/ / Philips Phones for every taste: from “drops” to “pillows”

Headphones "Philips" for every taste: from "drops" to "pillows"

Sometimes the best moment of the day isstay alone with yourself. It is at such moments that you really realize the oppressive burden of fatigue and enjoy every moment of calm. But to be in harmony with your inner world is very easy: just turn on your favorite music and isolate yourself from external sounds with a wall whose name is headphones. Philips is one of the most famous world companies that supplies the market with a huge amount of various home appliances. Together with the latter, under the brand, various accessories are published, which make life easier for modern man several times.

Philips Headphones

Let the music from the drops come!

Among the most popular and sought afterproducts of this company are and headphones. Philips strives to take into account all the wishes of customers and create a product that meets the highest requirements. This concern also cooperates with other companies, directing common efforts to produce those accessories that are so necessary for lovers of comfort and coziness. For an example and do not go far. More recently, Phillips O "Neil Trade" headphones have been marketed to the world market. In English, the last word means "thread." So it is. The cord of this accessory is a thin rope protected by a specially created fabric web. is Kevlar. Relying on the opinion of scientists and testers, it can be argued that this fiber is several times stronger than steel. The wiring itself is hidden under the socket of the connector, presented in the form of a small rubberized cylinder. ilips "-.. This drop-shaped miniature sound emitters Their body is made of machined high-strength aluminum Breaking such an accessory, even stepping on his foot, absolutely unreal.

Phillips headphones price [

Soft pads giant headset

In addition to the drop-shaped headphones, the company releasesand best-selling headsets. In cooperation with the brand already familiar with the previous accessory, the concern produced another new product: Philips Neil Streych headphones. This item is a model from a line of products designed specifically for people who have a mobile lifestyle. That is why this headset is designed for loads of any The wire at the headphones is rather short and braided with a material containing Kevlar. At the same time, the product bundle includes another long cord for connecting the headset to a portable device. This wire will also wrap It is also equipped with a Kevlar-based cloth, which also contains a control panel with which you can receive calls and adjust the volume.

Philips Headphones SHS5200

Верхняя часть наушников состоит из оголовья и directly emitters themselves. The first includes a fabric bezel and a nylon holder. Thanks to their union, the headset is well mounted on the head and does not fall down. It is worth noting that these headphones cannot be adjusted in size. This is precisely the negative point. The emitters of this accessory are soft, durable and quite comfortable. These Philips headphones, priced at 4,500 rubles, will give their owner a great sound that will allow you to enjoy music even in a cruel "minus" and torrential rain.

Philips Headphones

Golden mean

However, in this experiment the company does notare running out. Another option in the model line of accessories for music are Philips SHS5200 headphones. This time the item is attached to the head with the back of the head. This option is suitable for those music lovers who can not find a comfortable “drops” or do not like bulky headsets. At the same time, the cost of these headphones is several times lower than the previous product.