/ / How to apply for Russian citizenship for children

How to apply for Russian citizenship for children

According to the current legislation,The citizenship of the Russian Federation for children is formalized at the local office of the Federal Migration Service or at the Russian consulate. The place of residence of the parents does not matter, of course, provided that they themselves are citizens of the Russian Federation. Since the middle of last year, a simplified procedure for the adoption of citizenship. In this case, the application is submitted to the regional department of the Federal Migration Service at the place of residence of the child, his parents or guardians.

Citizenship of the Russian Federation for Children

In order to obtain Russian citizenship for children, the following conditions must be met:

1. Citizenship of the Russian Federation of one of the parents. In this case, the other parent provides a document proving that he does not object to the adoption by the son / daughter of Russian citizenship.

2. The child must have documents confirming the fact of a residence permit in the Russian territory or the availability of a residence permit in the Russian Federation.

Submission of documents for citizenship of the Russian Federation for childrenis meaningful only until the moment of coming of age. This means that parents can theoretically apply for a day before "hour X", but you need to understand that the bureaucratic procedure can be delayed. Therefore, it is better not to take risks.

insert about the citizenship of the Russian Federation

In the event that the refusal of the former citizenship and the acceptance of Russian citizenship is expected, it is necessary to have a national passport or a document confirming "other" citizenship.

Documents are formed in several "folders", which are registered in the regional office of the Federal Migration Service.

The first is the "children's" folder.It includes: a birth certificate, a temporary residence permit, a migration card or an analog document, a state notification of a stateless person or a foreign citizen (if necessary), an extract from the home book or a personal account.

The second is the "adult" folder.Here parents' passports, a certificate of marriage (paternity), 3 pieces of black and white photos in 3x4 format, consent to accept Russian citizenship are entered here. And such consent must be certified by a notary. Also attached is a bank receipt for payment of state duty.

stamp on the nationality of the child

Updates to be aware of:

  • The amount of the state duty is 2000 rubles with the calculation for 1 child. That is, if you have three children, then you must pay the state 6,000 rubles for the right to be a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • If the child has only one parent, then you need to have a certificate of death or renunciation of paternity (deprivation of parental rights).
  • In procedural terms, Russian citizenship for childrenis issued for 6 months. During this period all documents submitted must be checked and a decision on admission or denial of citizenship taken. In the event that the future Russian citizen has not turned 14 years old, the regional branch of the Federal Migration Service issued an insert about the citizenship of the Russian Federation.

It is possible that other documents will be required.To be frightened or panic in this case is not worth it - each family has different circumstances in life. The main thing is that at the end of bureaucratic ordeals in the passport or birth certificate there was a stamp on the citizenship of the child.