Zhereh is a typical predatory representative.carp family. He has many names - grip, whiteness, sheresper, horse. This is not the whole list of names that our fishermen call this powerful beautiful fish. Zherekh prefers to keep the river channels and reaches on the reservoirs, dwelling in the upper and middle horizons. It leads a solitary life, and only in the period of spawning in spring or when it comes to wintering pits it forms small flocks. Juveniles feed on small crustaceans and insect larvae in the first year. And only reaching a length of five to nine centimeters, she begins to eat small fish.
general information
Жерех является исключительно дневным хищником.He feeds several times a day. The main food of this representative carp are small fish and large insects that fall into the water. Catching asp is carried out on spinning, fly fishing or a ship, as well as in the wiring with long-life bait.
At the same time, not every angler manages to pull outthis powerful representative of the carp family. The fact is that he has excellent eyesight, and therefore can easily notice a person on the shore. And if this fish feels something suspicious, it never takes the bait. It is considered the most productive to catch asp in the summer, after spawning. From June to August, this prey can be fished in the daytime. Best of all, she pecks in the summer in the morning. In the afternoon the most successful will be catching asp in spring. During the spawning period, this fish does not feed, but after a few days after spawning, it starts eating a real zhor. At this time, the best catching of the asp on spinning and trolling and live bait was justified.
Fishing features
Going fishing, lover of quiet huntingYou must always know in advance where the most promising places are located, in which this predator prefers to keep in a specific water body. Without this, catching asp will never be effective. It does not make sense to even dream about his capture, not to mention catching. First of all, beginners should know this. They mistakenly believe that they can catch fish by throwing tackle anywhere.
Жерех является рыбой теплолюбивой.He feels good only in warm regions. It is there that its large populations are observed. In reservoirs, where the asp is found, it denotes the places in which it constantly feeds. And it is in these areas and is the most effective catch of asp. In the cooler months - in March, April, October and November - this fish descends to the near-bottom horizons. Catching asp in these periods is complicated by the fact that the prey does not show any obvious activity, without giving out its presence on the surface of the reservoir. However, experienced fishermen successfully hunt large rivers on it with spinning. For example, even in October, catching the asp on the Volga can become very productive.
The best fishing time
Starting in early June, when thisCarp representative has already spawned, and until the very end of August, he actively comes across various fishing gear. And catching asp in large bodies of water can take place from early morning until late evening, since this fish at night, unlike many predators that feed only at night, rests. In search of fry, it swims fairly long distances.
The fact that this fish feeds, you can even learnfrom a considerable distance. This is explained by the fact that first the asp suppresses its prey, and then swallows. After hitting the predator's powerful tail in the water, the small fish lose orientation for a few seconds. This is for the asp - a great option, because in this case it does not need to pursue the prey. Experienced anglers at this moment throw the bait in this place. Asp, taking her for fry, attacks. And then getting him on the hook is inevitable.
The most common gear
Asp fishing takes place in various ways:with the use of spinning, float tackle, overlapping or bombing. Every angler uses the gear he is used to. And yet the most common is fishing for asp on spinning. Most avid lovers of “quiet hunting” consider this method the most effective. Of course, baits play an important role. It is on artificial bait that the most effective catch of asp from the shore passes. In this case, the wiring should be carried out as plausibly as possible, otherwise the predator is unlikely to respond to the bait. This may sound rather strange, but the asp perfectly distinguishes the artificial fish from the living. Therefore, the angler will have to try as much as possible that he pecked.
Less used gear
Classical fishing for asps on large bodies of water is very effective with the use of long-range equipment and heavy lures.
This predator is caught and on the usual floatfishing rod But this tackle is often used by experienced anglers who know the habits of predatory fish well. Catching asp from shore to bait without experience is ineffective. Less popular are methods such as overlapping or bombarding. These tackles from the angler require certain skills. True, bombing fishing has a number of certain advantages. Actually, it represents the same float fishing rod. But she has one significant difference. Her float has an increased weight. This allows the angler to throw the tackle over long distances, while not particularly disturbing the prey. With the bombardment, the bait can be easily brought to the most promising place, and it is not noticeable to the asp.
Spinning gear
Without a well-chosen gear and the rest of the kit for fishing, even an experienced angler can hardly count on success. The cell, or sheresper, as it is often called, is very shy and cautious.
Therefore, he rarely lets people close. To get to the place of hunting for this predator, it is often necessary to make ultra-long casts.
