/ / Asus ZenFone 4: characteristics, description, configuration

Asus ZenFone 4: specifications, description, bundling

In the budget smartphone Asus ZenFone 4characteristics are not very impressive. Installed on this device is a dual-core processor that allows you to use various applications. However, the manufacturers saved on the display. The screen is set to 4 inches, and its resolution is 800 x 480 pixels.

asus zenfone 4 phone

RAM in the device has exactly 1GB, and built-in - only 8 GB. The main camera of the model is provided at 5 megapixel. It should also be noted that manufacturers have saved on the battery. It is installed with a capacity of 1600 mAh. This is always not enough, but the battery charges quickly. Asus ZenFone 4 phone (market price) costs about 7,500 rubles.


Good phone management is provided forselector tab that is set below the display. Directly processor is located under the converter. The system performance is greatly affected by the modulator. It is located next to the processor. If you believe the opinion of experts, then the conductivity parameter is on average.

asus zenfone 4 Specifications

The thyristor unit in the phone is installed only onthree channels, so Asus ZenFone 4 features are not impressive. Contacts in the smartphone are made with a special lining. Due to this, failures in the system are rare. As protection, compact filters are used.

Tools for communication

If you believe the opinion of most consumers,With a connection from the Asus ZenFone 4 A400CG smartphone, everything is fine. Additionally, it is important to mention the high-speed Internet. Browsers user is able to install various. If necessary, they can be customized to fit your needs. As a result, it will be possible to transfer tabs to the main panel.

asus zenfone 4 a400cg

Standard messages from the device is easy to send.It should also be noted that quite a lot of tools are provided for SMS settings in the phone. Special attention in the smartphone deserves such equipment as bluetooth. With it, you can send objects of various sizes at high speed.


The camera phone Asus ZenFone 4 has with the functionphotosensitivity. Brightness in this case, you can choose. The maximum duration of video recording is 20 minutes. The contrast of the model is adjusted through the camera menu. The zoom in the smartphone is fourfold. Optionally, the smoothing option can be selected. Saturation in the settings is adjustable by levels.

In order to switch to video, you needClick the icon on the panel. There are different exposures in the device. The user is able to choose the place for saving photos by himself. Also, this smartphone differs from other models in a special night mode. Photo flash in the device is also available.

Reviews about the camera

За камеру смартфон Asus ZenFone 4 отзывы gets, as a rule, positive. However, there are consumers who are not satisfied with this model. First of all, they negatively respond to the device due to the slow saving of files. At the same time, the camera can sometimes open for a long time.

asus zenfone 4 reviews

Ели говорить о достоинствах, то внимания deserves a microphone. From the words of users, the sound is always written perfectly. For the function of detecting the face of Asus ZenFone 4, the reviews deserve good. It is also possible to set the saturation of the photo. The resolution is set through the camera settings.


In addition to the charger, to the phoneThe manufacturer includes a small USB cable. Instructions are also included. Unfortunately, the mobile phone case the user will have to buy their own. Choose it for the specified model in the store will be easy.

General settings

To view customization toolsphone Asus ZenFone 4 A400CG, should go to the main menu. Ringtones to call you can choose a variety. Touch tones are configured separately. Optionally, you can customize the shakes function. In order to save the new number, you need to go to the contacts tab.

Information on the numbers you can make the mostvaried. Synchronization parameters are set through the protection tab. The data cycle in the device is not possible to choose. The security settings of the device can be viewed. Call barring is enabled from the main menu.


All necessary for normal operation of the deviceApplications in this device are provided. Installed Doctor Web anti-virus system. Test editor, if necessary, you can use. In order to view the system commands, you need to run the program "Astro". The specified file manager can significantly increase the performance of the device.

asus zenfone 4 Price

Special attention deserves the program "PlayerAbout ". With it, you can listen to different music or switch to a radio station. To search for utilities, there is a special application called Check Adapter." In the list of programs, the user can see the "Wedge Master". This application was created to delete unnecessary files. this it has a scan function.


The functions of the organizer in the specified phoneare limited. The calculator is installed the most common and easy to use. The clock is set through the general settings, and the world time function is provided in them. Stopwatch, as well as a timer in the general list of programs is. Separate attention deserves the calendar. With it, the user is able to save notes on specific dates.


Smartphone Asus ZenFone 4 needs firmwarerarely. However, cases of poor performance should not be excluded. Some sometimes start to lose the settings. Also, the smartphone is able to work poorly with applications. All this suggests damage to certain system files. In order to increase the characteristics of Asus ZenFone 4, you need to flash the device. This can be done without the involvement of specialists. This will help the owner with a special program called Rum Meneger.

asus zenfone 4 phone

According to its settings, it is quite simple, soThe firmware process will be very easy to start. First of all, the Asus ZenFone 4 smartphone is connected to the personal computer. Next, the Rum Manager is launched. Then, the user will be required to select the check tab. It is intended for testing equipment.

After checking the smartphone, the button will become active.start. After pressing it, the process will start. Upon completion of the firmware at Asus ZenFone 4, the characteristics should increase significantly. To check the performance, you must view the settings of the device, as well as run various applications.


Given all the above, it should be noted thatThe specified smartphone in its class is considered to be in demand, and for good reason. First of all, he is good in his appearance. The camera on the phone is not bad. Also, all of the above should be added advanced settings of the device and a convenient menu.