/ / Armed forces: communications troops

Armed Forces: Communications Troops

There are special types of armed forces thatare designed to control troops and ensure the exchange of information - this is the communications troops. They consist of supply and repair units. Naturally, they are also the parts responsible for providing communications.

Signal Corps
Such units appeared in the Russian armyin the middle of the nineteenth century. It was soon after the electric telegraph was invented. For the first time this device was used in the Crimean War, and the first communications troops in those days were known as "telegraphic marching parks", replaced by telegraph companies. Scientific and technological progress did not stand still. And in the Russian Empire in 1899 the world's first radio station began to operate.

In 1919in the Soviet state, the Main Directorate of Communications of the Red Army was established, and from that moment on, the government communications troops actually became an independent type of troops. This was facilitated by the creation of the Higher Electrotechnical School in the same year. A major impetus to the further development of communication technologies was the events of the Great Patriotic War.

government communications troops
There were new means providing information exchange at a distance, including letter printing devices and ultrashort wave radio stations.

Already in our time, the communication troops may wellto provide a full-fledged connection between different objects, no matter at what distance they are from each other. According to competent experts, their contribution is equivalent to increasing combat capabilities.

The communication system is one of the most important conditionsthe success of the process of managing the actions of the armed forces. This is also its technical basis. Therefore, in our time, the armies of the most influential states of the world constantly use novelties in the field of navigation and communication. The Russian armed forces were not an exception. One of the priorities in the process of improving the functionality of the army is the automation of the activities of its administration bodies. In recent years, it has often happened that the latest technologies were not in operation, and many modernization projects remained unrealized. However, in recent years, this process has finally moved from a dead center. Financing of military branches has improved, the first steps towards modernization have been made. Arms appeared such samples of equipment that in no way inferior to their foreign counterparts. These include automation tools, the latest types of radio stations and satellite communication stations (both mobile and stationary), digital equipment and much more. Yet in this area there are still a lot of problems that require an early solution.

Russian Armed Forces
So, there are significant intervals of timebetween the designation of the task for the production of technical equipment and the issuance of this facility in operation. This leads to the fact that during this period the armament simply becomes morally obsolete. Procurement of equipment is planned only for one year, which does not allow the troops to provide the necessary means in the right amount.

Yet it is worth noting that there is no pointto import machinery to Russia. This is due to the fact that foreign partners are not interested in selling the most modern and high-quality models of equipment used by communications troops. And also with the fact that domestic manufacturers produce equipment at least not worse than its foreign counterparts.