/ / Should I buy an iPhone 5s? What are the advantages of this model?

Should I buy iPhone 5s? What are the advantages of this model?

Many people who want to get a phone fromApple is seriously thinking: is it worth buying an iPhone 5s? Or maybe take the latest model, the sixth? Or just wait until the Americans release another new product?

whether to buy iphone 5s

Rich functionality

If for something people love the fifth iPhone, so thisfor its rich functionality and attractive design. We have to admit that the engineers of the corporation responsibly approached the matter and carefully thought out all the details. So the fifth version of the phone has become even thinner - only 7.6 mm. Weight is also small - 112 grams. Despite such parameters, the screen size was increased, a new operating system (iOS 7th) was installed.

Much has changed in the phone, if you compare itwith the previous model, but the most important innovations are performance, OS stability, battery life and, finally, display brightness. So if the question arises whether it is worth buying the iPhone 5s or saving and buying the 4th model, then you definitely need to take that phone, which is newer and better.

whether to buy iphone 5s in 2014

Fifth or sixth?

Why buy an outdated model (if you cancall this phone, released for the first time only 2.5 years ago), if there is a newer version, that is, the sixth? Should I buy an iPhone 5s in this case?

Здесь решение зависит от предпочтений самого person There are differences, of course. First, the phones are radically different from each other in appearance. The sixth iPhone is wider and longer. But this, I must say, not for every person is a plus, since some, on the contrary, prefer more compact models. To others, on the contrary, it is important that the display is as wide as possible. It was expected that in the sixth iPhone will be a better camera - by as much as 2 megapixels, but it remained the same - 8 MP.

The novelty is also equipped with various sensors:manufacturers have increased the number of sensors in the phone. In general, Apple continues to improve its inventions. Everyone has long known that every new corporation is a serious upgrade. However, many people simply do not need all these additional applications. Should I buy an iPhone 5s, if you only need to call, listen to music and use the Internet? It is possible, however, for such purposes and the fourth and third model.

Owners opinion

How many people, so many opinions, and aboutIn addition, whether to buy iPhone 5s in 2014, there were a lot of sayings. Especially often this question arose in December, since then the release of the sixth model was already planned. Owners of new items believe that after the release of the 6th to buy the 5th iPhone is meaningless. Allegedly, it is not much cheaper than the 6th, there are no special marketing innovations in it, and the design is too conservative. Plus, the platform: not everyone liked the 7th version of iOS. Therefore, even last year, when in doubt about whether to buy iPhone 5s or wait for iPhone 6, many opted for the latter.

Is it worth buying iphone 5s in america


Всем известно, что Apple – это бренд, причем world famous and considered to be one of the best today. Therefore, the products manufactured by this corporation are expensive. This goes for everything - be it an iPad, iPod, iPhone or MacBook Pro. If a person in Russia has an Apple phone, this indicates his wealth.

But in America, in the birthplace of a smartphone, this is the mostordinary gadget. For example, in America, the 5th iPhone costs only $ 199! This is indeed very small, given the standard of living in the United States. If you translate into rubles at the current rate, it will be about 12,300 rubles. Remembering that before the dollar was much cheaper, you can be surprised how much the fifth smartphone from Apple cost then. However, even now it is cheap, since the current cost of the 5th iPhone is at least 28 thousand rubles. Therefore, if you have to go to the USA and want to buy a new phone, then you don’t even have to think about whether to buy iPhone 5s in America: if you have the opportunity, you should definitely take it.

is it worth buying iphone 5s on avito

iPhone in Russia

Today, quite a few Russians have an iPhone, thoughthe overwhelming majority use phones running on the Android platform (Explay, Samsung, Lenovo, HTC, etc.). All this, again, is explained by the price, or rather, its relation to quality. But many people buy iPhones, and quite actively, for example, when the last model came out, the sixth, in many stores, the new items did not appear on the very first day. Prices, of course, high, but everything is relative. But the latest model, the sixth, costs about 50 thousand rubles (64 GB version), and this is the minimum figure.

whether to buy iphone 5s or wait iphone 6

A budget option

Если же очень хочется купить телефон, однако the required amount is not, then there is a way out. This refers to various sites that sell iPhones with hands, that is, used. Many people do just that - they buy up the equipment from someone and use it. By the way, this is a great option.

Some mistakenly believe that it is not necessarybuy used goods: you never know what condition it is in. However, the previous owners do not sell their phones because they are faulty. Some of them are used to changing smartphones with the release of new items. This, by the way, is the most common reason. Therefore, if there are doubts whether it is worth buying the iPhone 5s on Avito, or it is better to save money and spend money on a completely new phone, you can safely throw them aside. And it will be possible to save money, and to get the phone, practically new. For example, the new iPhone 6 Plus 16 Gb in excellent condition, which was used for just a few months, will cost less than 40 thousand rubles, while in the store you will have to pay at least 6 thousand more for it. The maximum cost of this model is 62,000 rubles.

In general, if you want to buy a phone, you shouldIt’s good to think about which version is worth buying, new or used, and for how much. After all, the purchase is serious, and it must be approached responsibly.