/ / Vacation of civil servants. Changes in the Federal Law

Leave of civil servants. Changes in the Federal Law

Legislation is regularly improved.People who are affected by the change need to be aware so as not to violate the regulations. So, now the vacation of civil servants becomes shorter. In June 2016, the legislator revised the old rules. Let's see what will now be the length of the leave of civil servants, whether it is very different from the rest time of other workers.

public leave

Content 176 FZ

Текст закона не очень большой.It indicates the changes made to certain articles 79 of the Federal Law. All of them relate to the duration of the main and additional holidays. So, if before the first depended on the post, now all civil servants will rest the same number of days - thirty. The next change concerns the duration of additional vacations. There are two kinds of them. The first - for long service, the second - for an irregular day. Norms concerning both significantly altered in the direction of reduction. That is, since the entry into force of the law, the people of the state will rest less than before. Is it fair? The legislator knows better, the solution of such issues is within his competence. And the employees themselves had to choose: to fulfill new standards or to look for another job. There are no loopholes in the regulation to increase the rest. Leave of civil servants is now becoming shorter, that is, conditions are deteriorating. The step is not the most natural. Why is this decision made?

176 fz

Reasons for adopting 176 FZ

When discussing this legislation, the following reasons were indicated:

  1. The need to save budgetary funds.
  2. The injustice of existing norms.

In the previous edition, the duration of rest,provided for irregular work, established by the organization. That is, it was possible to abuse this norm. Legally fixed that the additional leave for civil servants in this case could not be less than three days. In fact, the organization could set it in any size. And this was reflected in the financing. After all, these types of holidays are paid from the budget. For the same reason, changed the order of calculation of additional leave for long service. It also decreased significantly. The latter circumstance is especially sensitive for “old” workers, but it is not at all important for young professionals who have not yet reached benefits. The law will seriously save budget money.

additional leave for civil servants

New standards

According to the changes, the release of civil servantsnow is thirty calendar days. The law does not assume any gradations and accounting for “large ranks”, as before. All people of the state, regardless of rank, equal in the sense of the length of paid leave. If you do not remember, the old edition was 30 and 35 days. The extra rest time has changed in a slightly different way. In the old version of the regulation, it was assumed that the employee received one additional day of rest during the year of service. This led to the fact that some people were absent from the service for two months, if not more. And if we take into account the second preferential leave, then it was difficult to wait for such an “employee” in his place. Now the norms have been standardized (see table).

Long-term leave for civil servants

Civil service experience (years)Number of days of additional leave
1 - 51
6 - 105
11 - 157
Over 1510

For example, let's see how the rest has changed.people who have served for a long time in government agencies. If earlier a person with eight years of service had the right to as many additional days, now his rest is limited to five. Savings - wages for three days.

long service leave for civil servants

How has the holiday changed for an unregulated day

Even stricter legislator approached this rule.Previously, it established the company. The law limited only the minimum duration. By agreement, it was possible to assign any time limits, just to have enough money for payment. You must admit that rationality in such spending is little or no at all. It is now established that this type of concession rest is limited to only three days. Strictly and specifically. Any initiative in this matter is excluded. Probably, some people do not like such austerity. But you need to understand, there are not enough funds in the country, they should be saved.

Additional provisions

One important question remains.Not all people sovereign have the opportunity, on objective circumstances, to go on vacation. For some, unwilling periods accumulate. According to the provisions of the law, the release of a civil servant, falling under the old wording, does not change retroactively. This means that the periods that are calculated before the entry into force of the new norms remain the same. A man was given thirty-five days of basic and fifteen plus ten additional days - that’s what he does. And employees have the right to take money (compensation is called). All this is calculated according to the old legislation.

public leave duration


It remains to be noted that the rules came into force onAugust 2, 2016. Changes in the law have upset not only civil servants, they have also added work to HR specialists. One thing is good that the new edition for each individual person begins to work with his personal new year. That is, if you took a job on April 9, then the 2016 leave runs according to the old law. And those who have already arrived on August 3 will receive short periods of rest. All other changes will affect from 2017. Note that the legislator has significantly curtailed the leave of civil servants, but it still remains longer than that of other workers (28 days). So, those who work for the country have nothing to complain about. Accustomed to time.