/ / How to learn to jump high? How high jump in basketball

How to learn to jump high? How high jump in basketball

How to learn to jump high? Every basketball player asks himself this question. Watching the game, we wonder: how can you jump so high? It seems that athletes can fly.

how to learn to jump high

A good jump is the key to success in the game.

Jump increase is important for any player.- whether it be basketball, handball or volleyball. A high jump gives many possibilities: you can get away from the opponent, make a throw easier, defend yourself when throwing an opponent, take a pick. Undoubtedly, this is a trump card in the game, so all the guys want to know how high to jump in basketball.

Kinds of jumps

how high jump in basketball

First you need to deal with basic concepts.In a game like basketball, it is customary to distinguish 2 types of jumps: from one leg and from two. The first can be done while performing a double step, the second is usually done from the spot or with a jump. It is believed that a jump with one foot is always higher, as it is performed after movement. The fact is that performing a jump after a double step, the player thus transforms the energy of running into the energy of a jump. As for the jump from the spot, you cannot jump high with one leg, but with two feet - yes. Of course, a jump even from two legs will be higher if you make it not from your seat, but, as in the first case, from a jump (transferring the energy of horizontal movement into vertical). However, each player decides for himself which type to apply in a particular case or episode. You need to be able to jump quickly and sharply to the maximum height.

how higher jump in height

Developed muscles - good jump

When performing a jump involved manybody muscles. They are divided into three groups: femoral, dorsal and gastrocnemius. They must be strong and enduring, since the jumping ability of the player depends on them. To the question "How to learn to jump high?" The answer is only one: "Develop the muscles."To increase the jump, you need not only to pump these muscle groups with the help of various exercises, but also to use them together: to work out the jumps that are used in the game. Any player wonders how to jump higher. There are many different exercises that will help increase the jump.

Muscle pumping and high jump

As noted earlier, for a good jumpit is necessary not only to download individual muscles, but also to use all of them simultaneously. To do this, perfect squatting with a barbell, tilts for the back and step-up for calves. Simulation of a game episode in the classroom, performing various jumps involves all muscle groups at once. It can be increased only in the case of ongoing training. To achieve good results, you need to jump with all his strength, as if to defend himself from the enemy. Rapid jumps really add height to the jump. Doing exercises to jump higher, you need to pay attention to the simulation of the game situation (do a lot of repetitions). A good result depends on the desire of the player and the capabilities of his body. Only constant training will give a positive result. The main thing is to combine jumping and muscle pumping.

Nothing will work without rest

exercises to jump higher

Нельзя забывать еще об одном очень важном moment, namely - the rest of the muscles. First of all it concerns the back of the lower leg. Usually between workouts do 1-2 days break, but it happens that this is not enough. Need more time to recover. Often this is because the calves do some work the next day, for example, walking. Therefore, it takes a little more time for the muscles to recover. In the absence of rest (regular workouts), the muscles go into a stage of constant overstrain. Of course, there are pluses, since the download increases their endurance, but, unfortunately, the height of the jump will not increase.

What then to do? How to learn to jump high?First of all, you need to properly plan workouts and games to give your muscles rest and time to recover. This does not mean that it is necessary to completely redraw the training schedule of the whole team. Every person who wants to increase the height of the jump should know that a week without loads on the calves can bring a very good result. It often happens that after a trip to the sea the ball falls out of the hands, it does not get into the ring, but what kind of jumps! Muscles are rested and ready for new training. Believe me, it's worth it!

Exercises for high jumps and not only

We must pay tribute to the special programsdesigned to increase jump. Some offer to perform various exercises, not taking into account the individual characteristics of the player, the basketball schedule, as well as the current height of the jump. Below are a few exercises that contain useful information about what to do to jump higher.

First, before any training you needto warm up your muscles properly, so to speak, adjust them for effective work. Rising on the socks - a great exercise for the calf. The advantage is that it can be performed in a completely different way: on the wall in the hall or on the stairs. The most important thing to do is to lift the body with the calf muscles. Approaches can be alternated: on the right foot, on the left and on the two. It will be enough for one approach per leg (for one approach, 20 repetitions).

Another very effective exercise issquatting with dumbbells or a barbell, i.e. there should be extra weight. You can also wear weights and train in them. They are good at helping develop dexterity, coordination and speed in the game. But their excessive use will damage the knee and ankle joints.

what to do to jump higher

So, we found out that the jump is one of the maincomponents of the individual skills of each player. To increase it, you need to upload all involved muscles, but each separately. In training to work out the types of jumps. Some programs are not completely developed as needed, so they need to be adapted to their own training scheme, taking into account all the nuances. And, of course, in no case do not forget about the rest. Follow all these rules and the question of how to learn to jump high, will no longer bother you - you will become a true master.