/ / Program "Relocation of compatriots". The program of resettlement of compatriots in Russia

The program "Relocation of compatriots." The program of resettlement of compatriots in Russia

Russian program "Relocationcompatriots "is one of the most important areas for improving the migration policy of the Russian Federation. It was created to assist people living abroad in voluntarily moving to Russia. This project was launched five years ago, and its implementation period expires in 2014.

Compatriots resettlement program

Requirements for potential migrants

Compatriots State Relocation Program 2014The year has undergone some changes. Many regions of Russia participating in the project made significant amendments to its regulations. The terms and conditions of registration of citizenship for immigrants have changed. So, from this year, before submitting documents, a citizen of a foreign state must live in the territory of the selected region for at least a year, having a residence permit.

In addition, it must work and haveofficial confirmation of income for this period. New conditions do not allow the participant to obtain citizenship in the region in which he does not live. For this reason, the program "Resettlement of Compatriots" is not relevant for those who want to apply for Russian citizenship under a simplified procedure and then change their place of residence.

The essence of the project

Voluntary relocation programcompatriots need to improve the demographic situation and socio-economic development in the strategically important regions of Russia and to increase the number of working-age population. If you were born on the territory of one of the countries of the former USSR and you are a citizen of one of the countries that were previously part of it; or left Russia and lived in another country, becoming its citizen, but decided to return, then you are entitled to become a participant in the project.

State program of resettlement of compatriots 2014

В соответствии с ФЗ « О государственной политике In relation to compatriots living abroad, the Russian Federation can participate in the program by people born in one state, who live or lived in it, and have common signs of history, language and cultural heritage. Also compatriots are the direct descendants of these individuals.

What gives the project

The program "Resettlement of compatriots inRussia "allows you to move to this country and get certain preferential living conditions. Now, people who become participants in the project have the right to become citizens of the Russian Federation under a simplified procedure, move to the regions and get registration there. They will not have to apply for a residence permit, confirm knowledge of Russian language and provide information on the official source of income available.Also, the simplified procedure applies to all members of the immigrant’s family.It is worth noting that citizens who will provide for registration by Long-term documents, false information, deported from Russia or previously convicted, cannot be counted on to get a Russian passport quickly.

Relocation of compatriots

Regions involved in the program

In 2014, priorities for resettlementKamchatka, Primorsky, Zabaykalsky, Khabarovsky krais, Buryatia, Magadan, Irkutsk, Amur and Sakhalin regions, as well as the Jewish Autonomous Region became regions. When moving to these territories, compatriots are paid one-time assistance in the amount of 240 thousand rubles for the head of the family and 120 thousand rubles for each family member. In addition, in the absence of permanent incomes, the first six months is granted a benefit in the amount of 50% of the subsistence minimum in the region selected for resettlement.

Obtaining citizenship and work permit

Program "Relocation of compatriots"provides for a quick residence permit. Participants receive it immediately upon arrival in the country, and regardless of the quota that applies to other settlers. In this case, citizenship can be obtained without a residence permit, which greatly simplifies the process. For employment of immigrants there is no need to obtain a work permit. In addition, upon arrival in Russia, they are reimbursed for expenses on relocation and transportation of property.

The program of resettlement of compatriots in Russia

What is necessary to participate in the project

The 2014 Compatriots Relocation Program includes the following administrative procedures:

  1. First you need to register as a participant by submitting an application.
  2. Next, you need to take care of obtaining documents that help establish the legal status of a compatriot and his family on the territory of the Russian Federation (residence permit, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation);
  3. Then the citizen receives a certificate of the participant of the state program.
  4. After that, he must register at the place of introduction in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Documents required for participation

Программа добровольного переселения доступна persons wishing to move to Russia after submitting an application and a questionnaire to the consulate. In addition, you should have to provide to the consulate copies of the following documents, certified by a notary:

Program of voluntary resettlement of compatriots

  1. Identity card of the participant and his family members entered in the questionnaire.
  2. House book.
  3. Documents on the marital status of the participant and his family.
  4. All available documents on education.
  5. Labor Book.

Additionally, you can add to the list of variousdocuments or characteristics from a previous job, giving a positive assessment of the professionalism of the applicant and his family. Please note that papers made in a foreign language must be translated into Russian. Translation required and seals in the language of another state.

Compatriots State Relocation Program

It is necessary to check the spelling in advance.the names, surnames, patronymic names in the documents of the applicant and his relatives. Writing must comply with the submitted documents. If there are discrepancies, the application at the consulate will not be accepted. Often there are problems with inaccuracies in the workbook. Therefore, if you are interested in the state program of resettlement of compatriots, carefully check all the records before submitting the documents. The application is reviewed within 1.5-3.5 months. If the answer is yes, it is reported in writing, the negative result will be notified by phone.

Stages of obtaining Russian citizenship

Compatriots resettlement programfocused mainly on developing and sparsely populated regions of the Russian Federation. To obtain Russian citizenship, a participant in this program must first obtain a residence permit in accordance with the quota in the selected region. Also mandatory conditions are the facts of registration and employment of the applicant in the city or region of paperwork, passing re-registration of the RWP and registration certificate of the project participant. Consequently, the whole of Russia is not available to those wishing to relocate, the program of resettlement of compatriots is being implemented only in some regions of the country.

Compatriots Relocation Program 2014

На сегодняшний день в программу внесены certain changes, resulting in a significantly increased period of citizenship. In addition, the process itself has become a little easier than the paperwork in the usual way.

Further actions

After approval of the application must go againto the embassy for a certificate of participation in the program. You should have the same set of documents with you, only in the original. Additionally, you need to provide two non-color photos of the applicant size of 3.5 by 4.5 cm.

Relocation time

Compatriots Resettlement Program 2014does not limit the participant in terms of moving, but experts recommend not to pull and immediately go to the selected region of the Russian Federation. Sometimes people, having received a positive decision and testimony of the participant, postpone the move for a year or more, but this creates certain problems for the Russian side in the payment of lifting means, since the budget for these payments is laid at the beginning of the year.

It is worth noting that in each region and cityAdditional conditions and opportunities for project participants may be provided. For example, in certain areas, migrants can be helped in finding employment by offering several vacancies. Especially valuable professionals can count on the provision of housing.

The program of resettlement of compatriots in Russiacreated to help people living abroad and wanting to return to their historic homeland. The program was approved on June 22, 2006 by decree of the President of the Russian Federation. The main goals of such assistance to immigrants are to stimulate and organize the process of moving compatriots on voluntary terms. In addition, the purpose of the state program is to compensate for the natural decrease in the population in the country in general and in its individual regions, in particular, by attracting immigrants to permanent residence in Russia.