/ / Electronic photo frame - a worthy replacement for the traditional photo album

Electronic photo frame - a worthy replacement for the traditional photo album

Digital technology is firmly established in our lives.Now, few people use ordinary film cameras. Too troublesome this business - to charge the film, to show, print pictures. It is much easier to use a digital camera, especially since it is available on almost every modern phone. Having thus captured a lot of interesting moments, we are faced with a choice - where to put all this? Print in the nearest photo studio or on a printer, put it forever in a bulky, dusty album or store it electronically, arranging yourself periodic viewing using a computer? It is here that you will need such a beautiful modern device as an electronic photo frame.

electronic photo frame

Its convenience is obvious.Having small dimensions, it can store a large number of photos, for viewing which you can use several modes. In addition, it is very convenient to hold it in your hands or to go with her to visit with friends or relatives the most significant moments of family life. The electronic photo frame can also be quite used as the most ordinary one, which is easy to hang on the wall to replace portraits or paintings.

electronic photo frame Price
So, what kind of photo frame to choose from allexisting diversity today? First of all it is necessary to determine the size. On sale can be found as miniature - less than 5 ″, and in excess of 12 ″. Here, as they say - a matter of taste. But the most popular was the electronic photo frame with a screen size of 7 ″ -12 ″. From the display depends on its resolution, which is measured by the number of pixels per inch. The more of them - the better the image is perceived. 800x600 is enough for a normal viewing of pictures on a medium-sized photo frame. If you have the opportunity to purchase with high resolution - it will not be worse.

The next thing to notice is the anglereview. This characteristic can be found by reading the instructions to the photo frame. The viewing angle can vary between 100-180 degrees horizontally and 60-170 degrees vertically. It makes no sense to explain that the more it is, the more convenient it is to view photos.

When choosing a photo frame, be sure to pay attention to the amount of its memory and the ability to connect external media to it. The bigger it is - the more pictures you can upload there.

Современная электронная рамка для фотографий allows you to not only view pictures, but also serves as a small home theater or music player. Therefore, a device that, in addition to the graphic formats JPEG, GIF, BMP, TIFF, also supports AVI, MOV, WMA and MP3 will not be superfluous. Also, it does not interfere with the presence of a built-in clock, calendar and alarm clock.

electronic photo frame

The cost of these devices varies within1500-2500 rub., Although it can be found both cheaper and more expensive (the latter is more common). The larger the size and number of "frills" that your electronic photo frame has, its price is higher. As for the manufacturer, it is difficult to choose a particular one, and therefore it is better to focus on the appearance, since the electronic photo frame is purchased primarily for yourself.