/ / How to correct the entry in the workbook? "Record invalid": pattern fix

How to correct a record in the workbook? "Entry is invalid": sample patch

The workbook is a particularly important documentwhich not only keeps records of work experience, but also helps in the future when calculating pensions. Not all personnel workers correctly record in the workbook. “Record is invalid” - what does this mean, and in what situations does the phrase appear in the document?

What is guided by?

In order to make a change or correction in the workbook, it is necessary to study those regulations that serve as a support for any employee of the personnel department. These include:

  • The Labor Code of the Russian Federation, namely those parts in which it is written what formulations take place in the workbook.
  • Правила по ведению и хранению трудовых книжек, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. It spelled out how to keep and store forms of labor and inserts to them, as well as who has the right to produce these documents and distribute.
  • Instructions for filling out workbooks, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of 10. 10. 2003 No. 69, where the rules for filling out a labor form are prescribed. More specifically, it is clause 1.2, clause 2.3 and clause 2.4.

employment record entry is invalid

Recognition of an invalid entry in the workbook or making any additions should be based on one of the points of the above document.

Change, correction or addition?

Record in the workbook "record is invalid" - what is it? Addition, correction or change made to this mark?

The concepts of "change" and "addition" sayaccording to the change or addition of the previously made correct (this is the most important) record. The correction implies the replacement of a mistakenly made, incorrect record.

Who can make corrections?

"Record considered invalid" - in laborNot everyone can write a book for any reason. Without these powers and without the necessary reason to indicate anything in the document is prohibited. If suddenly a citizen found in his labor error, then they can be corrected either at the place of previous work, where they were committed, or at a new job, or in court.

employment record is invalid

Correct records in labor cana specialist who has the authority to do so. Such powers are given by a special order of the head about the appointment of a person responsible for maintaining work records. In large organizations, labor is accepted, maintained and stored in the personnel department. In small enterprises, either the manager himself or the person who is responsible is engaged in this. This may be an accountant, secretary or any employee for whom the corresponding order is drawn up.

If the work is provided by an individual, then to lead and even less to make any changes in the workbook, such an employer has no right.

If an error is found

Errors are mainly found by those employees who lead labor. Sometimes they are discovered by the workers themselves after being fired. Shortcomings emerge during the audit of personnel documents.

Typical errors include:

  1. Неверно указаны данные о сотруднике.If the error is found on the title page, where the basic information is indicated, you need to collect and submit all the necessary documents: a passport, diploma, marriage certificate or divorce. Then an application is submitted to the employer with a request to correct the erroneous entry. Then, based on the data submitted and the application, an entry is made in the workbook: "The entry is invalid." Put the date and signature of the authorized person. If an error was made in the surname, name or patronymic, the employee will have to go to court to substantiate his employment record and correct this record.
  2. Invalid information in the labor sectionsbooks. If the employee has already settled into the new organization, and the mistake was made at the previous place of work, then the citizen must write a statement to the former chief to provide the necessary documents, based on which the new employer will correct the mistake and enter correct data. If the company where you made a mistake in your work has been liquidated or closed, you can request the necessary documents in the archive of the city where the organization was registered.

The wording - “entry is invalid” - inthe workbook, the sample of which is presented below, must be accompanied by the number of the record, the employee's signature and the date on which the record was corrected.

 record is considered invalid in the workbook sample

General rules of correction

Incorrect data found insections, you can not cross out, erase or correct. It is only permissible to put a record in the workbook: "The record is invalid." Under a certain number indicating the correct data. If corrections need to be made on the first page, then crossing the old information is permissible there, but next you need to write the actual one. At the same time on the crust of labor it is necessary to refer to the documents on the basis of which the correction is made.

recognize employment record to be invalid

You can fix it with either a blue or a black pen, preferably a gel pen. This ink is resistant to light and moisture. Words can not be abbreviated.

Adjustment algorithm

Correction how to make a workbook? “Record is invalid” is only the initial stage of record correction. Consider the general algorithm:

  1. In the first column you need to put the number in order, following the one that was in the previous entry.
  2. The next column indicates the date at which the correction is made.
  3. In the third - a record is made: "Record by number ... is invalid." In the same column, you must write the correct data.
  4. The fourth column should be filled with a link to an order that contains valid data.

How to make the phrase: “Record is considered invalid”? In the workbook sample is presented below.

how to make a record in the workbook is invalid

If an error is made on the title page, then the correction algorithm is as follows:

  1. One feature must cross out the old entry.
  2. Next to the strikethrough entry write the latest information.
  3. On the crust of labor you need to register a link to the document that confirms the changes.
  4. The link must be certified by the seal of the organization and the signature of the authorized employee.

Court order

If a court decision is madeunlawful dismissal, then at work must recognize the entry in the workbook invalid and reinstate the employee. All these actions should be documented. The third column after the entry on the invalidity of the previous wording should contain information about the recovery of the employee, and the fourth - a reference to the relevant document (this will be a restoration order). The corrective entry should begin in this case with the name of the organization.

Record is invalid in the workbook sample

Also, the employee may receive a duplicate labor,where the supervisor is obliged to rewrite all the records, except the one recognized by the court as invalid. At the same time on the issued work book you need to make a note about issuing a duplicate, and at the turn should indicate that this is a duplicate. The employee does not provide any documents.

Selected cases

If the error is found in the date of making an entry for employment, then you need to do the following:

  1. In the first column put the serial number.
  2. In the second - the date of the adjustment.
  3. In the third column, write: “The record for the number ... is invalid,” and below is the same wording as in the previous record, but with the correct date of admission.
  4. In the fourth column - the details of the order of admission.

And if the error is found in the numbering?Moreover, for example, if an employee changed several organizations or was transferred from position to position, and between the erroneous and last numbering there is a large number of records. Experienced personnel workers advise not to touch the interim entries, and only invalidate the number in the last entry so that the total number of entries in the labor match.

record is considered invalid in the workbook

Бывает, что нумерация повторяется, но записи have a different date. What to do so that the labor book does not deteriorate? “Record is invalid” - the text is specified for numbers and dates that are incorrect. If the records have both the number and the date the same, then add the letter “a” to the number of the incorrect record and then refer to the number with the letter “a”. If the record does not have a number, then it should be put down, and then referred to this number when correcting. If the previous record was without a number, then you can simply write to the labor station: “The previous record is invalid.” And put down all the necessary details.