/ / What is mixed martial arts? Mixed Martial Arts Tournament

What is mixed martial arts? Mixed Martial Arts Tournament

Mixed martial arts is a type of martial arts,which are often unknowingly called "fighting without rules." In fact, this combination of martial arts. The fight takes place in full contact, so the fight in percussion and wrestling techniques on the floor (in the stalls) and in the stand (in the clinch) is allowed. For the first time such a term as MMA (Mixed Martial Arts), was introduced in 1995 by the president of the organization of mixed martial arts Battlecade Rick Blum. Over time, this name became generally accepted not only in English-speaking countries.

mixed martial arts

History of creation

Современные смешанные единоборства берут свое the beginning is from the Val-Tudo competition, which literally means “everything is permitted” from the Portuguese language. In countries such as Japan and Brazil, the roots of the "mixfight" go into "shutrestling" since 1930. At that time, the two most prominent representatives of jujutsu announced an official invitation to fight for any person.

As for Japan, the fighter is mixedmartial arts in the 70s of the last century Kanji Inoki fought several battles according to the combined rules. Specifically, on June 26, 1976, a phenomenal meeting occurred with the legendary boxer Mohammed Ali. Initially, a standard battle was planned, in which the standard rules of mixed martial arts would apply, but 2 days before this, several restrictions were introduced, which subsequently greatly influenced the outcome of the match. Kanji Inoki was allowed to strike with his feet solely in position with one knee on the mat, so he spent the whole battle lying on the floor, and Ali managed to deliver only 6 blows. The whole meeting was so uninteresting that after that for a long time no such competitions were held. And due to the fact that Inoki did not allow Ali to defend himself with low-kicks and hit his legs, there was even a question of continuing his boxing career.

Despite the fact that mixed martial arts anddid not get much spread, Kanji sometimes continued to hold such meetings, and already in 1986, the first organization that was involved in such battles and was called "Shuto" was formed.

mixed martial artist

Development in Russia

Considerable contribution to the development of mixed martial artsmade and the famous Bruce Lee, back in the 60s. The philosophy he preached was called Jitkundo. Its main principle was the ability to adapt to any kind of combat. Thus, the teachings and films with Bruce Lee made a fairly large contribution to the development of MMA. Not in vain, in 2004, the president of the association for fighting without rules, Dane White said that Bruce Lee is the "father of mixed martial arts."

As for the origin of the "mixfight" in the territoryUSSR, it is safe to say that we owe its appearance to such martial art as Sambo. Back in 1938, it was developed on the basis of certain types of other martial arts.

In modern Russia, there are several mixed fights.they are lagging behind in the development of the same America, where MMA has grown into something like a cult, which every year more and more people of all different ages, color, sex and religion worship. But at the same time, it is worth noting the enormous contribution to the development of this sport by Fedor Emelianenko, who, together with his brother and M-1 director Vadim Finkelstein, develop this type in the Russian Federation. Thanks to these people, in September 2012, the Ministry of Sport officially recognized the MMA, and at the same time the Union of MMA of Russia was created.

MMA in the world and the Russian Federation

It's no secret that Mixed Martial Arts withevery day is gaining more and more popularity across the planet and Russia, in particular. Some experts say that this type of martial arts takes its origin long before our era, but, in principle, there is some truth in this, because the gladiators of Ancient Rome owned all possible (at that time) fighting techniques.

The appearance of this type of meeting in the ring allowedcompletely oust the fighting without rules. It's no secret that virtually every second fighter of mixed martial arts came to this sport after street "handicraft" fights, in which almost everything is allowed.

mixed martial arts tournament


Смешанные единоборства Bellator – это an American organization that holds tournaments under its auspices. The winner is determined by the Olympic scheme. Weight categories are very diverse, and the struggle for the championship belt is even among the women.

