/ / Smartphone Wileyfox Storm: owners reviews, specifications and features

Wileyfox Storm smartphone: reviews of owners, specifications and features

Today your phone will be presented to you.called Wileyfox Storm. Reviews of this product are left more and more often. It is the opinions of buyers that allow you to understand how this or that product is beautiful. Therefore, before you buy a particular phone, you need to study the feedback left on the model. Wileyfox Storm is a device that not everyone knows about. But at the same time it gets a lot of popularity. Should I stop focusing on these products? What are the pros and cons of it? Understanding all this is not as difficult as it seems. Especially if you evaluate the phone on its main characteristics.


Smartphone Wileyfox Storm reviews gets a variety. What kind of gadget is this? It has already been said - the phone. Ultra-thin, with a large display. You can use it and all its features.

wileyfox storm reviews

The phone is a typical representative.average smartphone, but with certain advantages. What exactly? About them a little later. In general, Wileyfox Storm is no different from any other counterpart. You can watch movies, videos, surf the Internet, play games, and make calls. Including video calls. Therefore, the main attention is drawn to the characteristics of the gadget. It is for them that Wileyfox Storm receives ambiguous reviews.


Externally studied the phone does not stand out much of their number of similar smartphones. The only thing that can attract a gadget is its size. Wileyfox Storm is a fairly large device.

The model is a typical smartphone.whose front panel is primarily a touch screen. On the back is a camera. Color ranges are not too diverse. Popular black color. It resembles the color of wet asphalt.

The phone does not have sharp corners that manybuyers happy. In general, the design is attractive, no frills. The phone looks stylish, but not original. This is not a disadvantage, but this fact is often emphasized by buyers.


The next point for which gets WileyfoxStorm reviews are device sizes. Here opinions are divided. Some say that the size of the smartphone is too big. In the hand to hold such a phone is inconvenient, it is a bit like a mini-tablet.

smartphone wileyfox storm reviews

The other half of buyers, on the contrary, are happy with the large size of the phone. However, they note that the gadget is not too comfortable to carry in your pocket. But in the bag such a device is not lost.

Wileyfox Storm sizes:76.9 millimeters in width, 155.6 in length and 9.1 millimeters in thickness. In general, this is an ultra-thin smartphone, but it is more suitable for people with big hands. Children manage with such a phone is problematic. Girls also often point out that it is not very convenient to use Wileyfox Storm.


На что еще нужно обратить внимание?Some are repelled by the phone manufacturer. For him, Wileyfox Storm reviews earn not the best. The thing is that many are accustomed to the fact that high-quality phones are produced only by well-known leaders like Samsung or Lenovo. Therefore, Wileyfox Storm is a very dubious product.

The country of origin is China.But this does not mean that the smartphone is not the best quality. Judging the work of the phone only by manufacturer is not the best solution. Much more important to pay attention to the characteristics of the device!


Wileyfox Storm 5.5 reviews gets mostly positive for their display. The diagonal is 5.5 inches. The resolution is 1920 by 1080 pixels. This means that the image on the display will be of high quality. It pleases many buyers. High screen resolution is always in the price!

wileyfox storm 5 5 reviews

Нельзя не обратить внимание на то, что дисплей touch, with multitouch technology. These characteristics have almost every modern phone. Wileyfox Storm also receives positive feedback for the fact that the display has good protection from scratches and other damages. This does not mean that you can dismiss the gadget. Just scratching the screen is hard.

As indicated by numerous reviews, the imagethe screen is bright and crisp. With long-term use of the gadget, there may be some “sticking” and speeding problems, but this does not significantly affect the quality of the functioning of the phone.

About memory

Следующая важная характеристика - это память phone. In the gadget two types of memory. The first is operational. Responsible for device performance. Wileyfox Storm has 3 GB of it. Not much, not enough. We can say this is an average indicator. That is why the smartphone Wileyfox Storm 5.5 FHD reviews receives positive.

