/ / How to untie a card from the App Store: tips, tricks, instructions

How to untie a map from the App Store: tips, recommendations, instructions

Often, the owners of "apple" phonesThink about how to untie a card from the App Store. Changing your billing information causes people some difficulty. If you approach the solution of the problem correctly, you will be able to fix the problem in a few minutes. So how can you delete or change information about a bank card tied to the App Store? What should the Apple device owner know about the process without fail?

Ways to shut off

Major problems with changing or deletingPayment information on the iPhone is due to the fact that there are no such actions in the device settings. This does not mean that the subscriber has no rights to edit the data.

how to untie a map from the app store

How to untie a card from the App Store? This can be done in several ways. For example:

  • via phone or tablet;
  • by computer.

There is no difference in how exactly to act. It all depends on the personal preferences of the person. Both approaches to solving the problem are considered official. Further they will be discussed in more detail.

Mobile device

First we will study the most common approach. It is about working with the "apple" device. How to untie a card from the App Store through the phone?

To do this, you will need to have an Internet connection, as well as adhere to a specific algorithm of action. Which one? It comes down to the following manipulations:

  1. Enable iPhone / iPad. Wait until the operating system is fully loaded. If the phone has already been turned on, finish working with previously running applications.
  2. Enter the main menu of the device. Find and visit the "Settings" section.
  3. Scroll through the displayed list to a line of iTunesStore and the App Store. Click on this menu item.
  4. Click on the App Store ID. Perform authorization in the system if the mobile device requires it.
  5. Click on "View AppleID".
  6. Go to the "Payment Information" section.
  7. Set the "No" parameter in the corresponding window.
  8. Save changes. To do this, click on the button "Done".

That's all.Now I understand how to untie the card from the App Store on the iPhone. This task comes to life in just a few minutes. But this is only one of several possible solutions. How else can Apple’s mobile device owner act?

how to untie a card from the app store via phone

iTunes to the rescue

For example, by working with a computer. This method is less common in practice, but it does occur. How to untie a card from the App Store?

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Install the latest version of iTunes on your computer.
  2. Connect the "apple" device to the PC. To do this, you must use a USB cable.
  3. Launch iTunes. Wait for some time - device synchronization will occur.
  4. Log in to the system using AppleID.
  5. On the taskbar in "AyTuns" select "Account" - "View ...".
  6. Enter the password to access the profile. Click on "View" on the screen. You can press the Enter button on the keyboard to confirm the operation.
  7. Go to "Account Information" - "Edit."
  8. In the menu item "Method of payment" set the "No" and confirm the changes.

As soon as the request is processed, the new data will take effect. How to untie a card from the App Store? The answer to this question should no longer cause difficulties!

Possible problems

In fact, the decoupling is more difficult than it canseem. User feedback indicates that sometimes the item "No" is missing in your billing information. Accordingly, it will be possible to untie the card only by replacing it with a new one. Why it happens?

how to untie a map from the app store on iphone

Among the most common causes of this phenomenon are:

  1. The presence of debt on a bank card. The item "No" appears after repayment of debt.
  2. Subscriber's entry into the family access group.Only the organizer can edit payment information. Therefore, all the described actions must be performed on the "main" device.
  3. The man first enters the App Store. The first time you must enter your billing information. Re-entry will solve the problem with the disappearance of the "No" button in the corresponding section of the menu.
  4. The subscriber has the auto-renew feature enabled. To think about how to untie the card from the App Store, do not have to after disconnecting the subscription.
  5. The person has changed the country of residence or region. In this case, you must enter your billing information, and then re-enter the App Store.

If all of these situations are exhausted, but the plastic bank cannot be untied, it is recommended that you take the device to a service center or contact Apple technical support for help.