/ / Bodybuilder tips: trapezius muscle and exercises to inflate it.

Tips for the bodybuilder: a trapezius muscle and exercises to inflate it.

The widest muscle of the back, which in its shaperesembles a trapezoid, is called trapezius muscle. Professional athletes sometimes call it just a trapeze. Each large flat muscle of the back is individually triangular. Its base runs along the entire spine, that is, it is in the upper back, as well as the occiput.

Trapezius muscle, as is known from the courseanatomy, is divided into three segments. Each of the segments has its own purpose. The upper muscle lifts the shoulder girdle and shoulder blades. The middle muscle moves the scapula to the vertebral column, and the lower one has the function of lowering the scapula down.

Trapezius muscle originates from the upperan occipital protuberance, a nasal line and a ligament, and also an adnate ligament of the thoracic vertebrae. This muscle is tightly attached to the humeral appendage and the lateral part of the clavicle, as well as the scapula of the shoulder blade.

If you regularly exercise, especially bodybuilding, then, first of all, you will perform exercises for trapezius muscles. All such exercises are integrated into whole complexes.

Since the trapezius muscle consists of threesegments, it is logical to assume that the muscle fibers will be located in different directions, and therefore in relation to them it is necessary to apply different power traction.

It is best to develop an individual complex of exercises that will help you to properly pump the trapezius muscle.

There are several general recommendations regarding the fact,how to pump up a trapezius muscle. The golden rule is: do not forget to work it out in all three directions. Of course, there is no such thing as a unique and unified way of pumping a trapeze. However, in the complex that you choose, there must be at least a couple of exercises for each segment of the trapezoid.

Since the upper part is powerful in itself, you need to use a solid weight to work it out.

Three segments of the trapezius muscle are duplicatedrhomboid, deltoid and some other muscles. They act as some helpers in performing the exercises, since they relieve the load from the trapezium to some extent. Thus, only the upper segment of the trapezius muscle that is located along the neck remains isolated.

When the muscle contracts, it becomes shorter, so the shoulder belt rises, however, the shoulders do not move forward or backward due to this.

Therefore, do not rotate the shoulders when performing exercises.

When you do exercises to pump up a trapeze, you do not need to hold your breath, you should remember to keep your head straight and in no case to lower it forward.

Shoulders should be deployed, and deployed in an upright position, you do not need to feed them forward.

Arms in the elbows to bend is not recommended, as you will thereby reduce the load that the trapezius muscle should receive, and increase the load of the biceps.

An important condition is the choice of the right weight: if it turns out to be too big, then you can not work out the muscles in the necessary amplitude.

Very often perform a set of exercises withdumbbells. For example, you can lift them to the chin, while holding dumbbells is necessary on the straightened arms along the body. As a rule, the distance between dumbbells should not be more than 25 centimeters.

The dumbbells are pulled vertically in this way,to reach to the chin. When lifting dumbbells up, notice that the elbows are widely divorced and pointing upwards. Lower the dumbbells is slow, not hurrying. Try not to raise your hands with dumbbells too far - keep them along the body. This exercise is aimed not only at pumping the trapezius muscle, but also for the development of the deltoid muscle group.

In any case, whatever exercises you do, they will be useful for maintaining your tone, excellent mood and help to increase muscle mass.