You bought a new gadget, maybe it worked out that way,that you are a completely new user of this device. During the operation it you found that you do not know how to connect the iPad to your computer, and do not know what to do. In this article, we'll look at each step.
Cable for connection

To connect the tablet to a computer withouta special USB cable you can not do. About how to connect the mini-ipad, you should not talk separately, because the process is similar to connecting a regular iPad. Cables for connection, as a rule, are included in the kit of the tablet.
Connect one end of the cable to the computer orlaptop (the USB standard is used today for all cables of the iPad). The other end of the cable should be connected to the tablet. By the way, it can be of different standards: 30-pin, used to connect the models of the first three versions (iPad, iPad2, The new iPad) to the PC; and Lightning (all subsequent models, starting with devices of the fourth generation).
A special program for connecting

Without it, you can not do.After all, you also need to know how to connect the iPad to your computer so that the latter can see the tablet. Therefore, you must first install iTunes. It can be downloaded on the official website of the company for free. On it you can read more about all the nuances of installing the program.
How to connect the iPad to your computer so thatlaptop or computer saw a full device, and did not take it for a USB flash drive. Here you will need to install special drivers. You should not look for and install them, downloading from various sources. ITunes has all the necessary drivers, absolutely for all Apple devices. When you install the program, they will also be installed.
First connection

So, in order for you to clearly know how to connect the iPad to your computer, proceed to the next step. To do this, you must have iTunes installed and the tablet itself included.
If everything is done correctly, then after connectingto the computer it will be enough to click on the icon "My computer", and in the list of local disks there should appear a new line iPad. If your device has an iOS version 7 operating system, a window appears frequently on the gadget screen that requires you to confirm the trust in order to use the iPad with this computer.
Surely you are worried about howConnect the iPad to the computer, not just like that. Basically, users need this feature in order to upload new games, videos or music. For such actions it would be nice to install certain applications. And most importantly, remember that before you start installing or syncing your iPad with other devices, you should definitely register your new gadget. Otherwise, almost all functions will not be available to you. Now you know how to connect the iPad to a computer, and you can even advise your friends in this matter.
By carefully following all instructions, you canmake the most of your tablet to play the latest generation of games, surf the web, watch movies and more.
And one more important point: during the download of applications, music or video files, and indeed any information, do not disconnect the cable, because you can lose information and files to damage.