Управление отопительным оборудованием в modern circuits implemented through thermostats. These are devices with the help of which the owner can adjust the working base for a certain mode of operation. The most technologically advanced models of thermostats require adjustment by several parameters and even their automatic correction. There are also different approaches to the organization of interaction between equipment and control equipment. Ample opportunities for the formation of this bundle provides a thermostat with a remote air temperature sensor, which can be installed away from the heater.
Features of thermostats with remote sensor
Простейшие модели терморегуляторов снабжаются built-in sensors. Their task is to determine the current temperature conditions directly in the room where the heating installation is operating. Devices with a remote type sensor are used when it is necessary to determine the temperature outside the room in which the control equipment is located. But the task of the controller remains the same - on the basis of accepted indicators to regulate the parameters of the functioning of the target equipment. For example, a thermostat with a remote air temperature sensor can be installed near the boiler, and the sensing element in this case will be located in the room to which the heating function is oriented. Practiced and another approach to the use of remote sensor. Sometimes it is installed outside so that the operating parameters of the same boiler are set in accordance with the external climatic conditions. But in such systems, standard room sensors are also involved, and street counterparts act as a complementary indicator.
What equipment are used for thermostats?
A classic example of using thermostats -This is a floor heating system. Regulators can also be used in the composition of the mentioned boiler units, radiators and other types of home heaters. The function of the sensors remains common to the entire group of equipment of this type - to monitor temperature indicators. Outside of home use, it is worth highlighting areas where water supply systems, freezers, cooling systems, etc. are used. As part of this infrastructure, complex temperature relays are used, which can combine several sensors in one system. At industrial enterprises, the use of remote sensors is caused by the need to control several operating zones, the heating of which is realized by one heating unit.
Есть несколько признаков классификации приборов.First of all it is a way of presenting data. There are electronic and mechanical temperature controllers that are distinguished by the accuracy of readings and reliability. Models of the first type, as a rule, have a small error coefficient, but at the same time they are less resistant to physical effects. Mechanics are considered to be an aging technical basis; therefore, devices of this type are becoming less common on the market.
Another sign of separation is based on the waymounting. Both the thermostat itself and the sensors may assume floor, air and wall mounting. Also, the principles of connecting components differ. For example, the thermostat in the outlet with remote sensor eliminates the need for laying a separate power line. And if a wireless sensor is used, installation operations will be limited to the physical installation of the device without electrical operations.
Instrument specifications
Ключевым рабочим показателем является мощность regulator. This parameter is determined by the requirements for the load with which the device will operate. Typically, household type models have a potential of 3-3.6 kW This is enough to service a productive boiler or a group of small heaters. By the way, in order to have the opportunity to work with several units at the same time, manufacturers provide multi-channel control. Even medium-sized devices often allow for the integration of a temperature relay capable of covering 5-10 zones simultaneously. The temperature range over which the readings will be monitored also matters. A typical instrument typically has a range of 5 to 45 ° C. For special applications, modifications are available that work with ranges up to 90 ° C.
Technological additions
Functional innovations are rarely found insuch devices, since they are focused on a clear implementation of a specific task. Unless separate versions along with temperature can also fix indicators of humidity. The main direction of technological development of thermostats is the ergonomics of management. To increase comfort, Wi-Fi modules are being introduced into the sensors, and the control consoles themselves receive touch panel settings and liquid crystal screens. Popular and digital thermostat with a remote sensor that supports the possibility of programming. Unlike standard electronic models, such devices are designed to process complex algorithms, for which the readings from several temperature indicators can act as input data.
На отечественном рынке качественные модели thermostats are offered by Teplolux, Caleo, Honeywell, Electrolux, etc. For specialized or industrial applications, interesting models are offered by Grand Mayer and Thermo. As for the cost, the budget thermostat with remote air temperature sensor is available on average for 1-1.5 thousand rubles. Digital devices with wireless sensors are estimated at 2-3 thousand.
How to choose the right model?
If this is a multi-component controlheating equipment or a wide group of devices, the choice should be made based on the project. In technical terms, the permissible characteristics for specific points of regulation should be indicated. In home use, critical areas can be trusted to 5-10-zone regulators, whose power is about 3.6 kW. If a model is selected to control the floor heating system or a small boiler, then an electronic temperature controller with a remote two-zone type temperature sensor will do. In this choice, you can safely focus on the ergonomic and stylistic advantages of the model.
Only rarely is modern heatingequipment is available without control panels in the base. That is, the possibility of direct regulation is often provided by default. In this regard, the question may arise whether a thermostat with a remote air temperature sensor is necessary. Of course, the regulation can be carried out in a direct way - moreover, the possibilities of wireless control are also provided in the same basic configurations. However, a special thermostat with sensors can completely relieve the owner of the need to control the heating system. The device will automatically adjust the operating parameters, which will provide not only ease of use, but also energy savings.