/ / USSD-requests "Wellcome". List of Velcom operator USSD requests

USSD-requests "Velkom". List of USSD requests for Velcom operator

Now we have to find out what exist.USSD-requests "Velkom". This mobile operator offers a lot of different commands that allow you to receive this or that information about the SIM card, as well as to enable / disable certain functions. In general, USSD requests for Velkom are in abundance. But we will consider only the most useful and popular ones. Maybe they will help to cope with this or that problem more than once.

What it is

But first, find out what areour today's requests? Knowing this, you can understand whether you need them or not. Maybe you can do without them? USSD requests "Velkom", like any mobile operator, is nothing more than a means of subscriber self-service.

ussd requests velkom

With their help, you can control the balancephone, check and change the tariff plan on a SIM card, implement various features, as well as disconnect and connect certain services and options. The main advantage of such combinations is that they are free and are activated at any time of the day or night. The main thing is to know exactly what you need.


Perhaps we should start with the main function - thisUSSD balance request and all the teams that will help control funds on the SIM card account. There are not so many of them, but there are some special ones among them.

Например, запрос баланса происходит посредством combinations * 100 #. At the end of each set you need to click on the "Call" button. In response, you receive a message about the account status of the SIM card, and the result is displayed directly on the screen.

ussd requests at velcom

USSD requests "Wellcome" allow no problemschange the fare payment system. To work without prepayment you need to dial * 145 #. If you want to register an unconfirmed request, then * 141 * 1 # will help. Basically, these are all useful commands for managing your account. We continue to study USSD requests "Velkom" further.


It's no secret that using dataCommands any subscriber can change his tariff plan. Each offer has its own combination. Find out the full information about it on the official website of the operator. After all, “Velcom” has a lot of tariffs. List all USSD commands to connect them for a very long time. So check with the operator at this time.

Instead, try to learn the universalUSSD-requests "Velkom". The tariff plan that you have connected at the moment, you can find out with the help of * 141 * 2 * 1 #. In addition, the subscriber is able to receive his phone number when dialing * 147 #. Information about the Internet tariff plan is displayed after dialing * 141 * 2 * 3 * 1 #. Everything is easy and simple. In some cases, you receive an SMS message with all the information you have requested, but often the data is displayed directly on the phone display.

Additional services

Now a little about the interesting features of ourtoday's operator. For them, too, has its own "Velkom" USSD requests. “Favorite number”, for example, is added with * 141 * 3 * 3 #. After that, you can add a subscriber to the appropriate list.

Кроме того, обратите внимание на то, что вы are also able to activate some interesting and useful features with the help of our current teams. For example, you can connect to the Internet, MMS, protection to your phone through one single request. With it, you also get all the information about the mobile Internet, which is available on the SIM card. To do this, dial on the mobile phone * 135 # and send a request for processing.

ussd requests from your favorite number

Sometimes you want to talk in roaming.USSD-requests "Velcom" allow all subscribers to quickly connect themselves to such services. Roaming (international) is activated with * 141 * 3 * 2 * 1 #, and you can activate International calls by dialing * 141 * 3 * 1 * 1 #. It turns out that without outside intervention at any time, everyone is able to connect the services of profitable mobile phone calls abroad.


Не стоит забывать, что USSD-запросы "Велком" have another feature. And it applies not only to this operator, but to all in general. These commands provide an opportunity to enable / disable certain additional packages of services and services. What can help us in communication?

Let's say the option package "500 SMS".To do this, you must print from the phone * 119 #. Please note that the request itself is free. But for the connection of an option will have to pay at the rate. All available settings (Internet and MMS are included here) come after sending * 135 * 0 #, and Mobile Internet is activated by the * 135 * 1 # command. As you can see, there is nothing difficult about it.

ussd balance request

It is worth paying attention to severalnon-standard services. Velcom offers its customers the Anti-caller ID service. Oddly enough, it connects without problems using the USSD request * 200 * 2 #. Melofon is another service that subscribers often pay attention to. And it is activated by a combination of * 424 #. In principle, all this is quite popular services that you can connect to yourself.

Help and requests

The last item that we will consider is sending "homeless", as well as receiving reference information on the SIM card. "Wellcome" allows you to do all this with the help of various USSD commands.

So, for example, a request to call back (send"homeless") everyone can free. Dial * 131 * friend number # and send the command for processing. Another "Velkom" subscriber will receive a free message from you with a request to call back. Sometimes this feature is very useful.

Balance of free SMS, MMS, minutes andInternet traffic also has to be checked from time to time. In this situation will help the next self-service team. It looks like * 100 * 1 #. If you want to know the entire list of paid services connected to your mobile number, please contact * 141 * 2 * 2 #.

ussd requests velcom tariff plan

Do not forget that the full listVelcom’s USSD commands are quite diverse. Sometimes you want to quickly review it and select the desired self-service function. Everyone is able to do it very easily and simply. What does that require? Just send a special request for processing. It looks like * 141 * 9 * 1 #. In response, you will receive an SMS message in which all available commands will be published. Is that that does not include requests for changing the tariff plan (for a specific offer).

As you can see, the Velkom USSD teams are diverse.And with their help, you can fully control the functionality of the SIM card. Do not be afraid to experiment. Remember that when you connect this or that service, you will be charged a fee in the amount set by the tariff. All background information is free.