/ / How to get a certificate of ownership of the apartment?

How to get a certificate of ownership of an apartment?

Ownership must be registeredwhen buying any real estate. In this case, the owner must issue a certificate in the prescribed form. How to get a certificate of ownership of an apartment? Are there subtleties that are important to know?

obtain a certificate of title to the apartment

What is this document? How is it issued?

This document is issued after purchase.apartment or other type of real estate. Registration of the certificate is carried out on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation No. 765. The document contains the following information:

  • name of the registering service;
  • the presence of encumbrances;
  • title documents;
  • type of property;
  • characteristics of the dwelling;
  • Full name of the property owner;
  • date of registration of the right.

In addition, the certificate will contain a unique identification number, the seal of the service and the signature of the employee who carried out the registration.

Where to get a certificate of ownershipto the apartment? This can be done by directly contacting the state registration service with a full package of officially certified documents. Before the ownership of the property is not registered, it is impossible to fully dispose of the property.

how to get a certificate of ownership of the apartment

Do I need to get a certificate of ownership of the apartment?

The need for registration of this document arises in the following cases:

  • in processing transactions relating to the alienation of property (exchange, donation, sale);
  • if it became necessary to recognize the right to own the object in court;
  • when inheriting a property;
  • when drawing up an agreement on share participation.

In addition, a certificate form will be required in the following situations:

  • registration of real estate in the pledge;
  • obtaining permits from the competent services relating to the reconstruction and redevelopment of premises;
  • drawing up an agreement on connection to general house communications;
  • phone installation;
  • submission of documents for registration at the place of residence.

Where to go?

Where to get a certificate of registration rightsapartment ownership? These issues are handled by the territorial offices of Rosreestr, which are assigned to specific addresses in each locality. For registration you will need an application of the appropriate form and documents for the apartment.

where to get a certificate of ownership of the apartment

Algorithm design

Obtaining a certificate of title to an apartment can be quite simple:

  1. The owner of the apartment gets acquainted with the structure of the certificate registration process. You can get information both on the Internet and from a qualified lawyer.
  2. Next, you need to collect a list of all required documents and their copies (they will be described below).
  3. The next step is the submission of applications and documents to Rosreestr.
  4. Obtaining a certificate on a pre-scheduled day.

Required Documentation

To obtain a certificate of ownership of the apartment, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • passport of the owner of the property on which it is registered;
  • title documents for an apartment (deed of gift, purchase, assignment, etc.);
  • technical and cadastral passport premises;
  • evacuation plan for each floor (can be requested from the BTI service);
  • receipt of payment for state registration of housing;
  • certificate from the housing department about the list of persons on whom the right of ownership is issued;
  • notarized letter of refusal of registration of property rights from persons not applying for an apartment;
  • passport of the cultural object (if any);
  • acceptance act.

In addition, a power of attorney may be required, certified by a notary, if the certificate is issued by a representative of the apartment owner.

how to get a duplicate certificate of ownership of the apartment

The period of registration certificate

So, we looked at how to get a certificate of ownership of the apartment. How long does it take?

The period of consideration of documents affect:

  • literacy when filling out documents;
  • the load of the registration service;
  • availability of all required documentation.

In practice, the period of registration of housing inthe property takes at least a month since all documents are thoroughly checked. In general, the procedure period is 2-3 months. It is quite rare that such situations arise when a certificate is issued during a year, for example, if there are inconsistencies in the documents.

Do I need to receive a certificate of ownership of the apartment

Is it possible to refuse to issue a certificate

Relatively rarely there are cases when the owner can not get a certificate of ownership of the apartment. These include the following situations:

  1. Refusal at the level of legislation of the Russian Federation.It is possible when documents are submitted through a representative without a notarized power of attorney and supporting documentation. Under these circumstances, the owner must write and notarize the general power of attorney to his representative.
  2. Несоответствие площади жилья, указанной в technical passport, and the one that is spelled out in the statement. For example, when the registration certificate is issued for the entire area of ​​the apartment, and it is necessary to register the ownership only for its part. In this case, you must check carefully all the information in the documents and make the appropriate changes.
  3. The lack of signatures of the parties to the transaction and the required seals. Before submitting the documents, their presence must be carefully checked.

How to get a certificate of ownership of an apartment in a new building?

One of the most crucial moments is the registration of a certificate of ownership of real estate in new buildings. During registration procedure, you must consider the following factors:

  1. The commissioning period. Before housing is handed over to real estate investors, its owner is considered a construction company.
  2. Before buying, you need to carefully examine and check all the documents of the developer to avoid fraud.
  3. The best option for registering rights to own a flat is to contact a lawyer or a notary.

How to get a certificate of ownershipapartments? The procedure is essentially identical to the algorithm described above. It is necessary to prepare all the necessary documents and submit them to Rosreestr. In addition, you can consult a lawyer.

how to get a new certificate of ownership of the apartment

If the apartment is in the mortgage

Mortgage in recent years has become the mostcommon method of acquiring real estate. This is due to the fact that the housing does not need to be paid immediately. And payments can be made over several decades. The process of registration of ownership of such property is somewhat different from the generally accepted algorithm.

Сразу после того как жилищный кредит будет approved, the buyer enters into a contract with the seller and draws up the apartment in the property itself. At the same time, the housing loan bank provides the borrower with all the documentation necessary to obtain a certificate of ownership of the apartment. However, the homeowner can not conduct transactions with this property until such time as he does not pay the loan in full, since the apartment in this case is under the arrest of the bank.

If the certificate is lost

Loss of documents is rather unpleasant.moment for each of us. Often there are situations when the owner of the apartment loses the document certifying the ownership of the property. How to get a new certificate of ownership of the apartment? Registration service in case of loss of this document may provide a duplicate. To do this, you must contact the office of Rosreestr with a passport and write an application in the prescribed form. In this case, you must first pay the state duty - 2 thousand rubles. Duplicate will be provided within 14 days.

It is important to remember that issuing duplicates candeal only with the division of the registration service where the original certificate was issued earlier. How to get a duplicate certificate of ownership of the apartment, if the unit Rosreestra was eliminated or ceased operations? To do this, the owner applies to the archive or organization that has been authorized to state registration.

A duplicate may also be required in the registration of inheritance and other transactions with housing. The owner may request a duplicate certificate at its discretion.

where to get a certificate of registration of ownership of an apartment

Certificate of RegistrationPossession of real estate - the most important document. Where to get a certificate of ownership of the apartment? This can be done in one of the divisions of Rosreestr. The process takes from 1 to 3 months. Also, if a certificate is lost or at its discretion, the owner is entitled to receive a duplicate of it.