/ / Soy isolate: what is it and what does it eat?

Soy isolate: what is it and what does it eat?

In sports nutrition for a long time already used protein isolate. What is it is known to almost every athlete. This food supplement, rich in protein, is used in sports for rapid muscle growth.

Modern technologies have reached such a level,that they are able to extract protein from products containing it. This is done by filtration, since the protein molecules are the largest among their counterparts: fats and carbohydrates. The resulting mass is dried, turned into a powder and actively used as a food additive.

The most known whey protein, but soy isolate is often unnecessarily ignored.

Protein in sports nutrition

isolate what it is

During strength training in the muscles are formedmicrocracks. For the restoration of tissues and their maximum growth, dietary supplements with high protein content are used. The fact is that 10-15 minutes after the training a "protein-carbohydrate window" opens, which will successfully close the isolate. What it is? This is the period when the body absorbs protein as much as possible, which goes into the growth of muscle mass.

Well-established among athletesprotein isolate also because it is easy to use. It is enough to dilute the necessary dose of the powder in water, juice or milk, beat in a shaker or blender, and a delicious cocktail is ready for use.

Soy isolate: indications for use

Isolate is simply necessary for those who want fastto gain muscle mass. It is optimal for athletes during the drying period. Those who want to lose weight and maintain a new form, too, will help the protein. The fact that for its assimilation and muscle growth requires a lot of energy, which the body will draw from the fat deposits, that is, where the muscle grows, fat is burned.

soy isolate

Protein isolates are mainly made fromserum. However, they are not suitable for those who have lactose intolerance, an allergy to animal protein, as well as kidney disease. For vegetarians, as well as those who observe strict fasting, soy isolate is an excellent alternative to conventional protein products of animal origin.

Dethronement of myths about soy isolate

At the moment, the soy supplement is not the mostpopular isolate. Reviews about it are quite contradictory. This is due to the fact that many people with the word "soy" have an association "genetically modified". The fact that soybeans in recent years has become one of the most common products of GMOs has badly damaged her reputation, which has evolved over the centuries. Residents of East Asia have been using for a long time in the daily diet soy products and have always been famous for their excellent health. The nutritional value of soy is high due to the large number of vitamins and trace elements. In addition, it is one of the best quality meat substitutes.

They question the use of a food supplement because ofestrogen, which supposedly enter the isolate. What it is? Estrogens are female sex hormones. In soy is contained isoflavones, the so-called phytohormones. However, for the preparation of the isolate, all unnecessary substances are removed, including isoflavones. So the reproaches that the soy nutritional supplement may have a negative effect on male potency are baseless.

Also there is an opinion that soy isolate is poorly digested due to the so-called antinutrients included in its composition. Manufacturers of food additives have also removed from its composition similar substances.

In fact, the only drawback of soy isolate is that it is inferior in the amount of protein content to other isolates.

Advantages of soy isolate

protein isolate

First of all, the buyer is attracted by the pricesoy sports nutrition, since it is much lower than other isolates. As mentioned above, soya is highly purified from ballast substances in the preparation of the concentrate. What are the useful substances left in the composition?

  • Antioxidants. They successfully fight free radicals and are an excellent prevention of cancer.
  • Fatty Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids, which prevent the appearance of plaques on the vessels and reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Fiber effectively cleanses the intestines from toxins, improves metabolism, and also promotes weight loss.
  • Lecithin, which stands guard over the health of the whole organism, is an invariable participant in metabolic processes in the cell membrane.

In addition, the composition of soy is composed of substances,capable of removing radionuclides and heavy metal ions from the body. The absence of gluten protein also highlights the benefits of protein isolate. After all, this protein is the cause of allergy in many people.

isolate reviews

How to use

Soy isolate is recommended to be used in the morning,to make up for the stock of amino acids lost per night. You can also replace one of the snacks with this protein cocktail. Before training, the isolate will help the muscles to work more effectively during force loads, then - restore the muscles, closing the "protein-carbohydrate window".

Soya food additive is a universal isolate.What is it, we have already found out, and now we will consider, "with what it is eaten". From the isolate you can not only make cocktails, but also add it to food. All desserts that are allowed in a sports diet, with the help of this food additive will not only be tasty, but also extremely useful.