/ / Sale of cars without de-registration is possible

Sale of cars without de-registration is possible

Buy or sell a car now has becomemuch easier. In January 2011, the Ministry of Internal Affairs issued an order for number 28, which states that it is possible to sell cars without taking them off the register. But here there are their pitfalls. In fact, it's about changing the owner of the car, the numbers remain the same.

Sale of cars without de-registration
This saves time and money.So, to get new numbers when registering will cost 2000 rubles - just they can be saved if you make out the purchase and sale of cars without taking them off the register. To pay it is necessary only fastening behind the new owner of old license plates it will cost only 500 rubles.

How is the deal made?

In the event that the sale of a car without taking offfrom the account, participants of the transaction are registered in one region of the Russian Federation, then there will be no problems. In other words, the car that is registered in Moscow, you will not be able to sell to Voronezh, but please a person with a Moscow residence permit. It is only necessary to draw up a contract in 3 copies. One copy will remain with the previous owner, the second - at the new one, and the third will go to the traffic police. There are no specific requirements for the compilation of this document, but it must be fixed:

- passport data of both parties to the transaction;

- All information about the car, which is indicated in the PTA: color, make, model, VIN, etc .;

- date of issue and number of the vehicle itself;

- The cost of cars.

Buying a car without taking it off the register

Such a contract is not required to be certified innotarial office, it is important only that it was attended by the signature of both the previous owner and the new one. After that, the new owner must proceed to his regional department of the State Automobile Inspection, where to present the contract of sale and to confirm to the inspector his consent to secure the old registration numbers. Also, he can refuse from this and order new numbers or, in case the previous numbers have lost their readable appearance, order a duplicate of these numbers. But this is not done so quickly and not for free.

How to sell a car without taking it off the register and avoid negative consequences?

Sale of cars without de-registration can becomethe reason for some restrictions, for example, the new owner can not independently take it off the register. In addition, in this case, the new owner takes responsibility for the authenticity of the license plate, VIN-number, engine number, body and frame. If there are any misunderstandings with these numbers, they will have to be solved by the new owner of the vehicle. And also all taxes on the car and fines for violations recorded by the cameras of external surveillance, will come to the old owner. Or maybe the situation is more deplorable, if the new owner gets into an accident and then disappears, then the unsuspecting former owner is asked to appear in court and repair the damage.

How to sell a car without taking it off the register
Therefore, for the sale of cars on a simplified schemeshould be approached responsibly. In the event that both the new and the previous owner of the vehicle are well-known, it is probably possible to make such a transaction in a simplified scheme. To avoid all possible problems, you should use the services of third parties. For example, the sale of a car without taking it off the register, where the intermediary will act as a commission store. In such a case, the transaction participant receives a full package of documents: a sales contract, a commission agreement, a commission store certificate on the right to accompany the transaction and, of course, the most important one, a record in the PTA, certified by the former owner of the car and a new one, with the seal of the organization (store) .