/ / How to get unemployment benefits: step-by-step instructions, necessary documents and recommendations

How to get unemployment benefits: step by step instructions, necessary documents and recommendations

Every citizen unemployed by virtue ofdifferent circumstances and officially recognized as unemployed, has the right to payments from the state. They are aimed at maintaining an acceptable level of residence in the absence of official earnings.

These revenues can in no way be taken asearnings Especially since their receipt is associated with certain requirements for those in need of support and their documents, on the basis of which the necessity of setting a payment and its amount is established.

All about benefits for unemployed citizens

It is possible to receive payments due to the absence of official earnings only if registered with the employment service. This gives the official status of the unemployed.

where to get unemployment benefits

It is important to understand that financial support from the state is infinitely impossible. This is due to some factors. Let's consider them:

  1. The resources of the service allow you to help people find employment in open vacancies and arrange interviews with employers.
  2. Employment Center provides opportunities for retraining, and in the absence of any education to get a working profession.
  3. Gives start-up capital to those who wish to start their own business. The size of such payments is also determined and known in advance.

Regarding how much benefits are receivedunemployment, the law defines this period of twelve months. After that, the person is removed from the register. Then he is given the opportunity to find work on his own.

If in the period of up to 6 months to find a suitableoccupation with official earnings did not work, then you can register again. In this case, the amount of financial assistance will be less. Although payout periods will not necessarily be continuous. To understand this, we can give a simple example, which we will consider next.

Unemployed citizen, contacting the serviceemployment, after reviewing the documents submitted to them began to receive benefits. A few months later he was employed, of course, that payments stopped. After a time, having lost his job, he again turned to the service. There he was again assigned benefits. All these events occurred intermittently, say, for three months, the allowance was paid, the salary was paid for six months, and another nine months after the second submission of documents to the service, the allowance was again received.

Проведя нехитрые расчеты, можно определить, how much time they receive unemployment benefits with possible interruptions, namely 18 months. It is important not to get confused. It is important to understand that continuously all the year and a half the unemployed cannot receive unemployment benefits. Only one year can have a continuous payment. An equally important aspect is the legality of receiving financial support from the state. That is, it is necessary to clarify when the payment will already be unlawfully received unemployment benefits. After all, ignorance of the norms of the law is no excuse.

Stages of registration in the employment center

The success of receiving support from the state dependson the correctness of the submitted documents. In various situations it becomes very important and the duration of treatment in the employment service. How to get unemployment benefits? There are a few steps.

The procedure can be divided into stages:

  1. Appeal to the labor exchange. How to get unemployment benefits? This center will tell you all about it. Also on the stock exchange will explain what the necessary list of documents.
  2. Collection of references and other official papers in accordance with the list.
  3. Submission of the necessary package to an employee of the institution
  4. Verification of the package compliance with the required list.
  5. Filling employment form.
  6. Clarification of obligations arising after registration.
labor exchange

Categories of persons

At first glance, everything is quite simple. However, the solution of the issue rests on the list of documents, because the citizens applying for payments are very different, namely:

  • laid off due to staff reductions;
  • dismissed by their own will;
  • graduated from educational institutions;
  • unemployed up to one year;
  • persons who have never had a formal employment.

Basic documents

the person was receiving unemployment benefits and worked

So how do you get unemployment benefits?Naturally, a situation arises where each category of documentation for the employment service will be different. It is important not to be frightened, but to follow the recommendations of specialists, first of all, it is necessary to determine the list that is necessary for all categories:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • insurance certificate;
  • application for financial assistance in the absence of work;
  • documents on existing education.

If the unemployed was previously employed, then you needattach the work book and a certificate of the average salary for the last three months in the form of the employment service. The latter is filled in the accounts of the former employer.

In a situation if the applicant has never been employed earlier or has just graduated from an educational institution, then this list is sufficient.

If the unemployed was previously the founder of his own business, then it is obligatory to provide a document confirming its liquidation.

Очень важен вопрос получения пособия от биржи для person with disabilities. This category of citizens may qualify for payments. However, there are limitations. That is, the disabled person receives unemployment benefits only when the disability belongs to the working group. Such a citizen in his package must submit a special certificate from the medical institution. If it is available, there will be no question of how to receive unemployment benefits for a person with a disability, even if the group has been appointed since childhood.

unemployed person receives unemployment benefit

Также нужно отметить, что беременность женщины не is the reason for refusal of registration in the employment center. As for the disabled, women in the position need to submit a certificate from the clinic.

