/ / What is the emblem of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Official symbols of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Emergencies

What does the Emblem of the Ministry of Emergencies look like? Official symbols of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation

It so happened that the official stateRF structures have their own symbolism. It is used on letterheads, as an emblem on uniforms and, of course, on distinctive signs of state institutions. Today, the theme of our article is the symbolism of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - the coat of arms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the flag and emblems of various structural divisions.

Coat of Emergency Situations Ministry

Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation: history of appearance

MES formed in a known to us todaystructure twenty seven years ago. During this period, it has been reorganized and improved more than once. At the moment, it has proved to be an effective body that successfully operates not only in our country, but also abroad. The governments of many foreign countries turn to the Emergencies Ministry for help in emergency situations that are difficult to cope on their own.

Трудно сказать, когда впервые возникли government structures, later transformed into the MES. But historians believe that the fire service, which appeared in Moscow around the sixteenth century, can be safely considered the ancestor of the modern Ministry of Emergency Situations.

It is worth noting that from the sixteenth tonineteenth century, fire services were far from being in all Russian cities. In addition, they could not provide professional assistance due to the lack of special equipment and trained personnel. After all, it was possible to become a fireman without training, which testified to the frivolous attitude of the state towards these services. Only in the twenties of the last century at the state level was recognized such a problem as natural disasters. This further led to the improvement of fire services as a system throughout the state.

Over time, the country began to formvarious units responsible for civil defense, disaster management and fire suppression. And only in the ninetieth year of the last century, all these separate organizations were merged into one structure, transformed four years later into the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Emergency Situations, or simply the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Flag of MES

What does the MES coat of arms look like?

Surprisingly, the MOE has its own coat of arms, a lot of emblems and even a banner. Each element has a number of characteristics and values, because heraldry is always filled with deep meaning.

Под названием "герб МЧС России" понимаются три main emblems, which are located on the forms and uniforms. A large emblem looks like a big double-headed eagle, made in gold color. His wings are lowered, and in the clutches of the Russian tradition are the scepter and orb. The eagle's chest covers the shield of red-orange color, which depicts a white star with an equilateral blue triangle.

The average emblem of the Ministry of Emergency Situations looks like a big one, but insteadshield, covering the eagle's chest, in the same place is a large eight-pointed star with the same blue triangle in the orange circle. The small emblem depicts only one star with a geometric figure already mentioned. Let's look at the meaning and scope of these heraldic symbols of the MES.

Russian Emergency Situations Ministry

Coat of arms: meaning and application

Probably, you have already understood that the main symbol onthe coat of arms is a star. She is called the White Star of Hope and Salvation. This symbol is the best characterizes the coat of arms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the organization itself in its main activity. The blue triangle in the orange circle also has its meaning, this sign refers to the main symbols of civil defense. Therefore, developing the heraldry of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, experts combined these bright symbols among themselves.

Small emblem is used on stripes and aslabel for technology. The medium emblem with the image of an eagle and an eight-pointed star is often placed on banners, official papers and promotional items. Large emblem is designed for standards, flags and pennants. It is used less often than other signs.

MES coat of arms value

What emblems of MES still exist?

The Ministry of Emergency Situations is a heterogeneous structure. In addition to such a basic concept, as the coat of arms of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, there are a lot of different emblems used in divisions.

For example, rescuers have their owndistinctive sign. This emblem of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is a black circle bordered with a blue stripe with golden edges. In the center on a dark background the SOS sign is read, where the stylized globe appears as the letter “O”. It has an eight-pointed star. The emblem is very widely used by lifeguards and is applied to all uniforms.

Rescuers performing underwater work candistinguish by another emblem. It is made in the form of a circle of blue color, braided by a gold border. The large circle is divided around the circumference by a golden stripe, in the center an image of an anchor and a gray dolphin is superimposed. The small emblem of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is located in the upper left part of the central circle.

At present, there are about thirty different heraldic symbols in the general structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, distinguishing between different units.

Coat of Arms of Russia

MES: representative standard

The Emergency Situations Ministry flag is a Russian tricolor,in the upper left part of which is a blue square drawing. Two strips of the tricolor are the width of an equilateral rectangle. At its center is the eight-pointed White Star of Hope and Salvation with an orange circle and a blue isosceles triangle.

The width of the banner is two parts of the three parts of its length. This flag of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is representative and is present at events of national and international scale.

Departmental Standard

In parallel with the representative bannerthere is a departmental, present in all parts of the MES. It is a blue rectangle, in the central part of which a small emblem is applied — the White Star of Hope and Salvation.