/ / Sennheiser - wireless headphones from Germany

Sennheiser - wireless headphones from Germany

Today, no headphones can do without headphonesmodern man. Their main purpose - listening to music. Therefore, they must be different in high-quality sound, be inexpensive and comfortable, so that you can take with you anywhere. And it is precisely because of such requirements that the Sennheiser series was born - wireless headphones from a German manufacturer.

Signal transmission method

I must say that the Sennheiser series (wirelessheadphones) is only gaining its popularity, but it has a great future ahead. The transmission of a sound signal to the device, depending on its type, occurs via radio waves or via Bluetooth technology.

Sennheiser wireless headphones
The first method is far ahead byquality of the transmitted signal and range. The thing is that not a single household object can prevent the propagation of radio waves - they easily penetrate concrete walls, wooden partitions, and metal. In connection with this interference just nowhere to appear.

С другой стороны, беспроводные наушники Sennheiser RS, using wave-type data transfer, have a very high price and are rather cumbersome - professional devices are usually represented on the market.

Gadgets using Bluetooth technology do notboast a large range. They are designed to listen to music from the phone in your pocket. In this scenario, you can not worry about the sound quality. At the same time, their cost is much less than radio wave devices.

Golden mean

The German company is just beginning to increase itsproduction in the field of mobile devices and released a small line of models. Among all the representatives, it is worth to mention the Sennheiser 120 wireless headphones, located between 110 and 140 representatives.

Just want to mention their stylish design andconvenient layout - under the three foam foam pads that bend around the inner side of the plastic headband, there are two steel plates that charge the batteries. The ear cushions are trimmed with viscose fabric, tightly “wrap around” the ears, but at the same time do not make them sweat, do not squeeze and do not rub the skin.

wireless headphones Sennheiser RS
It can not but rejoice the ratio of price and quality.sound - for a budget option, the quality of the output sound is quite high. Sennheiser devices - wireless headphones - transmit a signal in the radio frequency range. For this, a transmitter-base is connected to the laptop, the music center, which is also a charging device.

Disadvantages of wireless headphones

The first flaw to mention is -This is an awkward control. On the case of the speaker are volume controls and tone, which is not very easy to get his fingers. But if you adjust, this problem will almost disappear.

wireless headphones Sennheiser 120
The second drawback is a small range. The manufacturer claims a 100-meter range of communication, in practice, the signal quality begins to fall after 30 meters if you are indoors.

В качестве минуса можно отметить сравнительно low sound quality that Sennheiser (wireless headphones) have in relation to wired devices. Among radio equipment, they certainly occupy a leading position.