What determines the amount of benefits

Подавая заявление на получение пособия от States in the absence of work, many are interested in information about the amount of benefits that you can count on. After all, it is important not only how to get unemployment benefits, but also how this financial aid is calculated, its minimum and maximum values.

Currently the minimum amount is850 rubles, and the maximum is 4900 rubles. At the same time, persons who have lost their job of reducing the first three months can receive a severance pay of 100% of their earnings. In this case, a prerequisite is to apply to the department of labor exchange at the place of residence. This institution is the place where you can get unemployment benefits. True, it is important to observe the necessary deadlines, which are limited to 15 days from the date of dismissal.

illegally received unemployment benefit

If the loss of work is associated with dismissal on its own initiative, then the receipt of these amounts is not possible. And yet the amount of the benefit is determined as follows:

  1. Three months allowance is 75% of salary available.
  2. The next 4 months, it decreases to 60%.
  3. Until reaching 12 months. In the remaining time, the benefit is limited to 40% of the salary.

Again, subject to deadlines, that is, the time from the moment of losing a job and registering should not be more than 12 months.

Who gets the minimum benefit?

The amount of the benefit is limited to 850 rubles for those:

  • who never worked;
  • from whom more than 12 months have passed since the dismissal;
  • who lost their jobs due to violations;
  • who has a work experience of less than 6.5 months;
  • who is a former businessman and a member of KFH.

Having dealt with the amounts for which you canto count, it is necessary to register, for which the above mentioned list of documents is collected. However, there is a possibility of a refusal. And in order for the works not to be in vain, it is important to know what the odds are.

Categories of unemployed citizens who are paid

In order to recognize a person as unemployed, it is enough to pass the specified list of documents. Categories of those to whom payments are supposed are determined by the following list:

  • persons who have reached the age of sixteen;
  • graduates of secondary and higher educational institutions;
  • laid off on reduction and on their own initiative;
  • disabled third or working groups;
  • pregnant women.

The category of those who are not even worth trying is also defined:

  • retired citizens upon reaching retirement age;
  • children under 16;
  • persons in places of detention.

Failure to pay

where can i get unemployment benefits

It is important to understand that payments may be refused. The reason for this may be:

  1. Providing knowingly false data.
  2. Non-fulfillment of obligations arising from registration at the employment center, namely, regular non-appearance at the re-registration office. On average, this must be done twice a month.
  3. Repeated refusal of the proposed vacancies or the possibility of obtaining qualifications.
  4. A serious violation is that the person received unemployment benefits and worked. In this case, all amounts received will have to be returned. Otherwise, the court will intervene.

What can cause the suspension of payments?

Those who are already receiving benefits should be aware of the circumstances that entail a suspension in receiving payments:

  • training in regions located away from the place of residence;
  • conscription;
  • care for seriously ill relatives;
  • maternity leave;
  • appearance in the department of employment center in a state of intoxication;
  • violation of labor and academic discipline.

What can cause a complete cessation of payments?

Full termination of payments can be:

  • associated with the device to work;
  • in obtaining scholarships during the period of study initiated by the employment center;
  • associated with the change of registration;
  • associated with death;
  • reaching retirement age;
  • voluntary refusal to pay.

So the legislation is clearregulates all circumstances that may be the reasons for the loss of financial support. This imposes certain obligations on the unemployed. Quite often, the status of the unemployed can be confirmed by a special certificate. It is needed in case of registration of various subsidies and benefits.

how much do you get unemployment benefits

Although sometimes a certificate is needed that a person does not receive unemployment benefits. Such a document is necessary for registration of benefits for the birth of a child. That is, this is just one of the reasons.

Cash payment for your business

Undoubtedly, a body such as an employment center,is the most important for everyone who is unemployed or is in search. After all, it was through him that the state found a way to implement such a program as support for start-up entrepreneurs. The latter can receive initial capital for the realization of their bold ideas.

This will be especially interesting for young graduates.universities and colleges, despite the small amount of the amount issued. The only condition for obtaining such support is registration as an IP and drawing up a business plan. If the applicant does not have the necessary qualifications, the employment center can arrange for special courses.