The next memory is permanent.It is intended for user data. The phone has 32 GB of such memory. This is a very good indicator. Positive emotions is also the fact that you can expand the memory of the phone. You can insert a memory card. Its maximum capacity is 128 GB.

wileyfox storm 5 5 fhd reviews

Buyers point out that information onWileyfox Storm can be stored very much. These features now can boast not every smartphone. Therefore, many are looking at the studied products.


Wileyfox Storm 5.5 FHD reviews also get positive for their camera. First, there are two of them. There is a front, and there is a rear. The first is to use video call and take selfies. It allows you to shoot with a quality of 8 megapixel. For the "front" camera is a very good indicator.

The rear camera is equipped with autofocus and flash.Face recognition technology is also available. Removes with a quality of 20.7 MP. Allows you to take high-quality pictures even in poorly lit places. In the right hands, according to reviews, this camera shoots no worse than a professional camera. Therefore, you should pay attention to the smartphone Wileyfox Storm.

OS and speed

The software installed on the phone is anotheradvantage. Wileyfox Storm has Cyanogen OS 12.1 operating system. This is the equivalent of "Android" 5.1. Therefore, the essential interface of the phone is no different from what the owners of smartphones are used to seeing. This OS has its own features, but they are mainly designed for ease of management and navigation. With such a phone is easy to work.

smartphone wileyfox storm 5 5 reviews

А вот в отношении быстродействия Wileyfox Storm reviews are not the best. The thing is that initially the gadget will delight in its speed. But over time, the brakes will appear, the phone will begin to react for a long time to the commands sent. Not too slowly, but a certain inhibition is still palpable.

Especially the speed "lame", ifSmartphone running many applications. In order not to face the brakes, it is recommended simply not to run several games at the same time. Indeed, in this situation, even the fastest phone will slow down.

It should be noted high speedThe internet. Users indicate that they can use 4G technology with Wileyfox Storm. This allows you to connect high speed internet. Now, not all smartphones are equipped with such a function, only in the updates it is available!


But for the battery is not the best gets Wileyfox Storm reviews of the owners. Buyers often complain about this component. There are several reasons for this.

The first is a fast discharge.With active use of the device can only hope for 12-16 hours of uninterrupted operation. After that you have to recharge the gadget. In talk mode, the smartphone operates up to 8 hours. It turns out that long use of Wileyfox Storm in the active mode will not work. It frustrates buyers. Especially when you consider that in general the smartphone is powerful. It can even be called game play.

smartphone wileyfox storm 5 5 fhd reviews

Второй минус - это то, что в режиме зарядки play will not work. The phone will work, but the battery does not charge. This is also a flaw that makes you wonder how high-quality Wileyfox Storm is.

The third drawback is the built-in battery.That is, it is not removed. And in the event of a breakdown or failure, it will be very difficult to replace the battery with a Wileyfox Storm. Find in the store this component is almost impossible. Only in service centers, under the order. But then the repair will be delayed for a long time.

Больше никаких особенностей аккумулятор Wileyfox Storm has not. These drawbacks should be taken into account by every customer. After all, very often customers complain that it is the battery that has to be regularly changed in a particular smartphone.


Special attention is paid to the cost of the gadget.For this indicator, 4G smartphone Wileyfox Storm 5.5 reviews receives mostly positive. This device in its characteristics is at a fairly high level. And its cost is not too high.

For this product will have to pay about 8-9 thousandrubles. Not much, but not budget. Regular price for a modern smartphone. With all the advantages of the device, look at the Wileyfox Storm worth it. In any case, if you are not afraid of the nuances with the battery and speed.


Wileyfox Storm получает неоднозначные отзывы.They are mostly positive, but negative are also not excluded. It should be noted that in general, the studied gadget is powerful. But if it breaks, then you either have to buy a new phone, or wait a long time until it is repaired.

4g smartphone wileyfox storm 5 5 reviews

If all of these drawbacks are not scared away, withThis wants to buy a new generation of gaming smartphone, the Wileyfox Storm is perfect. Otherwise, it is recommended to look at the more familiar manufacturers. But mostly the owners of Wileyfox Storm are satisfied with the purchase.