/ / Parallel connection of batteries: scheme. What does the parallel connection of batteries?

Battery connection in parallel: circuit. What gives a parallel connection of batteries?

Аккумуляторы обычно изготавливаются с прицелом на work with a certain standardized load. So, there are batteries that ensure the functioning of microcontrollers - they have a voltage of 5 V. To work with engines, batteries are used that can provide 12 V or 24 V. And what if you need to get 60 V? Battery with such voltage still try to find. In this case, we can help connect the batteries in parallel. What makes such a move? What is the scheme of such a connection? What particular aspects of this move are there? How is parallel connection of batteries made? The scheme for this action looks like? All of these, as well as a number of other issues, we will discuss with you in this article.

What does the parallel connection of batteries in practice?

parallel connection of batteries
So, to begin with we will outline the general scheme.Connecting batteries in parallel provides for such an approach that all positive terminals are connected to a certain point on the electrical circuit, which is called a plus. Similar needs to be done with negative conclusions. Only they are connected to the minus. Why do we need to do this? In the end result, we have the voltage that one battery has (the situation is considered that we have the same batteries). But the capacity of the resulting structure will be equal to the sum of this parameter of all power sources that are in the circuit. Electric energy is equal to a single value multiplied by the number of devices. This, however, does not depend on which connection is used - parallel or serial.

Why batteries to connect to the battery?

parallel connection of batteries
The result of such actions we considered.And why we may need to connect the batteries in parallel? Any electrical systems or devices incur ohmic losses when part of the energy is converted into heat and there is no useful work. This is due to the impossibility of obtaining an efficiency of 100%. In this case, it is possible to recall from the course of school physics that the higher the voltage, the lower the current at the same power and less significant ohmic losses. Thus, the more high-voltage batteries we use, the better the result will be. But even with this approach, the capacity of one battery may not always be enough. In this case, you can replace it with a high-capacity battery. But this is not always convenient, and sometimes it is easier to simply install another power source and use a parallel connection of batteries so that they support a certain system longer.

Is this option suitable for power supplies of different capacities?

parallel connection of different batteries
Parallel connection of different batteries is notcarries danger if we consider the problem in terms of tension. With battery terminals, nothing terrible can happen. Discharge or charge of power sources will occur synchronously due to the nature of the connection. But if we touch on the topic of currents, here it is already a little more difficult. So, you need to take care that it does not exceed a certain value, which is indicated directly by the manufacturer.

The most common indicators are100 A and 130 A. The reason for this restriction is that the terminals themselves will not be able to transmit such a current (although theoretically the battery itself is able to do this). But this is the very top, which can only be a matter of seconds. Let's consider a more realistic use case.

Technical limitations

If you look at the specificationsthe permissible current, then usually here you will not see large numbers. So, usually you can not allow batteries to be connected together, the capacity of which varies from 5 to 25 times (as a rule). Moreover, this aspect needs to be carefully studied, since even a short circuit is possible. The risk of its occurrence is in the range of 15-70 capacities of the smallest battery (depending on the brand and technical implementation). Roughly speaking, the less time they function, the more current you can work with. So, if the difference between them is 5 times, then this means that they will be able to function all the time (theoretically). But if we work with a 20-fold difference, then it is desirable that the score be for a second. Many power supply manufacturers specify current thresholds for their products. For example, 2.6 A.

Why are there limitations?

parallel connection of batteries of different capacities
Let's further explore the parallel topic.connection of batteries of different capacities. It was previously stated that manufacturers recommend limitations in Ampere units, although in practice this limit can be exceeded many times. Why is that? To do this, consider the very structure of the battery on the example of a lead-acid battery. This choice was made due to the prevalence of power sources of this type.

So, for the success of the necessaryElectrochemical reaction must be provided with high-quality electrolyte. It is also important to carry out the process in the upper layers and the removal of products. This significantly helps the active weight of the battery plates. After all, thanks to it, the substance involved in the reaction is more easily supplied and discharged. But as the “resource materials” move down, everything starts to happen more slowly. Actively affects the fact that sulfur appears in the electrolyte. Therefore, connecting batteries in parallel is preferred only when the battery is charged. The lower the actual voltage indicator, the more dangerous the operation of power sources of different capacities. Therefore, it is desirable to ensure timely nutrition. It would be best to prevent the container from falling below 1/3 of the nominal.

Features of charging with parallel connection

During the start of this process, the preferredis the transfer of a fairly large charging current. After all, the surface of the battery will be restored first, and then its lower layers. At the same time, it is desirable to reduce the current, since the intensity of the electrochemical reaction decreases, as a result of which a large amount of energy can “boil” the electrolyte (decomposition will occur).

If we consider one of the most popular typesbattery is lead-acid, it is unlikely to fail immediately if it violates this prescription. But his term of service is clearly significantly reduced. In general, if we talk about charging power sources, then it is worth concentrating on the fact that it is desirable to use factory devices. If you exploit something else, then certain aspects may not be taken into account (or incorrectly taken into account), which will result in problems in the future.

Battery and Capacity

connection of two batteries in parallel
Let's get into the parallel connection.different batteries (as well as the same). It should be understood that if the total current does not exceed the established limits, then problems and dangers will not appear.

Let's look at the connection of two batteries.parallel to 2 A, when they are from the same batch and charged with 2 * 2 = 4 A. There are no dangers here, because due to the same design, the currents will be divided proportionally. And no frontiers will cross.

And now let's take the power sources,where there is a significant difference. When the current exceeds the limits set by the manufacturer, it will flow through the battery, despite the fact that it is not designed for this. We think it is not necessary to talk about the result. This applies to all, not just lead-acid batteries. Even if you want to make a parallel connection of Li-Ion batteries, which are considered to have increased reliability, do not neglect safety precautions.

Calculate the required indicators

parallel battery connection diagram
Итак, нам необходимо обеспечить значительную the amount of current with the use of parallel connected batteries. How to find out what we need? To do this, you can use a special formula, which will now be given:


And now decoding the formula:

T - the current that will turn out. It is necessary that it coincides with the desired result.

RTEP - discharge current of a battery unit. That is how much can give one battery.

CEPOT - number of batteries of the same type.

In amateur radio practice it is difficult to obtain the necessary values. The same formula will make achieving the goal easier.

Looking for other ways to turn on batteries

We devoted a parallel connection of batteries.significant attention. We hope that this will help to solve the tasks. But if during the introduction to the article, the thought came to you that the solutions described here are not suitable for any particular case, we suggest that you read the following:

  1. Serial connection Roughly speaking, we increase the voltage that uninterruptible power supplies give us.
  2. Mixed compound. In this case, there is a simultaneous increase in both current and voltage. But this is a very complicated scheme to build.


what makes a parallel connection of batteries
Напоследок хочется дать немного напутствий.First of all, follow the safety precautions. Also, before working with batteries, it is not at all superfluous to familiarize yourself with the instructions and recommendations provided by their manufacturers. This will avoid situations that could adversely affect the life of the power supply. Also, be especially careful when working with batteries that provide significant performance. Indeed, in such cases, the risk of electric shock becomes very likely. Yes, and with weak elements do not need to handle lightly.