/ / Compensation is an opportunity to return something

Compensation is an opportunity to return something

Нередко в жизни людям приходится что-нибудь lose. It can be anything: native people, favorite things, time, money, authority and much more. Most often, the loss can not be returned, but you can try to replace it with any benefit that can alleviate the pain of loss. Such a replacement is called compensation.

Types of possible compensation

In fact, compensation is a kind ofthe ability to get back the lost, only in a different capacity. The benefit may not be quite equivalent. But "at least something" is better than "nothing." All known compensations can be conditionally divided into four types:

  1. compensation is
    Positive compensation is a reward,which the person receives in return for something lost or lost. This must necessarily be something pleasant and positive. Only in this case a person can agree to it. In addition, the reward must necessarily correspond to its interests and desires.
  2. Negative compensation is negativeresponse to certain actions and actions. It consists in the fact that a certain behavior of a person can immediately provoke a reaction of protest of the entire collective or leadership in particular. As a result, a person who commits a negative action will know that a negative reaction will necessarily follow.
  3. Concrete punishment.In this situation, under production conditions, management makes it clear to the employee how to avoid behaving. Otherwise, the undesirable effect will have its specific consequences.
  4. Exclusive compensation is the ability to extinguishunwanted actions in the behavior of a particular employee. For example, a person from school was used to demonstratively showing his superior knowledge and expressing a personal opinion on any subject. In terms of the educational process, teachers were positive about this. But in the working team of such people do not favor. No wonder it says that the most ungrateful occupation is to give advice where they are not asked. To reason with such an employee, you can simply not respond to his words. Lack of approval will play the role of a brake and will force a person to keep his opinion more often.

Reimbursement money

financial compensation

In some cases, the employer needsworkers, but can not provide them with everything necessary. In such a situation, an employee has additional unplanned expenses that the company is obliged to return to him. Reimbursement is usually made in cash, and the amount fully or partially corresponds to the costs incurred. This form of return was called "cash compensation". For example, the organization hired an employee to work in another city. After the move, he will have to live somewhere. However, the employer cannot provide him with a separate apartment or place in a hostel, and the employee himself is not able to buy it. In this case, he will be forced to rent or rent housing. But such expenses require substantial funds. Therefore, the company undertakes to pay him compensation for the forced rental of residential premises. Cash is paid monthly in the amount stipulated by the legislation of the country. The employee, in turn, must provide a copy of the contract of employment to the management of the enterprise to confirm the expenses.

Holidays in cash

compensation for unused vacation 2013

In accordance with labor lawcountry each employee is entitled to well deserved vacation. Article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the duration of the main holiday in the amount of 28 calendar days. In addition, various additional leave are established, which are provided in excess of the statutory amount. As a result, the annual rest time is increased, and the employee can recuperate as much as possible for subsequent work. The duration is calculated without taking into account non-working days and holidays, and the amount is determined on the basis of average earnings. There are cases when an employee asks for permission to start work earlier or is completely dismissed without using his right to leave. In this situation, the company has the right to reimburse him days of rest in monetary terms. Compensation for unused vacation of 2013 practically does not differ from the previous 2012. The employee may receive compensation for all days of more than twenty eight established by the state upon written request. In fact, it turns out that only additional vacation can be refunded with money. In case of dismissal, the person receives compensation on the last day of work together with the final settlement. Otherwise, the payment of the amount of money is made on the basis of an agreement with the employer.