/ / Coat of arms of Mogilev: history of appearance and significance

Coat of arms of Mogilev: history of appearance and significance

Mogilyov - one of the oldest cities of the RepublicBelarus. Taking its origin from the earlier built castle of Leo the Mighty, the prince of those lands, it was located on the bank of the Dnieper. It stands on three hill-supports, which are still called as old: Gvozdovka, Mashekovka and Grave. For the history of its existence, the arms of Mogilev changed three times. Consider it, as well as the symbols of today's city and their meaning.


This year, January 28, received hisfirst emblem of the city of Mogilev, Belarus. Although the town itself has its history since as early as 1267, the Lithuanian prince S. Batory officially granted his city self-government.

emblem of Mogilev

Depicted on a blue background was a white tower withclosed gate, standing on the green grass. Stamped with this image on all outgoing documents, and until the 1630s. and on products manufactured in the city. The presence of such printing on any product is a sign of the highest quality. And merchants from Mogilyov became known both in European countries and in Moscow. The city grew rich and flourished, and therefore, there were those who wanted to conquer it.


It was the first of February of this year that Mogilyov rebelled.against the Tsar of Russia, at that time, Aleksei Mikhailovich was ruling, and the invaders were expelled from their lands. In early June, the mayor was granted the last king of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Jan II Casimir, where the new emblem of Mogilyov was described.

grave Belarus

On the azure shield of the baroque type of towerhoused silver (three pieces), the gate at the central tower is not closed, there is a knight in them in full ammunition (probably, it is Levanovich himself who called the city to revolt) armed with a sword. Above the gate is an image of the recognized heraldic symbol of the ON "Chase".

Citizens proudly stood up to defend theircities under this symbol. This version of the coat of arms will later become the modern symbol of the city, but before that, the lands of Belarus will change their rulers many times, they will more than once feed on the blood of the river and the lake, many sons will fall for their homeland.


Развалилась Речь Посполитая, и отошла большая part of its land in Russia, including Mogilev and its surroundings. September 16, 1781 by decree of the Senate again changed the emblem of Mogilev. To show Russia’s belonging, they replaced the knight with a sword (it’s understandable, the insurrection is still fresh) with an eagle of the two-headed imperial, which was set on top of a yellow background, and left behind a rider armed against the background of scarlet - a symbol of the former coat of arms Chase ’.

Modern symbolism

Belarus becomes a republic of the USSR, but it does not forget its past. After all, now the city of Mogilev - Belarus.

flag of Mogilev

Residents remember their history, are proud of it, and decidethe administration of Mogilev to make the emblem a symbol of 1661. And on January 3, 2005, by decree number one of the President of the Republic of Belarus A. Lukashenko, the symbolism of the city is approved:

The emblem of Mogilev today can be described as:on the baroque shield painted in the color of the sky, the green below spreads out, there are three towers on it, composed of cobblestone, painted silver. At the central - the gate is not closed, and in front of them there is a silver-clad knight in armor and a sword naked above him. Over his head is his shield, painted in a scarlet color of blood, round in shape, with the image of a rider, a sword and a shield equipped.

The flag of Mogilev is a rectangular white snow-cloth with a one-to-two aspect ratio, and the coat of arms is placed in the center.

Mogilev administration

The color azure has always meant that the owner has high thoughts and feelings. In heraldry, it is a very traditional color. Bottom green means faith in the best, hope of increased wealth.

The 3 towers symbolize the three divine incarnations andmean elevation. There is another interpretation of the three towers, so symbolically depicted are the three hills on which the city is built. The wide-open gate is a symbol of the fact that anyone can get to Paradise, and Mogilyov never closed the gate to good guests.

A knight standing in front of the gate is interpreted as:guests will be welcome here, but the enemies will be repulsed. The history of the city more than once confirmed this. Countless times the inhabitants of Mogilev heroically defended him from encroachment. The sword above your head will always remind you of experienced tragedies.

"Chase" (namely the name of the rider on a horsearmed) is the official coat of arms of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. And Mogilyov was part of this principality, had the same rights as the capital, and was the eastern gate.

The scarlet color on which the “Chase” is placed issymbol of nobility. Silver color is a symbol of purity, morality and decency. The coat of arms and flag are a reflection of the history of the city, its traditions and moral principles of the inhabitants of Mogilev. After all, it was not for nothing that this emblem was chosen as a symbol.