/ / Application for return of goods. Subtleties of the problem

Application for return of goods. Subtlety of the problem

The process of purchasing goods is always associated with risk. You can not be sure in advance that everything will go smoothly and flawlessly. Sometimes fate gives us the most unexpected surprises.

Reasons and procedure for returning goods

application for return

Making a purchase, you should always carefullyconsider purchased goods. A defect that was not immediately noticed could cause a bad mood and a conflict with the selling company. All problems that arise before or after the purchase of goods can be roughly combined into two groups:

1. The problem caused by the inconsistency of product quality with the requirements specified in the documents attached to it.

2. The problem is when the product for some indicators did not fit or did not like the buyer on closer inspection.

In this matter, citizens come to the aidThe law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”, issued back in the 1990s. It contains a large number of tips and advice on resolving conflict situations that have legal force. Any question can be solved, knowing the duties and rights of both parties. The peculiarity of this legal act is that it allows settling relations between the parties arising both in the process of purchasing goods and after making a purchase. The first thing that a buyer must do in the event of a claim is to write an application for the return of the goods. Without this paper, the oral story will look unfounded and unreasonable. Such an application for the return of goods can be written in any form, but must contain 4 main points:

1) Details of the seller (his name and location).

2) Details of the buyer (surname, initials, passport details and contact phone number).

3) The text of the statement (detailed information about the circumstances of the purchase and the essence of the requirements).

4) Date of submission of the application and signature of the originator.

The application for return of goods must be attributed tostore and transfer to the head, senior seller or person responsible for working with citizens. The document should be made in duplicate. One is transferred to the seller, and the second remains with the buyer. To confirm the fact of filing an application, it is necessary for the representative of the store to mark on the second copy the date of receipt of the document, as well as indicate his surname, position and sign. Now the application for the return of goods has become an official claim, which must be considered within three days.

Return of defective goods

application for refund of goods

If the buyer happened to buy goods in the store,not appropriate in quality, it can be returned back without any problems. The seller is obliged to accept the defective item and return the money spent on its purchase to the citizen. For its part, the buyer must contact the seller with the appropriate request. It is issued as an application for a refund for the goods. The document is written in any form in the name of the head of the company-seller. The text gives a detailed description of the time of purchase (when, at what price) and lists all the defects of the goods found during operation. If the goods for the elapsed time were subjected to warranty repair, then this should also be reflected in the statement. Such an appeal can be made only when the warranty period for the goods has not yet expired. In conclusion, you must specify that on the basis of Article 18, 19 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" you wish to return the amount of money in such and such amount spent on the purchase of defective goods. From the moment of filing such an application within 10 days the store is obliged to resolve the issue of refund. This is provided for in Article 22 of the same Law. And Article 23 states that for each day of delay the seller is obliged to pay a penalty, which will be 1 percent of the value of the goods. You can also warn the seller that if you ignore this statement and the legal requirements are not met, you will be forced to go to court. After that, it remains only to wait for the outcome of the issue.

If the thing did not like or did not fit

There are cases when the buyer wants to return a product that has no quality defects. This is also possible.

application for the return of goods of good quality

Take, for example, clothing.When he came home, the man tried on the thing again and realized that it did not go at all to him. Perhaps he was not satisfied with the color scheme or size. In this case, you must make an application for the return of goods of good quality. In fact, it will be similar to the previous one except for the requirements. In this situation, the buyer may request to replace the product and give it the exact same thing, but of a different color or size. In the absence of such a product at the time of circulation in the store, it can be offered any other choice, with subsequent recalculation of the price. If the visitor is not satisfied with this option, he has the right to demand the return of a sum of money in the amount of the value of the purchased goods. The statement must specify the final decision on this issue. Article 25 of the above Act does not contradict this. Most importantly, the object of purchase meets two requirements:

  • was a non-food product group;
  • not included in the number of goods that can not be returned.

If all conditions are taken into account, then the question will necessarily be resolved in the interests of the buyer.