:

  • The State Counselor of Justice of the 3rd class: in the center of the shoulder strap there is one embroidered five-pointed star, whose diameter is 2.5 cm. It is located 4.5 cm from the lower boundary of the shoulder strap.
  • State Councilor of the 2nd grade: in the middle of the shoulder are all those gilded convex asterisks 2.5 cm in diameter. The distance from the lower edge of the sign to the first is 4 cm, between the first and second - 3.5 cm.
  • State Councilor of Justice: an official has on shoulder straps already three 2.5-centimeter stars. The distance between them is the same.
  • Actual State Councilor of Justice: the middle of the shoulder embellishes embroidered with goldthread the emblem of the Russian Federation, whose height is 3 cm. Between it and the bottom edge of the shoulder is a large golden star (diameter - 3 cm). Between its five faces are additionally embroidered five peculiar golden rays. If the shoulder strap is made for the white jacket of the actual state counselor, then it takes a golden dowel on the cloth lining. In this case, the golden star is additionally lined with a contour of red thread.

 photo epaulets prosecutors

Awards of prosecutors

In addition to their own ranks, the epaulettes in the Russian Prosecutor's Office have special awards, which are awarded only to its employees. These include:

  • a sign of three degrees "For fidelity to the law";
  • departmental medal, awarded "For interaction";
  • a medal to honored workers "Veteran of the Prosecutor's Office";
  • a badge for the particularly distinguished "Honored Worker of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation";
  • a sign for wearing on the chest "For impeccable service";
  • a commemorative medal of the year 2011 stamping "290 years of the Russian prosecutor's office";
  • medal to them. Rudenko - the "youngest" - introduced in 2015.

Signs of distinction of employees of the Prosecutor's Office, in addition toof all other things, there are shoulder straps that stand out against the background of similar elements of other structures. By their size, number and location of stars, you can easily judge about the class rank of one or another employee - a lawyer, adviser, state counselor, etc. Positions of prosecutors and their class ranks are interrelated - it is possible to move up the career ladder in this system, having obtained certain work experience and increasing the level of their professional skills.