/ / Coat of arms of the Rostov region: description and meaning of flowers

Coat of arms of the Rostov region: description and meaning of flowers

The coat of arms of the Rostov region was created on the modelthe symbols of the Don Cossack Army Region, which was approved by Alexander on June 25, 1878. The symbol was made in the shape of a shield that was cut twice and had a head. In the middle, on a silver field, there was a wall with 3 towers. On the right field is a golden pernach, on the left - a silver mace. At the head of the shield is an eagle with three crowns on its head. The upper part of the shield is decorated with the crown of kings, and behind it - the imperial standard, connected with the Alexander Ribbon.

The latest version of the image was approved on December 5, 1997, and these changes took effect on February 2, 1998. They made a coat of arms of the Rostov region, which is described below, in register No. 214.

coat of arms of the Rostov region

External description

The regional law on the coat of arms gives its description:depicted in the form of a shield, on a silver field which is located a pillar with a fortified wall and three towers located on it. On this post are the Don regalia. Above the shield is a black eagle with two heads and a golden beak, on each of the heads of the bird is the emperor's crown. Behind the shield are four cross-spread flags of the Rostov region.

The armor of such a symbol as the emblem of the Rostov region is made in the traditional French form.

Where most often you can find the coat of arms of the region?

Places to accommodate the regional coat of arms:

  • Over the buildings of state bodies.
  • On documents and seals of institutions and unitary enterprises, as well as state bodies and officials.
  • In the meeting room of the Legislative Assembly, the Government and their bodies.
  • In the offices of the Chairman of the Assembly and the regional governor.
  • On the flag.
  • On the sign of the governor.
  • On certificates of assistants of deputies and them.
  • In the halls of the registry office.

coat of arms of the Rostov region description

You can also find the coat of arms of the Rostov region:

  • In places where events are held with the participation of state bodies and officials.
  • In offices where there are persons holding public office; on the seals of local governments.
  • On printed publications issued by the Legislative Assembly, the Government and other government agencies.
  • On the stands containing information, the purpose of which is to enable citizens to familiarize themselves with the affairs of regional authorities.
  • On documents issued for official cultural events.
  • The image on the form of teams of regional athletes.

What does the emblem of the Rostov region mean?

По вертикали щит поделен на три равных поля, painted blue. The field, which is located in the center, is depicted as light as the symbol of the Don River. This field contains a blue wavy belt, which symbolizes the regional wealth. Above it is a red three-tower brick fortress. Below this belt is an ear of gold, it is considered a symbol of the main industry, which is agriculture. Items located on the sides of the center are elements of weapons showing a connection with the Cossacks: a silver mace, noses, a pernach and a horsetail.

On such a symbol as the coat of arms of the Rostov region,there is a supporter, it depicts a single character. This is a two-headed eagle, characterizing the relationship of Europe and Asia. There are three crowns on his head, an azure ribbon is placed on the central one.

what does the emblem of the Rostov region mean

Flag of the Rostov Region

Флаг данного региона появился еще в 1918 году в the result of the tremendous efforts of the government. However, even with the fact that his birth falls on such a distant date, the official assignment to the Rostov region took place at the same time that the coat of arms was adopted.

The flag has an ordinary rectangular shape andhas four different colors. Three of them are located in the horizontal orientation, and the last - in the vertical with the edge. In order to learn with ease this symbol, you should remember that it consists of blue, yellow, red and white.