In public transport, in lines and even onthe red signal of the traffic light, we all out of habit get our smartphones. After all, it is very convenient - you can quickly check the ribbon of social networks, see the weather, check for traffic jams or check the map and much more. Particularly pleased that you can buy such a smart phone, even with the most modest salary. To purchase sensory "Android" phones for 2000 rubles is quite real.

What is the purpose of choosing cheap phones?
Not everyone likes pretentiousness and Ponte.For such people it is unusual to squeal with delight at the sight of the new iPhone 8, and to show their viability with the help of a cool gadget is the last thing that comes to their mind. They can be content with their inexpensive, but quite functional smartphone and at the same time be happy.
Some prefer inexpensive phones for work,others want to buy budget options for their children, knowing that they can lose an expensive gadget or simply break it. In any case, no matter how heaped-up novelties pleased the manufacturers of their customers, budgetary Android touch phones for 2000 rubles are always relevant.

Should I buy budget phones on Chinese sites?
Of course, you can buy inexpensive touchphones priced from 900 to 2000 rubles, but it should be understood that the quality and functionality of such devices will be much lower than the more expensive counterparts. Usually this applies to the camera, internal memory and other features of a smartphone, but there is also a significant plus - cheap phones, as a rule, hold the battery charge for much longer than any iPhone can boast. If you are satisfied with the proposed characteristics, you can safely buy phones in this range and not bother with unnecessary options.
Here are just a lot of people trying to save money whileTo buy something mega-cool, for example, the latest version from iPhon or Samsung, they turn to Chinese platforms, where they trade in all items of the world, but of very dubious quality. Delivery of such a purchase, as a rule, lasts about 3 months, and the expectation and reality do not always coincide. Unfortunately, the touchscreen “Android” bought in such an online store “Samsung” for 2000 rubles is unlikely to serve for a long time (if you can turn it on at all), and it turns out a waste of money, time and nerves. So it’s better to buy simple touch phones on Android for 2000 rubles from local manufacturers and not chase an imaginary brand.

The most budget phones on Yandex.Market
Для того чтобы не терять время, слоняясь по shopping, choosing the best option, was coined "Yandex.Market". One has only to specify in the filters the parameters of the touchscreen “Android” phones for 2000 rubles, as more than 50 different phone models will appear before your eyes, among which are both completely unfamiliar brands and very good samples that have shown themselves only from the best side. For example, for such relatively small money you can buy:
Fly FS407 Stratus 6 with two SIM cards and a diagonal of 4 inches;
Alcatel PIXI 3 (3.5) 4009D with a 2 megapixel camera and a diagonal of 3.4 inches;
Explay Atom - 4-inch screen, camera - 3 MP.