Чтобы рыбалка была результативной, нужно особое attention is given to the selection of spinning. It should have a powerful “sentry” rod that allows you to throw weighty lures eighty or a hundred meters, and even further in some water bodies. Therefore, the range is the main requirement for spinning on the asp. It is very important to choose a gear that matches the required parameters. The length of the spinning should range from 2.74 to 3.34 meters. The test should be selected up to 40-50, and sometimes up to 60 g. The spinning stitch should be close to parabolic, and the rings should be taken reinforced, with a large diameter.
Coil requirements
It is better to use this component of equipment inertiale, the size will be 3000-4000.
Главное, чтобы она идеально балансировала со spinning, otherwise the angler will get tired very quickly, working with such bulky tackle. Moreover, it is desirable to select a high-speed inertia-free coil in order to easily perform fast wiring closer to the surface of the water.
The best bait
При ловле жереха на спиннинг используются almost all existing artificial nozzles. It can be either wobblers or rotating and oscillating lures, or silicone baits. All of them must meet the same requirement: to have considerable weight, so that they can be thrown as far as possible. This is due to the fact that mining has excellent vision. This predator notices almost everything that is done on the shore. Therefore, it is very important that the fishing of the asp be carried out in perfect silence as far as possible, otherwise even the slightest movements of a person on the shore will immediately be fixed to them.
The best spinning baits on the sheresperThere are considered a sinking wobbler, on which it is possible to catch large specimens, large oscillators and rippers, a castemaster, which is considered by experienced anglers to be a very effective option for spinners, as well as turntables and devons. Since it feeds on fish fry, it is better to use nozzles that resemble a small bleak or a sprouts.
Fishing asp on spinning
Чаще всего шереспер охотится в верхних слоях воды.You can calculate it by the sound that this fish makes. When the asp hits its tail in the water, stunning its prey, it feels as if a large board has been slapped on the surface of the reservoir. Examining the place of hunting of this fish, experienced anglers wait for its next sortie to offer bait. The most likely places for a bite on a river are considered to be areas where calm and fast water flows intersect. The most important stage in catching Sheresper on spinning is the posting of spinners. It should be uniform and fast enough. And since this is not easy to do, many anglers use intermittent posting.
The speed depends on the behavior of the asp:the predator is more active, the quicker it is to act. In the afternoon, when catching a sheresper on a spinning harness, it is necessary to conduct it closer to the surface, whereas in the second half of the day it is better to move to the middle horizons of the water.
Tips experienced spinningists
Поклевки жереха в различных водоемах и в разное The time of year is different. The most favorable is the smooth broach, after which the fish, easily hooked, is dug out. There are cases when an unexpected bite is followed by a powerful blow or jerk. And immediately after this, the cutting is made more difficult, and the prey breaks down. The nature of the bite depends primarily on the side with which the asp takes the bait. In many cases, he swallows the bait horizontally, less often - vertically. However, it is very close to the surface of the water and perfectly sees what is happening around. Therefore, spinningists have to mask themselves in the bushes.
Winter fishing asp
Sheresper is considered quite difficult to catchfish even in warm weather. But in winter it is even more difficult to fish asp, especially from ice. In those reservoirs that do not freeze, this fish has all the habits that are characteristic of it at other times of the year. In such rivers and lakes, winter asp, unlike many other underwater inhabitants, does not even slip into wintering pits. He is more and more trying to keep on the middle horizon, where he successfully hunts a small fish that has been gnawed or brought down by a strong current. Asp winter fishing is quite effective on spinning.
In the freezing waters of the same he goes into winteringpits. Sometimes it does not show activity at all, therefore only occasionally comes across in by-catch, which is always an unexpected surprise for a fisherman. Most often, fishing for asps in winter is carried out by the method of steep glitter. In this case, thin purlure baits are used, their appearance strongly resembles the bleak of the sheresper. The color of the spoon should be silver or metallic.
The bilateral silver ones also show themselves well.bait or large mormyshki with replanting fry. When fishing on ice, it is better to use a bleak or a top layer, although many instead of these fish cling to sprat, purchased in the store. During the catching of asp in the process of posting the mormyshki or spinners should try to create a cloud of turbidity at the bottom. To do this, you need to knock the bait on the ground in the lower horizon. Zhereh, taking such a reception for a fry, swarming in the silt, immediately rushes to the potential victim and grabs the bait.