Founder of the organization "Mixed Martial ArtsBellator "Bjorn Rebni. From its inception to modern times, the company is based in Newport Beach. Tournaments from this association are held every year and have a name - "seasons". The events from this organization are quite popular and spectacular, you can often see not only an interesting fight, but also a lot of newcomers, who will give a good account of themselves and later become world-famous champions. But such tournaments are not only an opportunity to start for beginners, but also competitions with professional fighters.

mixed martial arts

Top 10 best fighters

10. Rickson Gracie - Brazil. Over 400 victories in various martial arts.

9. Frank Shamrock is an excellent combat technique. He returned to the professional ring after a 7-year hiatus.

8. Chuck Liddell - “Ice” - due to his knockout blow, he often finished fights ahead of schedule.

7. Mirko Fillipovich - “Cro Cop” - in addition to the championship in MMA, was a kickboxing champion in the K-1 rules.

6. Matt Hughes - “Kid” - for ten years raised the belt of the absolute welterweight champion over himself.

5. Kazushi Sakuraba - developed a unique style, thanks to which he managed to emerge victorious in many fights.

4. Randy Couture - "Natural." Member of the UFC Hall of Fame and five-time heavyweight champion.

3. Wanderlei Silva - "The murderer with an ax." Fully justifies his nickname thanks to early victories over recognized champions.

2. Antonio Rodrigo Nogueira - “Minotaur” - has the unique ability to take a lightning and successful counterattack after the strike taken upon himself. Master of the pain techniques.

1. Fedor Emelianenko. The best champions and fighters of the world tried to crush the Russian athlete. On account of 2 losses and 5 years of unconditional victories.


Weight categories

Weight, kg)English category namename of category
up to 57FlyweightLightest weight
57 - 61BantamweightLightest weight
61 - 66FeatherweightFeather-weight
66 - 70LightweightA light weight
70 - 77WelterweightLightweight
77 - 84MiddleweightAverage weight
84 - 93Light heavyweightLight heavyweight
93 - 120HeavyweightHeavy weight
from 120Super heavyweightHeavyweight

Clothing fighters

If we talk about clothes that allowmixed martial arts, fighters have the opportunity to go to the standoff in shorts (as for men). The use of kimono is also prohibited. This is a necessary measure, which is taken in order to exclude the possibility of a choke collar and at the same time reduce the advantage of the fighters that go into battle without outerwear. For women, together with the shorts are used and special sports bras.

mixed martial arts bellator


Для бойца принципиален каждый бой, но больше all responsibility lies on his shoulders when a tournament is held. Mixed martial arts imply a set of rules that you must obey. For example, special pads are worn on the hands, in which the fingers are free. These "cue ball" is much thinner than the same boxing gloves, because of which each punch can be decisive. And the lining, in turn, reduces the risk of dissection.

The time period for all battles is often reduced to 3 rounds of 5 minutes each. As for the title fights, their number increases to 5.

It should be noted that some of the rules in different countries have several differences, but almost everywhere prohibited are:

  • finger attack unprotected places;
  • bites;
  • finger grip;
  • blows to the spine, groin, neck and throat;
  • pokes in the eyes.

mixed martial arts fighters

End of battle

There are several options for ending the fight:

1. Voluntary surrender, when the fighter himself makes it clear to the referee who serves the meeting that he refuses to continue the fight. This can be done verbally, or you can knock on your opponent or mate.

2. In the case of a knockout (KO), when the opponent is unconscious or is unable to continue the fight (as decided by the referee).

3. A technical knockout (TKO) may be made in case of a request to stop a fight (for example, by a coach) or the inability of a fighter to continue a fight. This can be done by the doctor, the corner second or the referee.

4. By decision of the judges.

This is how battles happen.Mixed martial arts are very interesting, and better to see once than hear a hundred times. There are cases when even girls, who by their nature are very gentle and vulnerable, plunge into watching a duel and forget about everything. Therefore, at least once, but it is worth to visit such an event. As in ancient Rome, the people are asking for the same - bread and circuses!