/ / Beeline Highway service: how to connect 1 GB, 4 GB, 30 GB

Beeline Highway service: how to connect 1 GB, 4 GB, 30 GB

Due to the fact that many mobile subscribersCommunications use smartphones designed to solve a large number of different tasks, the service of mobile Internet access is in rather wide demand. Telecom operators understand this by offering customers a range of tariff packages with dedicated traffic.

Take at least one of the largest operators.Russia - the company "Beeline". Here they offer their customers a whole range of tariffs that provide Internet access at a bargain price. That represents the service “Highway Beeline” (everyone can connect it, we will also tell you how to do it further) and what advantages it has, read in this article.

general characteristics

“Highway Beeline” how to connect

United by one name tariff plans, oin question, it is very convenient in its structure. There are no tricky payments, additional conditions and obscure discounts. The user who wants to connect the Internet to his mobile device, it will be easier to navigate what the operator specifically offers: even those who have never dealt with them will easily understand what features this or that tariff has. You can learn the details of the options on the Beeline official website, which we did.

Посетив интернет-ресурс компании, можно заметить Beeline Highway options page. How to connect them, it is also written here, in fact, this is all the information that may be of interest to the future user. All “Highway” packages are divided among themselves in terms of traffic volume, purpose and, of course, cost. The whole family of services includes 5 tariffs: they are called 1 GB, 4 GB, 8 GB, 12 GB, 20 GB. Accordingly, as you understand, by such designations, you can quickly find out how much traffic the subscriber will receive.

What is the service intended for?

service “Highway Beeline” connect

As for the use of traffic, thenpage “Beeline” is information about how you can use the amount of data provided. For example, if the subscriber does not know which package he should order, here he can use the recommendation of the provider. For example, if you have a phone, the best order would be a package in which 1 GB of data is given. As indicated on the website, this option allows you to work with mail, check the page on social networks and carry out a basic search for information on the Internet (for example, quickly “google” something if necessary). Films, of course, with 1 GB do not look, but this is not necessary if you have a smartphone, not a tablet. How to connect the “Highway” 1 GB on “Beeline” is indicated here: you can do this in at least three ways on your own:

  • receiving SMS and confirming it;
  • using a virtual office;
  • by calling 067471702 (to order the service for a month).

We note that the cost of the package is 200rubles per month or 7 rubles per day (at the user's choice). If you do not know how to connect the “Highway” 1 GB on Beeline with monthly payment, just go to the site and set a tick in front of the calculation method. Or type another combination - 067407172 (if you want to connect daily calculations).

Device distribution

Существует разделение опций мобильного интернета, depending on the gadget from which you are sitting. This is normal, because traffic is consumed much faster if you are sitting on a tablet. On the site "Beeline" there is a choice of plans for working with other devices. In particular, for the tablet, the most basic plan is “Highway” 4 GB (“Beeline”). How to connect, indicate here: the same methods, the only combination for a monthly payment (400 rubles) - 06740717031; and for daytime - 0674071731 (18 rubles per day).

how to connect the highway 1 gb on biline

Other options “Highway”

If you are interested in tariffs for a USB modem, within which even more traffic is allocated, pay attention to 8 GB, 12 GB and 20 GB.

They cost, respectively, also an order of magnitudelarger than the base package with 1 GB of data. And they, as shown on the description page, are suitable for a wide range of tasks. Downloading files, watching videos in high quality, downloading movies - all this is available to anyone who activates any of the services of Highway Beeline. How to connect these options, it is said here. You can use one of the above-mentioned general methods (connection in the “personal account” or activation by receiving SMS on your mobile). Or simply call the number and, following the instructions of the robot, confirm your intention to use one or another tariff. In particular, if it is 4 GB, then you need to call 0674071731 or send a USSD request * 115 * 051 #. In the case of the 8 GB package, this is 0674071741 and * 115 * 071 #.

The most voluminous by the amount of data tariff - “20GB ”, acting in the line instead of the previously available“ Beeline Highway 30 GB ”. How to connect it is stated on the fare page: call 0674071761 or dial * 115 * 091 #.

Share the Internet

highway 4 gb beeline how to connect

When ordering a particular data packet,remember to share. This is a relatively new option, which was introduced not so long ago. Its essence is to give the subscriber the right to choose the device on which he can use his traffic. This is very convenient if, for example, you work from a smartphone and tablet. Let's just say: this is the division into different SIM cards of one package “Highway Beeline”. How to activate the service, said in the instructions on the site. To do this, you need to go to "My Account".

There are many advantages of the option:You can order one large package of traffic with your friends and, thus, pay less. In addition, you get a large amount of data, due to which you get more pleasure from accessing online.


Beeline has an unlimited optionInternet access for users of “Highway Beeline”. How to connect, it is stated in the terms of use. To be more precise, no additional actions are needed to activate it: all subscribers who have chosen the conditions of “Highway 8 GB” and more expensive plans are given unlimited online access at night (from 1 am to 7:59 am).

Internet “Highway Beeline” how to connect

Additional options

In addition to the services of “Internet Highway”, “Beeline” (asconnect it, we described above) provides a number of other benefits to its customers. For example, this is the Mobile Games package, which allows you to download entertainment content, in particular, applications for smartphones and tablets that are available for free.

Another option to mention is “Autopayment”, withwhich subscribers can not worry about whether they have deposited funds into their mobile account on time or not. In the company's product line, there are other additional services, free and not only that make communication more comfortable.


Beeline Highway 30 GB how to connect

In fact, if you are not satisfied with the service“Highway Beeline”, you can connect some other tariff plan, under which other conditions will apply. For example, there is a “Internet per day” tariff family. Those who serve them, pay only for those days in which they need a service. There are only 2 such packages: 100 and 500 megabytes for the price of 19 and 29 rubles.

There are also other tariff plans (internet inroaming options with the possibility of increasing the available traffic). Maybe they are not as profitable as the “Highway”, but in certain situations they can give an opportunity to use the mobile Internet service.

Plus "Beeline" is also supportusers. If suddenly you did not find the answer or could not independently determine the tariff, you can contact the representatives of the company and ask them to clarify the moment which is not clear to you.